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So I watched Versus

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Despite the fact that the plot was pretty hard to swallow and certain things just weren't explained, this was still a really cool action movie. I just wonder if I should feel disturbed that I didn't flinch during the more grotesque scenes, like when a guy has a fist put through his head or another guy has his heart ripped out and then taken a bite out of.

The cinematography in the final fight scene was astounding. I loved the golden brown filter on the film itself, and every single piece of camera work during that entire fight was of the highest quality...the closeups of the characters' faces, the way the camera looked upward to show the rays of the sun coming in through the trees as the bad guy walked towards the good guy. (I don't think they really had names) Every part of it was just really damn cool.

My problems are all with the plot: why is the particular girl in the movie the only one with this "resurrection blood"? It's never explained. Who had her kidnapped? What was up with that tactical squad trying to kill the bad guy and then fighting by his side? Well, I understand that they came back to life and would serve him but I just don't get who they were in the first place. I also don't get how these same characters keep coming back every couple of years and still don't remember shit...unless I just pretend that they're reincarnated over and over again and for some reason the bad dude keeps wanting to get to the dark world and his memory remains intact. But I digress...

Cool fight scenes, way more style than substance, and a fine way to waste 2 hours or so.
Guy: They must have gone off down the highway or into the woods.

Warden: I was trained at the FBI Langly HQ, I'm a master profiler. They would have gone into the woods.

Guy: Great, we'll never find them in there

Warden: Don't worry, I was born in Yellowstone National Park in Canada, I'm a master tracker.

Best dialogue exchange in the whole movie. I was on the floor laughing. The warden is the best character. Apprently he's some sort of super fucking renissance man who can do anything, and has the craziest explinations as to how he learned his many talents.

Great flick. Shit plot, awesome action.


Come on, why do they have to explain why she's the only one with resurrection blood? It kinda goes without saying these days, she's the chosen one, that's that lol. There is no more to it. Neo was the one because shit happens, Blade was the chosen one, because shit happens, etc etc. As far as pulp goes, Kitamura is the man.


Versus is one of the most impressive action films I`ve ever seen, especially when you consider the miniscule budget.

I`d like too see anyone in Hollywood making such an impressive action film with a 400.000 dollars budget.

The humour is great too, lots of cool moments and characters. Brilliant film.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
i didnt like it much...was trying too hard to be cool. I really wanted to strangle the characters as soon as they appeared on screen. Some cool action sequences here and there but not much else.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I agree with Doc. I couldn't even get all the way through it.

The actions scenes weren't even that great in my opinion. The in-clone hand-to-hand stuff in particular looked pretty bad. A lot of the time, I couldn't tell whether a punch was supposed to hit someone or what because they all looked like they missed.

It should be noted that I was watching the shitty Blockbuster video rated version. If I can ever find the unrated one, I might give it a try again.
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