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So, now that Guerrero is injured, how screwed is Smackdown?

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First tragedy, then farce.
So, it looks like Bradshaw hurt Eddie in the cage this week.. pulled his hammy, people backstage say it may be serious.

What are they going to do? Put the strap on taker and not turn him heel? Push Cena to the ME? Break up one of their few tag teams (but who, Haas? One of the Dudleys? Nothing there seems to work).

Who else do they have? They could turn booker face and push him. Kurt is too far heel to go face any time soon. Rey Rey and RVD are never going to get pushed.

Smackdown has been teetering for a while now, and their talent is so thin they were one big injury away from being screwed big time... at least on Raw if Benoit goes back down they have 4 or 5 people they could give a push without even giving them a face turn...

note: Rikishi got the boot today.

double Note: RVD and Jamie Noble got back injuries in Japan this weekend and are day to day... eddie worked in Japan, but was put in the ring with taker, and it seems he didnt do much in ring at all.. so I guess the taker push is on... and they could allways go Cena/Angle at summerslam instead of Eddie since that was the push anyway.


the only thing that can save smackdown is if they give more creative control to paul heyman and get that belt the fuck away from bradshaw's lame ass


weird thing is that I'm finding Smackdown to be a bit better than what it was for the past two months now that Bradshaw is champion.



First tragedy, then farce.
Guzim said:
weird thing is that I'm finding Smackdown to be a bit better than what it was for the past two months now that Bradshaw is champion.


Im actually with you on this one. I think Bradshaw has turned into a great heel, and turning out to be a good champ (Its allways fun to have someone that you want to see beaten really badly). The match quality is also improving.. the only thing I can say is that they need less sportz entertainment endings to the matches, way too much interference (Raw is the same way, I dont mind stories setting up good matches, but I hate when the matches are used to set up stories).

My only other complaint is they are actually setting up genuine heat right now (Dudleys vs Heyman since he is trying to blame everything done to taker on them), Cena vs Angle, Eddie vs Bradshaw and Haas vs Angles big ugly assistant.. they have pretty good heat in those areas (plus I heard the Diva's are getting canned and moved to Raw where the womens title is, which will be a better fit) but they ignore it. Right now it looks like the Dudleys are more concerned about turning spike heel than Heyman selling them down the river, Angle is going to fight Eddie (or was), and Bradshaw is probably going to fight taker. Not to mention, they had a very nice RVD vs Booker T feud, a nice Cena vs Dupree feud and they completely ignored them..

The show is about 10x better than it had been a few months back, and if they would start booking the obvious matches they would do much better. They just spend too much time setting up good heat to let it go to waste.


This is probably leading to Kurt Angle wanting to be the next HHH on Smackdown where he sets up his own stable.


First tragedy, then farce.
I wouldnt mind that at all actually... I think having a stable of heels that work together has worked well every time it has been tried as long as you get talent in that group that could put together a good match.

Luther and Angle are obvious.. throw in Booker T, Dupree, or JBL and you could set up a good bit of heat. Kenzo is way too much of a comedy charachter at this point to do anything with, and Haas would make a good addition (the protege of Angle) if he werent a babyface at the moment.

I think it could create alot of heat, you would still have your individual feuds (and outside feuds), but then you would have the top tier Faces working together to fight the group...


keep your strippers out of my American football
Guzim said:
weird thing is that I'm finding Smackdown to be a bit better than what it was for the past two months now that Bradshaw is champion.


Ratings have been better as well. Go figure.


First tragedy, then farce.
I think this is further proof that the IWC doesnt represent the wrestling fans on the whole..

I still think they gave London the strap to apease PWinsider :p


Bradshaw actually turned out to be an excellent heel character, but still, I think he just outright sucks too damn much in the ring to be the world champion.
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