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So fricken burnt out.... (exams)

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Just 18 hours before my final exam and I can barely retain anything I've been reading for the past day. Just my brain is overworked and just doesn't want to work anymore.

Anyways, who else is done/almost done exams? How'd they go?

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Only did three units, got my results back a few days ago

2 credits
1 distinction

Good for me because I don’t do large amounts so work and I am a serial crammer.

(just finished 2nd year of university)


I finished mine yesterday (that was Friday, right?). For all the build-up, they were incredibly easy.

Piano pedagogy - no final.

Symphonic band - no final.

Piano - Jury, which went very well. I played Mozart and Schoenberg, and I won second prize.

Chemistry - hardest one, all Scantron. She ran the tests and gave us our final grades 2 hours later! I did better than I expected.

Health - 100 questions, Scantron, almost all on previous tests already.

Speech - 11 questions, 9 multiple choice, 2 short answer about the class.

Counterpoint - Brought my 29-bar, 3-voice fugue, played it for the class with Finale 2004 and listened to the rest of the class do the same.
The musical stuff sounds awesome.. is it true that it's never to late to learn shit like this? I bought a piano recently... guess my most wanted answer...

What are all you guys doing in general? In the UK, I've gone past GCSE (high school level qualifications), and BTEC-A-Level qualifications (College)... I'm now on a year out from University (Degree level).... working and getting drunk/miserable in other words.


radioheadrule83 said:
The musical stuff sounds awesome.. is it true that it's never to late to learn shit like this? I bought a piano recently... guess my most wanted answer...

No, it's never too late. Guys like me who have been doing it since they were 6 definitely have a leg up, though, because any musical instrument is hard at first and kids have more time to dedicate to it than adults do, they're easier to motivate, easier to appease... but an adult who puts the same effort in will see the same or better results.


In biochem I had...

Microbiology - pretty easy, only worth 30% though

Spectroscopy - A class where a large amount of people fail, I did pretty well and the final went pretty smoothly. This one ran smoothest.

Drug Design - fricken DEVIL itself. 65%, 65 marks, all 1 and 2 mark questions. Some questions were 1 mark and were only 2 word answers... some were 1 mark and required a paragraph, no rhyme or reason to the marking. Questions which no one knew how to do cause we never learned how to do. Worst part is....

DNA Diagnostics - Same prof with Drug Design... and it's the one I got tomorrow. It's probably gonna be superhard like that one, and she said she was gonna mark hard too. 60%, which is slightly better. I'm worried though cause I think I'm just gonna forget it all before the test.

Exam time I start to fall apart. Shivers, sickness, sleeplessness... The only way I get through this time of year is just saying to myself over and over "It'll be over before I know it". It will... oh GOD let it be over!


Count of Concision
Damn EakeLarth, that sounds grueling... :(

At least you're nearing the home-stretch, though! :)

We're doing NMR spectroscopy and dabbling in mass and IR in organic chem, but I can't fathom taking an entire intensive course about them. :lol Glad to hear you did well.

As for myself, I had my genetics final yesterday (fook j0o, lac operon! :p), and have my psych on tuesday, and my organic and physics on thursday. I can't wait for the 24th...:p


Loki said:
Damn EakeLarth, that sounds grueling... :(

At least you're nearing the home-stretch, though! :)

We're doing NMR spectroscopy and dabbling in mass and IR in organic chem, but I can't fathom taking an entire intensive course about them. :lol Glad to hear you did well.

As for myself, I had my genetics final yesterday (fook j0o, lac operon! :p), and have my psych on tuesday, and my organic and physics on thursday. I can't wait for the 24th...:p

Ahh EakeLarth, that takes me back.... about 2 months ago.

Anyways, yeah the course isn't so bad, but he just puts so much into the theory behind things, but it's pointless because you dont really need to know 90% of it. Test time comes around, you just have to assign peaks (for the most part). Sounds easy, but then again the second midterm's average was 45%.

And... WHOA, two on the 23rd? That's fricken criminal.

