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So I went to the GameOn show in NYC -


- and it sucked....hard.

The Game-On part of the show was a small portion of the floor (the rest being electronics, most of which have been in stores for some time now).

Basically the floor had a few interesting unreleased games - all playable with usually a whopping 2-6 station to play on, all Xbox. They had:

Conkers Bad Fur Day
Forza Racing
Mech Assault 2
Iron Phoenix
Blinx 2 (OXM demo)
And the new Godzilla game.

The above mentioned games were behind the main playing floor which consisted of crap after crap: Crash Bandicoot, Bloodrayne 2, some destruction derby game (that wasnt THAT bad) and alot of other shitty games.

The show was kinda dead (went around 5pm), with the same 10 kids hogging the good games like Conkers and MA2. Vivendi was there with Fight Club and Bards Tale. Sega showed one game, an FPS called DarkWatch which looked really...blurry.

Other than that, the show was pretty much a bust IMO - I was not expecting E3 or anything, but still - a disappointment.

Any one else make it to the show?

BTW - Conkers and MA2 looked awesome - Conker in particular, the graphics are REALLY good. Forza had that sharp/jaggie PC look going for it, but still looked nice. Iron Phoenix looks intersting, they had 4 players fighting at once - i was hoping to see more tho (i thought it was suppose to handle 16 or some shit... Godzilla looked like the last game. And Blinx is the new Halo killer :p


Unconfirmed Member
Shock as small game show turns out to be rubbish

New York's a nice place man. Go shopping or something. But a massive sandwhich? Smoke outdoors - the world's your oyster! :)


What are u talkin about...you had a great time!



Shock as small game show turns out to be rubbish

New York's a nice place man. Go shopping or something. But a massive sandwhich? Smoke outdoors - the world's your oyster!

Yea yea - I know all that - I actually live here. But I feel sorry for anyone travelling to see this show. :)

I pity the fools.
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