Mr. Spinnington
Browsing Limewire, the usual, when I d/l some webcam flick. It's pretty much 7.5 minutes of this blonde girl (who looks really good, 20-something legal) just about begging a "Matt" to be in a relationship with her. You begin with the thought "In this fantasy, you're Matt, and this girl is desperate for you. Enjoy the sights and sounds", right? Well it gets disturbing about 3 minutes in once you realise this girl is obsessed with the guy. Sure if i were him I'd hit it, but that's at the risk that I can't tear ass outta there before she pulls a Cameron Diaz and wrecks me off a bridge with her ; p Talk about a turn-off. And I always wished girls would be attracted to me like this.... now I see it's semi-psycho. Except for the obvious benefit of 7 minutes of nude hotness after muting. That girly voice will forever haunt me, though ::shudder::