OA used to be a pretty funny alternative to GA, with a very select group of incredibly smart and irreverent folks baiting a bunch of ignorant authoritarian internet posers. Oh, and Opa was a much fresher brand of one-trick pony back then; he was less political and more, well, desperate. Now he's just jaded and redundant. There were some truly classic flame wars there; almost up to classic USENET standards.
Apparently, the smart folks lost, because it's almost all retards nowadays. It's a cesspit of manufactured drama from inveterate liars, self-loathing hyperconservatives, predictable invented personalities, insecure wanna-be internet tough guys/gals, and feces-flinging latchkey kids who alternate between begging for attention and screaming in shrill rage whenever their dubious manhood is called into question. Freud would love the place. It's the elephant's graveyard for your sense of perspective.
That said, it's a fun indulgence to read; it's like the first episodes of American Idol, only they're auditioning for modship or basic popularity, and not a one of them has any basic social graces.