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So Ratchet and Clank is fighting Jak and Daxter in a death battle, who would win?

So two of the best duos in gaming are finally going head to head in a death battle in a few weeks, and knowing what these guys bring to a usual fight half the time, it's going to be an interesting one! But I think some people are unfamiliar with any of the characters, so some background is order. Oh also, spoilers.:

Ratchet and Clank
It all started on a dusty old planet where we meet the last lombax in the galaxy, named Ratchet. He has finally built a ship to travel the stars and see what is out there...until he learns he needs a robotic ignition system to start the ship. In enters the small robot, Clank. A defect from a war robot factory who escapes to war the galaxy about the deadly plans of a mealomanical CEO, Drax. Basically, Clank crashes, Ratchet saves him they decide to work together to get the message out and they start an adventure that will not only cement their friendship but start their careers as heroes of the Galaxy! And no enterprising hero is without an impressive arsenal of weaponry and gadgets, and boy do these guys have it in spades!! The various guns and items are aplenty and they use these to dish out some serious destruction to save the universe. The usual weapons. The Omniwrench is Ratchet's signature wrench and melee weapon. It can be used to turn bolt cranks and whack some sense into bad guys. A weapon that has been with the duo from the first game is....the RYNO!! A devastating weapons that though went through many iterations, it's destructive power is still there! Clank is also has stuff up his sleeve such as his heli-pack, thruster pack, and hydro-pack. But the best feature of clank is his ability to turn into Giant Clank, which equips him with missiles, bombs he can chuck like a football, incredible strength and durability. The weapons, gadgets, skills and clanks features turns this duo into a powerful fighting force for good!

Now for the opposition...

Jak And Daxter

Two friends were exploring a dangerous part of their island when they come across a dark and menacing ooze known as dark eco, Jak's loudmouthed friend, Daxter took a closer look and fell into the pool and popped back out as a ottsel. Now these two need to go on a journey to find a cure for Daxter's condition and soon becomes heroes to save the world. Then time shenanagians happened and they were propelled into a futuristic world years later, things got even weirder, Jak grew a goatee, fought aliens, etc etc. Mostly through these events he used a weapon called a morph gun, which had alternate modes, from shotgun, to semi-auto rifle to minigun! Also through these adventures, Jak learned to harness the power of Eco, using it to fire powerful blasts, generate electricity and jump high. Then he acquired dark Eco, which turned him into dark Jak and gave him incredible agility, powerful melee attacks and dangerous special moves to clear out enemies in seconds. Though a powerful form, it was slowly killing him, until he found balance and acquired light Eco, which gave him the power to stop time for a few moments, fly and many others. He pretty much became a hero of the future!! Daxter on the other hand, is a wisecracking Ottsel which a souped up bug sprayer which can launch bug bombs, shoot flames and allow him limited flight. He is also equipped with a tesla swatter, a metal handle generating a field of hard electrical energy to whack the shit out of small insects.

And I know I left out some stuff and I should feel ashamed but I want to get to the point of this thread, which duo would triumph in an all out, no holds barred death battle, the Lombax and bot, or the duo from another time? Let's discuss!!


Precursor Legacy J&D? Ratchet would wipe the floor with them.

Jak 2? I still think the RYNO 2 outclasses anything Jak has. Maybe the Peacemaker.


Ratchet with his ENTIRE line up of weapons across the series? Would decimate Jak within seconds. Pull out any RYNO and BAM, Ratchet wins :).


Doesn't ratchet have access to mini nuclear weapons and shit? That would seem pretty one sided.


Ratchet has a gun that fires mini-nukes and another that creates black holes. Those are just two weapons out of the many weapons in the series (that also includes things like a gun that shoots meteors and a gun that sprays liquid nitrogen). I think R&C have it in the bag.


Ratchet and Clank have spent a lifetime traversing dangerous planets, collecting outrageous death weapons before wiping out entire species of aliens.

Jak and Daxter wander around some woods, and then eventually a scary city, collecting Easter Eggs.

What do you think?


Ratchet, because I don't consider Jak 2 and 3 cannon. If we include those then Jakbro, if he's hooked up on his dark brojuice.
Ratchet would have range on him. Yes, Jak does have ranged weapons but, not to the degree of Ratchet's honestly ridiculous arsenal. Depends on the terrain too I guess. Despite Daxter being [REDACTED because of spoilers] I don't know if that could help at long distances.

Up close Jak might have the advantage as Dark Jak.

More or less though Ratchet.

EDIT: Someone mentioned the RYNO. Yeah, Ratchet could literally turn Jak to dust before he got close.


Considering all the elements you gave us...
ToeJam and Earl.

...is the right answer

I don't know, I mean, if we're including
Light Eco Jak
then he can literally slow down time at will. That's the only way I honestly think that Jak has a chance.


I don't know, I mean, if we're including
Light Eco Jak
then he can literally slow down time at will. That's the only way I honestly think that Jak has a chance.

If Clank has the chronoscepter then he can slow down time as well. I think the two abilities would pretty much cancel each other out.
It's been a while, but I remember Up your Arsenal having insane weapons and I don't even know what the Future games had.

Ugh, it just reminds me I've been slacking on the series.
Rachet would fight a resourceful battle against Jak's dark and light forms, just manage to get him in a position to land a killing blow, then Jak would say his mother's name


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
Ratchet & Clank wins. Ratchet wields a spectacular arsenal of weapons, that Jak can't match. Clank is a genius and would outsmart Daxter easily.


Hand to hand combat Jak takes it tho weaponry wise ratchet bodies him the only thing left really would be light and dark Jak which I'm not sure ratchet can counter.
In terms of arsenals it'd be a close fight, but I think Jak has more hand-to-hand combat experience than Ratchet, so if it came down to a fist fight, Dark/Light Jak may have the upper hand. Though Ratchet owns some armor that negates like 90% of damage done to him, so that could be a good defence.

My money is still on Jak though. Light Jak can heal himself as well as slow down time. Wait, Clank is basically a Time master now, so maybe he could stop that. I don't know.


I don't know...I mean, Rachet could use the Zodiac or RYNO III, but then... Jak could just use the Peacemaker or stop time.

Mar Nosso

I only got into Ratchet & Clank beginning with Tools of Destruction and despite very much liking the duo and their games, nothing can beat The Precursor Legacy. Jak II and III can't compare really, they're GTA wannabes whereas the first game is truly special. And no matter the firepower Ratchet & Clank can muster, Jak I is still the best 3D platformer.


Does Dexter bring anything to is fight? Seems like jack and ratchet offset but clank can actually make a meaningful contribution to the fight.
Ratchet's a trained commando. As far as we know, Jak never had any formal training. Clank's resourceful, smart and can manipulate time. Daxter? I mean...he was a bug exterminator.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Ratchet? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Ratchet. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Ratchet either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Ratchet with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with Clank, a perfect Susano’o, control of the Quark and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
Does Dexter bring anything to is fight? Seems like jack and ratchet offset but clank can actually make a meaningful contribution to the fight.

He has a bug sprayer that can fire bug bombs, a flamethrower mode, and limited flight. Also a tesla swatter and a few other things up his nonexistent sleeves.
I think RYNO alone would count as a win honestly. Gun is crazy OP.
Edit: I am guessing OP is a ScrewAttack fan since they hinted at Jak and Daxter for next DEATH BATTLE
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