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So, the Staminator is 23...and I'm currently talking to this 18 yr old..(long)

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Now I know know know what you're immediately thinking (you prick), but before you call me a cradle robber (and definitely before I tell you that my birthday is next month....err..#$@!!), let me go a bit into detail.

Basically I met this girl and her mom where I work. The daughter had to leave not long after showing up, so I struck up a casual conversation with her mom (who was not too shabby looking herself I might add). Soo I was piling on the cocky + funny when I inquired how old her daughter was. She replied by asking me how old I was, and upon my response of "23", she followed with "Too young for you." I asked her how old "too young" was, and she replied (ding!) 18.

Never one to let any woman keep me from conquest, I rebuffed her with a heavy cocktail of logic and charm. I told her to think about your average married couple..it's not uncommon for the husband to be 28 and the wife 23 etc etc. In fact I have friends who's parents are nearly a decade apart in age. In following this line of reason, I asked her, "so would you rather have your daughter dating one of these knucklehead 18/19 year olds who just want to get in her pants, or someone a few years her senior who knows how to respect and treat a lady??" Naturally my blast of silky smooth game immediately had her mother rethinking her objections, and the conversation proceeded with some more background about myself and her daughter etc etc.

Well in the process of the conversation, I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and slipped it to her boyfriend (the mother is divorced..never a good sign) and whispered to him to stick it on his forehead as he talked to her. She laughed at first and he eventually gave her the number to keep. Not long after, they left, no doubt extremely impressed with how complete a package I was.

Almost a week and a half later, I'm in the shower one night and step out to find a voicemail. Not even remembering her name, the message didn't click until the girl said "It took me a while to call you back because I didn't know if you wanted me or my mom to call you," which, although a joke, would have been acceptable to me in either scenario. ;) So I simmered over whether to call her back or not..her being so young lead to immediate apprehension on my part, but I kind of felt obligated to call her since her mom was cool and approving enough to give her my number in the first place.

Well since calling her I've established that she's probably the most mature 18 year old girl I've ever met. She is sharp, keenly observant (I can't stand oblivious bimbos like the legendary co-worker I..um.."Staminated", as reported on the old GAF), and is very direct and honest without coming off like a cold hearted bitch. Turns out she has always hung out with people older than her (her best friend, an aquaintance of mine, is 22..also smoking hot BTW), and her last boyfriend was 22. There are times when we talk that I'm just baffled at how on the level she is for someone who has yet to attend college (she starts in the fall) and was raised in a rural town known for pumping out Darwin Award nominees.

The funniest part of all to me is that one of my best friends, upon hearing that this girl is 18, was like "you're gonna date a girl 6 years younger than you?", doubly funny because she's only 5 years younger and because I turn 24 next month. Well this same friend, who's birthday was this month, has a girlfriend who's 22 and is every bit as dumb as any rock I've ever encountered. She acts and talks far more like an 18 year old than the girl I'm talking to, but he's so hung up on fucking numbers that it doesn't matter to him (he's dumb as driftwood too).

So I've seen her once since calling her the first time (just a casual run-in kind of thing) and we've spoken at length on the phone twice, each time talking for nearly 2 freaking hours! We're likely to go see a movie together on Friday. So should I just abandon the old-man guilt and just roll with the "age ain't nothin but a number" credo? After all, personality compatability has nothing necessarily to do with age (or even sex, ethnicity etc), right?? Or should I do the "don't seem like a creepy perv" thing and just remain friends with her? She's SMOKING hot, and it makes her all the more hot that despite the fact that she's so gorgeous, she's very down-to-earth.

I don't know. I'm not big on feeling guilty, and everything tells me that this is a fantastic girl with her head on straight who can hold a conversation without inducing brain decay. I don't see why the years between us (outside of limiting conversation on topics like great 80's movies and the Cold War) should keep us from connecting further, especially over some silly stigma about being a cradle robber etc. What does GAF think? Staminate, or no?


asking dangerous questions
24 and 18 isn't that bad.
I'm concerned with your cockiness though...
I'm actually just being extremely sarcastic. It seems that since I brought up the whole "Staminator" thing (intended as comedic), I often get viewed on these forums as some kind of cocky narcissist anyway. I've just chosen to roll with it..but it's strictly tongue in cheek.


I don't think there's really anything wrong with it, though if you are looking for a relationship there doesn't seem much point in starting one with a girl who is going off to college in less than 2 months.

The "logic" that you charmed the mom with seemed a bit faulty.....the gap in maturity between a 23 year old and an 18 year old is pretty vast (when compared to a 30-40 gap or 23-28 gap), and it is much easier sport for someone in their twenties to pick up some girl who's barely legal....they're still pretty naive, idealistic, easily impressed, and want someone to buy them alcohol.