EDIT - I don't want to go to bed. Cause when I wake up I know I'll have to do deal with it.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I finished thursday; still feeling burnt out from all the crap I've had to do over the past few weeks. I had a bunch of papers to write, two group papers to write (and the two freshman I was stuck with did a terrible job), an oral presentation in Japanese that I had to do while SICK, and then my finals.

This was hopefully my last semester; we STILL can't figure out if I'm okay if I get a D in a particular class to be able to graduate. (Some signs say it's fine and that it doesn't even matter what the grade is as long as I took the class since it isn't part of my major, I have more than enough hours needed to graduate even without it, etc.) I didn't go to the actual ceremony, which was today, and you'd think the college would send me some sort of notification if I can't graduate and have to retake the class (which would SUCK so BAD), but that's just how fucked up Georgia State is. :\ I heard that graduating students are supposed to get their grades early, but that didn't happen.I can't relax until I know I'm okay and am finally done with school.


Count of Concision
LakeEarth said:
And... WHOA, two on the 23rd? That's fricken criminal.

Eh, I don't even mind having two exams on the same day, to be honest-- last fall I had molecular/cell bio, plant physiology, calculus, and chemistry on the same day. I could've asked for an exemption since I had four in one day-- which is the only time you can get one at my uni, since three finals in one day is apparently ok with them-- but I figured I should just get it over with. :p Needless to say, I came home and passed out for about the next 13 hours. :D

It's just the fact that it's THOSE two particular exams that's killing me lol. :p


Yeah, Phys Chem is the devil. I'm glad I never have to deal with that again.

4 in one day, that's just fucking mad man. One time they stupidly set up 3 of my requirments on the same day, so I just left microbiology for this year when I was registering. I try my best not to even have two on the same day.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Last semester I had 4 exams in 2 days, my head hurt afterwards.

The four were

Invertebrate Zoology
Plant Pathology
Religion, Ritual and Rites of passage

Started first thing 10am Thursday finished like 9pm Friday.

The good thing about having exams so close to each other is you learn how to use your time efficiently.


I showed up for my Film exam a day late. They rescheduled exams earlier in the semester; I guess I was out that day. So yeah, sitting in an empty classroom was embarrassing. My professor was kind enough to let me take 2 out of the 3 sections of the final; I ended up with a B+ in the class. Fortunately for me, the film project was most of the course grade.


Just got done with my last exam today and boy was it brutal.

I overworked, underslept, and crammed in such a ridiculous fashion this entire week that my brain shut down yesterday, and I didn't even try to study for this supposedly easy exam. As per usual, my timing sucks and this exam turned out to be the one to study for. I'm almost sure I got a D+ on the damn thing, and I really really needed a B or higher for GPA and "stay enrolled in school" purposes.


Jim Bowie

I did very poorly on my astronomy final. I bombed the astronomy part, but I got all of the cosmology stuff. So, in universal terms, I know all of the questions, but none of the answers. :D


God I can't study anymore. The last 2 lectures are 120 fricken slides long and it's full of the worst Engrish you'll ever see. Worst off, the last 3 lectures have to do with gene therapy, and at the beginning of each one there's this chart helping organize what we are learning... and at the top of this slide, everytime lies the words "Before a gene therapy..."

I swear those words will haunt my soul for all eternity!


The worst is when you have all of your exams together and then a long stretch and then your last exam. It's just hard to get back into studying :\

On top of that my friends are telling me how bored they are... great. (They finished a week ago).


im studying for econ stats right now....going to be cramming for econ 320 later...

Finished geographies of third world development test on friday, that was kind of easy, due to the fact he gave us the questions before hand. History of Jazz test was kind of a bitch due to the fact he gave a Coltraine listening while omitting Coltraine - wtf is that shit...and my stats is probably gonna be my hardest test - which doesnt say much cause its all pretty simple. I finished my swahili final paper last week, which counts as the final exam itself. So all in all Im pretty good. Looking forward to goin home tuesday and having a good chrizzmazz
Two more for me. Should be decent.

