Hammy said:
well, yeah that too.
So, can anyone explain why people who have been taking German for years will pronounce it "Neet-Chee"?
Would love to make a cocky asshole turn red. Thanks.
Based on the little German I've had, I think Neet-chuh is the correct pronunciation. Why do most of us still say Neet-chee? Probably because English speakers have been mispronouncing his name for so long that Neet-chee has become the norm. The people taking German probably know better, they just don't want to come off as pedants.
It's the same way for the name Augustine, whose correct Latin pronunciation is ow-goo-stin-A (or maybe it's not, I'm working off of some very limited knowledge of Latin). Most people, or most academics anyway, pronounce it uh-gust-in, simply because that's the way English scholars mistakenly interpreted the name centuries ago.