Plus there are just as many 23-year-old knuckleheads interested only in sex as there are 18-year-old knuckleheads interested only in sex.
Well, "college" is 25 minutes down the road, and as for the "maturity gap", while I agree you have a point about the faulty logic, I think the fact that she's astonishingly mature negates whatever problems that may have presented.

"Plus there are just as many 23-year-old knuckleheads interested only in sex as there are 18-year-old knuckleheads interested only in sex."

Funny that you mention that, becuase in the few times I've retold this story, whenever I got to the part about mentioning that to her mother, I typically inserted a "Little does she know that I have the same intentions as that 18/19 year old, only that I'm much craftier etc etc." :) To be honest though, after talking to her at length, although she's extremely physically attractive, at the moment I'm far more interested in her as a person than as a plaything. It's really rare to find someone who's as insightful as she is who's not an existentialist college bitch, or to find someone who's as hot as she is and not a loopy bimbo. Sharp and hot is a lethal combination..


The only thing that would make me think twice about seeing her in your situation would be if her parents didn't like it. But if her mum's cool with it what the hell's the problem? It's not that big an age gap.

aoi tsuki

Fucking go for it, man!

Just realize that regardless of the number of years in the age difference or her maturity, she's at a point where she's going to be exposed to a lot more than she was in her pre-college years. She's at a tumultuous time in her life when she'll have to make decisions that will affect her for the rest of her life. Just take things as they come, and don't expect anything out of the relationship too serious.


go eat paint
This shouldn't even be worthy of a thread. She's an adult. So are you. Who the hell cares?

Well, perhaps some moms care when their newly of-age daughters start dating a guy in his mid-20's... but again, that ain't yo' problem.

I dated a 43 year-old when I was 19! And when my mom spoke up, I told her to speak her mind and then told her to let it go. The relationship was short-lived, but not too out of the ordinary...

When you start hitting on 16 year olds or younger, you be sure to let us know. At least that's a topic open to debate.


Well, last year I was dating an 18 going on 19 year old and I was 23. Sounds like the one you've met is more mature though so I'd say go for it. Though the college thing is a good point, she may just be down the road but the first year of Uni/college is a time when a lot changes. But it's not like you're going to propose just yet or anything so I say go with it and see how things go.


Chili Con Carnage!
No one has said FHUTA yet, which shocked me, so ill go with that as a response.

18-24 is nothing for women, in my experience, most women like to think (and they are probably right) that they are too mature for guys their own age. And if her mum is cool with it, you've hit the jackpot...unless


Lisa Lashes said:
24 to 18 is not that bad. She wants it. She's dripping.

9:14 CDT: I laugh out loud at this comment.

Hey, it's not like she'll be the only girl in the world if she finds the Spaminator too much.


I was in the same boat last year. Of course, I was 25 with a 19yo. Meh, hit it with impunity. LOL! What else can I say? At that age, it's pretty much what they're good for. I mean, that door will be closed to you eventually. Either due to aging, or if like me, due to a sudden dose of morals...and older pussy. ;) I don't think there's anything to feel bad about. Most people look down on that b/c they simply can't get it. I'm 26 now and still look like I'm 18. Only change has been more facial hair. The girls still wanna holla, but I'm a teacher now and don't want to walk that line anymore. Besides, here in Miami, the girls age better. So now I generally roll with chicks my age. But lemme tell you. If I ever give up the teaching gig, I'm going back to cutting up those young girls. :D No responsibilities, no obligation. Keeping it casual. :) PEACE.
Unkay, so tonight we went to the movies. Saw Spiderman 2. Was pretty cool and somewhat weird all at once...the date not the movie (movie was great but forgetable IMO).

So I was running some errands and got ahold of her to see if she wanted to go catch the movie (she had mentioned hooking up to see it last time we talked a couple of days ago). She called me back and reaffirmed that we should go, but try for an earlier showing because she had to be up early to help her mother with a moving sale. So I went and bought the tickets for the 8:30 showing and met her in front of the theater after waiting a bit.

It kind of sucked because I wanted to fully size her up minus the "game goggles" where you're too busy acting smooth to really get a total asessment of her endowments. I couldn't wait until she came to the theater because I still didn't have this one image of her burned into my brain. Well I still didn't get the full scope because we had to rush right into the theater (our timing was actually perfect..caught all the previews, no fluff). She's definitely thin, but she still has an ample enough booty for me (I'm a butt man), and seems to be a big B-cup. Anyway even though I didn't get to oogle her as much as I'd like, I definitely felt like the big pimp escorting her into the theater. She's hot, and you can tell that a couple of "filling out" years will only make her more smoldering.