Econ357 (mostly cost benefit and public policy type stuff, with an environmental spin to it), and some history bird course.


Draff said:
The worst is when you have all of your exams together and then a long stretch and then your last exam. It's just hard to get back into studying :\

On top of that my friends are telling me how bored they are... great. (They finished a week ago).
Happened to me in first year with physics. Worst off, I got a Gamecube the day after my second to last exam, and I was like "I got 5 days, I don't need to study right away!" Lets just say I had to pull an all-nighter 5 days later.


pollo said:
im studying for econ stats right now....going to be cramming for econ 320 later...

Finished geographies of third world development test on friday, that was kind of easy, due to the fact he gave us the questions before hand. History of Jazz test was kind of a bitch due to the fact he gave a Coltraine listening while omitting Coltraine - wtf is that shit...and my stats is probably gonna be my hardest test - which doesnt say much cause its all pretty simple. I finished my swahili final paper last week, which counts as the final exam itself. So all in all Im pretty good. Looking forward to goin home tuesday and having a good chrizzmazz

Is Econs 320 = Intermediate Micro Economics? I'm majoring in Econs btw... and the wierd thing is that Econs modules pull down my GPA every single term.


I'm burnt out too. I have two left. One tommorrow, one tuesday. Both my hardest exams (computer architecture 3 and Digital Image Processing). They're my last finals of my final semester (so motivation is at all-time low), and I've been sick. Urgggh....


"Edge stole Big Ben's helmet"
Just got home from school yesterday, my finals week was totally bogus. Six tests in 5 days, luckily only three were cumulative. I basically spent the entire week in the HUB (PSU student union) and slept. It sucked. This is how they went though.

Monday - BA 301 Finance - Did pretty well, which is a good thing considering it's my major. Probably the easiest test of the semester in there.

Tuesday - The Science of Hearing Loss - Now if this isn't a bullshit gym class I don't know what is. The final was an essay test, but it wasn't very hard.

COMM 150 Movies in society - This class would have been awesome if the teacher didn't suck. I aced the final.

Wednesday - BA 304 Management - Easy on this one.

Thursday - IB 303 International Business - This class was kind of hard but I got a good grade on all the tests so its cool.

Friday - Roman Civilization - This class rocked, really interesting. Pretty easy too.

I'm glad I'm done with that brutal schedule but it didn't turn out THAT unbearable. That's by far the most I've ever had in a week and I'm glad I know I can do it.


Gibbo said:
Is Econs 320 = Intermediate Micro Economics? I'm majoring in Econs btw... and the wierd thing is that Econs modules pull down my GPA every single term.

ec 320 = econ of developing countries. easy stuff, if your college offers it i recommend you take it for an easy A. Focuses on credit markets, labor markets, income disparities etc. etc. in the third world.


finished mine, waiting on a few grades.

psych 250 (personality psych): 95%
psych 210 (brain and the mind): 97.5%
mcb 250 (molecular genetics): still waiting, but i can't do any better than an A- in the class because i got a D on the first exam
mcb 251 (molecular genetics lab): still waiting, should be a B+ or A-
chem 104 (general chem 2): 80% should get curved to a low A as the class average was a 60%.
chem 105 (general chem lab 2): no final, got an A

so i'm guaranteed at least 7 hours of classes of A's, and the last 8 hours should be A- and B+'s.

my chem final was at the last possible final slot, 7-10pm on saturday, so i didn't really take my time or anything i kind of blew through it. well i don't think i would've gotten any more right if i had taken more time though.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I feel for you guys. I graduated in May '03 and it feels SO GOOD to be out. Just know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.


Finished my last one... and it hurt pretty bad. 60%, 60 marks, almost all the questions 1 mark each. No fricken rhyme or reason behind it. Questions I couldn't understand cause of her bad grammar. I can't believe I went in with a 94% and might leave with a 70% or so. And I knew my stuff too, it's not like I didn't study or understand the material. Fuck it.