So upon her approach I gave her a semi-awkward first date hug, and made some joke before reminding myself to grab the tickets out of my wallet. I immediately started in with the sarcasm and she rolled with it beautifully. In fact, throughout the entire movie we traded quips about stuff, be it how disgusting Kirsten Dunst looks, or how *minispoil* Peter Parker always just happened to be around when something crazy went down (the first accident, Doc Ock hitting the bank etc).

She was continually catching on to little things throughout the movie that most people just take for granted..I fucking LOVE that. It's like I've charmed plenty of women with my wit, or pseudo-intellect, or just by being more "aware" than other men they've met. But until now I've never had the pleasure of being charmed by the woman. It felt very cool.

But that said, the most awkward thing was that it almost seemed too cool. Like we were so completely laid back that it was almost not awkward enough. I guess thats a good problem to have, but I almost got the feeling like it was just too easy. Maybe I'm just more comfortable being myself with women now, or maybe we just clicked so well, or maybe it's because I'm the smooth older guy and she's the fetching just-turned woman. Regardless, I've never had so painless a date, and I think my concerns are born of the fact that it's just hard to gauge the success level when it's so easy.

I resigned myself to not get too cuddly in the theater, as I did not want to seem clingy or over-eager. The arm rest remained between us, although I did mess with her enough to remind her that she was inches from a living Greek god. After the movie was over she gave me a courtesy ride to my vehicle (I had to park behind the building), and before we went our separate ways I told her that I needed to take her out to dinner sometime and pick her brain, because I really enjoyed the chemistry we had. I gave her a first date peck, and although I was going for the safe cheek area, the way she leaned in seemed to indicate she anticipated a good lipper. As it was I got a little of both. Next time I'm taking things up a notch..in the theater and elsewhere..

All in all I'd say it went well, although it sucked that the circumstances limited us from having some more worthwhile conversation or interaction. Certain things about her still remind me that she's fresh out of high school, but overall I see great potential with this girl and I think that we have similar expectations. If things go as smooth as they did tonight, we could be a painless couple in a month and painlessly married with children in a decade. But I'm in no hurry. Seems like this could be a really good thing, and I'm not really shopping around for other women, but I'm not interested in getting heavy with someone real soon.

Thanks for the advice to those who told me to go for it. I may slide the forum another update sometime for the hell of it.


go eat paint
Talking during the movie? Note to self: if the Staminator attends a showing in my neck of the woods, bring a can of pepper spray and do a speedy FWOOSH-"AIGH" en route to an alternate screen.

I feel so blessed to finally live in a town where moviegoers react violently to noise during a flick. During Farenheit 9/11, a girl's cell phone rang and she picked it up in the theater. As she was walking down the aisle and out of the theater, I swear she was tripped at least 3 times. (I missed...)

If I ever have a kid, he'll grow up to love baseball and to keep his yap shut at the movies, or I'll just bury him alive in an unmarked grave.

Perhaps I'm a bit touchy on this *grin*
It was whispering for gods sake..and I think it's been sufficiently proven that I have a strange immunity to pepper spray (mace is entirely different..fucks me all up).


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
mosaic said:
Talking during the movie? Note to self: if the Staminator attends a showing in my neck of the woods, bring a can of pepper spray and do a speedy FWOOSH-"AIGH" en route to an alternate screen.

I feel so blessed to finally live in a town where moviegoers react violently to noise during a flick. During Farenheit 9/11, a girl's cell phone rang and she picked it up in the theater. As she was walking down the aisle and out of the theater, I swear she was tripped at least 3 times. (I missed...)

If I ever have a kid, he'll grow up to love baseball and to keep his yap shut at the movies, or I'll just bury him alive in an unmarked grave.

Perhaps I'm a bit touchy on this *grin*

I honestly think it is ok to talk during some movies. Like when Love Don't Cost A Thing came out, my girlfriend at the time and I went to a showing right after school. Well there were literally only 3 other people in the whole theater, and they were having just as much fun as us just acting like jerks. We didn't know them, but it was that rare chance to go into a movie and not have to be quiet or worry about getting snacks midway because you have to pass 15 people to get to the aisle. We had the whole place to ourselves, got to put our feet up, make smartass remarks, and not care a lick about the movie.

But of course this was a very rare event, I wouldn't dream about doing something like that when there were more people or if the movie was very deep. I honestly haven't had any experiences where someone was talking during a movie I cared about. People were acting VERY ghetto during Freddy vs Jason, but I loved the crowd comments more than the damn movie. This one lady was yelling "Get 'em FREDDY!!" at the top of her lungs, but she had so much energy that I don't think anyone really cared.