American Govt.-A
Basic Conditioning-B (too many missed days)

Just finished my undergraduate with a 3.1 gpa.

I need help choosing a major now. I want to get into the U.S. Marshalls with a criminal justice degree, but now i'm told from these two SWAT guys at my gym that don't get your bachelors in CJ. They said it's a waste of time, and really didn't do anything for them. They said go for a business degree.


needs to show more effort.
finished friday

didn't have a test but I had a final animation project due during the week which turned out pretty damn good. I'm happy about that.

I got assraped by my operatins systems final (45%, average was like 60% I think) but I had done well enough in the semester to still pull out the B

programming languages (Ocaml is one funky ass language) went pretty smoothly, don't have my grade but I expect the A.

Software engineering... I don't know... I could get an A+, a C-, or anythign inbetween and not even blink.

philosophy... haha... that doesn't even count.
Physics 171(Mechanics and special Relativity for Phsyics majors)...pretty easy, got one question wrong that i know of. Ended up with an A in the class so it's no sweat.

Math141(Calc II)-This one was tough. All the function problems were cake, but the series stuff was hard. Still got a B in the class though.

Psyc100-Thought I bombed it and got an A. Hmph. A in the class so no biggie.

Physics Lab 174- Easy.

I studied an insane amount for that Math one, and it probably helped alot, but I still wish I could go back and do it again. Some of those series questions i could get if i had a second try.

Overall I ended up with all A's and one B for the semester, so I'm sarting college with a 3.69, which for a physics major here(a school where physics IS the hardest major), that's not too bad I think.
Just finished up my exams. The way they divide up the year is in Blocks (there's 7 in total) and we just finished up number 3. Usually we have 4 main classes (Physiology, Biochem, Gross Anatomy, Histology) and a 5th clinical one. Because this block was kinda hellish, Gross dropped out so we had the other 3. Despite this, it was probably the HARDEST block we've had so far.

Physiology: Last Monday; this was hell wrapped up in a 3 1/2 hour exam. Renal, Respiratory, Acid Base, and Thermoreg physiology. I barely squeaked by with a pass on this one.

Histo: Probably the only crammable class we have, but it was still a shitload of info. Renal, Respiratory, and Integument histology. The exam was divided in two parts a written and a lab practical. The written wasn't too bad but the lab practical was killer. Luckily they're both evenly weighted, so I was able to get through it.

Biochem: Friday... ugh... so much information to retain. Out of about 550 pages of pathways to retain, I had done a pretty good job up to that point in the block of learning the material, except for a 90 page section at the beginning of the block. Thursday night, I had about a 30 minute panic attack where I was like "holy shit, I don't know this stuff; I'm gonna fail." Luckily I did better on that one then any of the others.

Clinical: Nobody really gives a shit about this class, which is kinda sad because it might prove to be the most important. NOBODY fails this class though.

I'm looking forward to this break; 2 weeks off, then back to the grind... :(



Swahili 3 - A-
Econ stats - a-
Third World Development - b+
Jazz History - B+
Econ Dev - b-

apparently i got 6 pts below the average for the final in econ dev, so i finished the sem off with a b-. Thats bull..im going to argue that with him when i come back. As for the other grades I guess i cant complain. But Econ development was my guaranteed A. Funny how stuff like that works.


CHEM 30A Intro Chem Lecture Normal Grade Rules A- 3.00

COMM 20 Public Speaking Seminar Normal Grade Rules A- 3.00

HS 1 Understand Health Lecture Normal Grade Rules A- 3.00

MUSC 104 Counterpoint Seminar Normal Grade Rules A 3.00

MUSC 130 Piano Sup Normal Grade Rules A+ 2.00

MUSC 144 Solo Lit Perf Pract Activity Normal Grade Rules A 1.00

MUSC 146A Pedagogy Piano Activity Normal Grade Rules A- 2.00

MUSC 154 Symphonic Band Activity Normal Grade Rules A 1.00

MUSC 131 Recitals Activity Credit / No Credit CR 1.00

Straight A's... I am -SO- happy. :D
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