The only time I've ever been what I would call rude during a movie was Snow Day. Yeah...I paid to see that movie...and its the only movie my friend and I ever walked out on. About 30 minutes in we just said "this sucks" and went to the arcade.

You just need to see a crappy movie to let all that pain out. Haven't you ever wondered what its like to be the guy that makes wisecracks during the comedy? Release that inner jerk!!


I've been in your shoes man... Age doesn't mean squat so long as she's as mature as you are and you guys can connect on the same level. I'm 23 and she's 18, but it feels like we're the same age.

edit: read your recent reply, see, it can turn out to be great.

Doth Togo

Ned Flanders said:
Now I know know know what you're immediately thinking (you prick), but before you call me a cradle robber (and definitely before I tell you that my birthday is next month....err..#$@!!), let me go a bit into detail.

Basically I met this girl and her mom where I work. The daughter had to leave not long after showing up, so I struck up a casual conversation with her mom (who was not too shabby looking herself I might add). Soo I was piling on the cocky + funny when I inquired how old her daughter was. She replied by asking me how old I was, and upon my response of "23", she followed with "Too young for you." I asked her how old "too young" was, and she replied (ding!) 18.

Never one to let any woman keep me from conquest, I rebuffed her with a heavy cocktail of logic and charm. I told her to think about your average married couple..it's not uncommon for the husband to be 28 and the wife 23 etc etc. In fact I have friends who's parents are nearly a decade apart in age. In following this line of reason, I asked her, "so would you rather have your daughter dating one of these knucklehead 18/19 year olds who just want to get in her pants, or someone a few years her senior who knows how to respect and treat a lady??" Naturally my blast of silky smooth game immediately had her mother rethinking her objections, and the conversation proceeded with some more background about myself and her daughter etc etc.

Well in the process of the conversation, I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and slipped it to her boyfriend (the mother is divorced..never a good sign) and whispered to him to stick it on his forehead as he talked to her. She laughed at first and he eventually gave her the number to keep. Not long after, they left, no doubt extremely impressed with how complete a package I was.

Almost a week and a half later, I'm in the shower one night and step out to find a voicemail. Not even remembering her name, the message didn't click until the girl said "It took me a while to call you back because I didn't know if you wanted me or my mom to call you," which, although a joke, would have been acceptable to me in either scenario. ;) So I simmered over whether to call her back or not..her being so young lead to immediate apprehension on my part, but I kind of felt obligated to call her since her mom was cool and approving enough to give her my number in the first place.

Well since calling her I've established that she's probably the most mature 18 year old girl I've ever met. She is sharp, keenly observant (I can't stand oblivious bimbos like the legendary co-worker I..um.."Staminated", as reported on the old GAF), and is very direct and honest without coming off like a cold hearted bitch. Turns out she has always hung out with people older than her (her best friend, an aquaintance of mine, is 22..also smoking hot BTW), and her last boyfriend was 22. There are times when we talk that I'm just baffled at how on the level she is for someone who has yet to attend college (she starts in the fall) and was raised in a rural town known for pumping out Darwin Award nominees.

The funniest part of all to me is that one of my best friends, upon hearing that this girl is 18, was like "you're gonna date a girl 6 years younger than you?", doubly funny because she's only 5 years younger and because I turn 24 next month. Well this same friend, who's birthday was this month, has a girlfriend who's 22 and is every bit as dumb as any rock I've ever encountered. She acts and talks far more like an 18 year old than the girl I'm talking to, but he's so hung up on fucking numbers that it doesn't matter to him (he's dumb as driftwood too).

So I've seen her once since calling her the first time (just a casual run-in kind of thing) and we've spoken at length on the phone twice, each time talking for nearly 2 freaking hours! We're likely to go see a movie together on Friday. So should I just abandon the old-man guilt and just roll with the "age ain't nothin but a number" credo? After all, personality compatability has nothing necessarily to do with age (or even sex, ethnicity etc), right?? Or should I do the "don't seem like a creepy perv" thing and just remain friends with her? She's SMOKING hot, and it makes her all the more hot that despite the fact that she's so gorgeous, she's very down-to-earth.

I don't know. I'm not big on feeling guilty, and everything tells me that this is a fantastic girl with her head on straight who can hold a conversation without inducing brain decay. I don't see why the years between us (outside of limiting conversation on topics like great 80's movies and the Cold War) should keep us from connecting further, especially over some silly stigma about being a cradle robber etc. What does GAF think? Staminate, or no?

I'm 27. My girlfriend is 21. No big deal. Good for you.

:thumbs up
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