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So, uh...is anyone playing Red Faction: Armageddon? |OT by default|

lol, bravo OP.

I played the demo and man, like, I finished it, but wtf were they thinking?

Hopefully this means a reboot is in store and they can bring the series back to being a FPS.
Red Faction: Armageddon is fun as hell. Really inventive weapons, an awesome amount of destructibility and with the more unique environments that come from having a linear structure, the only thing it's missing is Red Faction 1's environment destruction but it makes up for it with Nano-Forge re-construction and combat abilities.
I played the first half hour of the game on OnLive (is there a real PC demo yet?), just some thoughts:

-No personality, just the most generic protagonist with the most generic, robotic voice in the ear fighting against the most generic "rise up and fight, my children" cult leader. You'd be hard pressed to find less inspired characters if you tried.

-Destruction seems far less useful. So far it has just been a pretty destructible intro sequence (where there's literally no point to destroy anything besides that which is required by the game) followed by corridors where destruction just makes you fall through the floor.

-Seems short, I was 8% done less than 25 mins into the demo, that could be a blessing in disguise though.

-Not open world, this is all personal preference but I love open world games and most of what I loved about Guerrilla was possible because of the open nature of the game. Some people like the corridors though so eh.

+Weapons are cool, I'd pay ten bucks for magnet gun DLC for Guerrilla before I'd ever buy this game though. Using the nano forge to punch the fuck out of something is pretty fun, sledgehammer (or "maul"...HARDCORE) is still a lot of fun to use.

I'll buy it for $5 some day if I have nothing better to do, a far cry from one of my top 20 games of the generation: Red Faction Guerrilla. Sorry Volition, but that's the way the turd tumbles.


RedStep said:
Volition threw away every ounce of progress they made with Guerilla. Fuck those guys... Until Saints Row 3.

Pretty much, once i heard no open world, no multi , and boring alien shooting in dark caves, ya fuck this game.


Gold Member
Elixist said:
Pretty much, once i heard no open world, no multi , and boring alien shooting in dark caves, ya fuck this game.

I will say this, and it's a little bit of a spoiler:

You hit the surface and head to Dust, and that level is outstanding. The sheer chaos that is going on is something to behold.

The problem is that too much of first half of the game is a cave crawl. This is not a bad game, but IT IS a step back from Guerilla...which is pretty frustrating. I see what they were trying to do, but I disagree with their decision.
jaundicejuice said:
Red Faction: Armageddon is fun as hell. Really inventive weapons, an awesome amount of destructibility and with the more unique environments that come from having a linear structure, the only thing it's missing is Red Faction 1's environment destruction but it makes up for it with Nano-Forge re-construction and combat abilities.

I completely agree with all of this. Also, I personally am happy to see the open world gone.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Guerilla was fun in spite of it's open world, not because of it. I like the new/old direction, though I would have preferred they stuck with the whole rebelling against mega corps angle then the whole alienz thing.
Played some more:

Yes, the playground-combat set pieces are the main hook here (at least I haven't hit the Descent sections yet) and they're huge fucking fun! ....the problem is that it's a game that what you put into it is what you get out of it. If you want to run into a combat scenario and just shoot da aliens and move on, you can do that ...but it's gonna be fairly boring.


The magnet gun, your nano force push, your hammer. There is enough there along with the environments that you use against the enemy on a continual bases, that you will never get bored. Your creativity is the limit.

Once again let me reiterate how much i'm enjoying the music. It's like a cross between ambient electronica and a very faint hit of something like Vangelis. It's pretty understated, but freaking good and REALLY set's the tone. Much more than the music in Guerilla EVER did.

Also, i'm really loving the cramped, cavernous environments. Ominous, alien, and foreboding.
I think this game FEELS Sci-fi through and through. Volition represent!

This game deserves a proper thread, not a condescending one with people queing up to just shit on the game and not give it a chance...
I don't understand why people are complaining about the aliens exactly. The EDF were milling pylons in Guerrilla, only made dangerous when there was a seriously large amount of them. The aliens can leap and bound all over the environment. The combat is much more frenetic, especially when you combine the more inventive arsenal and 'splodey bits of the environment.


Gold Member
jaundicejuice said:
I don't understand why people are complaining about the aliens exactly. The EDF were milling pylons in Guerrilla, only made dangerous when there was a seriously large amount of them. The aliens can leap and bound all over the environment. The combat is much more frenetic, especially when you combine the more inventive arsenal and 'splodey bits of the environment.

I think the aliens are pretty generic and their ranged attacks are so obnoxious. Nearly every single alien in this game has a ranged attacked.

Might as well have given them laser pistols.
I like this game. Blowing up a building with the cult people and watch it crumble with them in it is always fun. Only 20 percent done so far, but I'm enjoying it more than most games released recently. Ruin mode is a blast. Infection is nice because you can save the wave you ended at and keep going at a later time. Kudos to that feature! I'll defiantly play through the campaign again just to use the special weapon you get at the end of the game.
Chiggs said:
I think the aliens are pretty generic and their ranged attacks are so obnoxious. Nearly every single alien in this game has a ranged attacked.

Might as well have given them laser pistols.

If anything the aliens look like Capek's more "successful" nanotech experiments on miners.


Why did they release it right before E3, and why is the main character bald?

These seem like such obvious mistakes..
Kuran said:
Why did they release it right before E3, and why is the main character bald?

These seem like such obvious mistakes..

Like I said, e3 release date was such a mistake IMO. I actually don't mind the character of Darius, but yeah, his design is just too derivative given the times. Shit, they should have really tried something against the grain and I dunno, made him a woman instead. That would have been interesting at least.

I honestly think RF:A was probably in a way Volition's attempt to close the gap between releases as wasn't RF:G like in development for 4+ years including R&D?
I feel bad but yes this looks like the definition of "LTTP 20 dollar purchase" to me. I'm not really lamenting the change in direction though... I wish I'd waited until Guerrilla dropped before I bought it. Same for RF2. The games may vary wildly in style, but they're all strictly B-grade.


Playing this right now to review, not yet at half but close.

I'm quite disappointed. The game is very repetitive and they killed the atmosphere. The whole revolutionary twist was kind of a trademark of the story and it's killed.

I love the magnet gun but it's overpowered as fuck. It's so overpowered that you'd punish yourself using other weapons. A whole machine gun clip or one magnet shot, you choose?

Also, destruction does not work that well. Because the enemies jump around all the time, it's more effective to just target them and swing them away with the magnet than it is to throw debris over them. Clearly, effectivity and fun are not matched, and that's really a pity.

I love the small parts where the objective just is: destroy building X. And also, the repair ability is really fun, some great tech going on there.

But overall, it feels like a generic shooter. They could have made something great but they didn't succeed. But maybe in the second half of the game it gets better, this is definitely not a definitive opinion.
AgentOtaku said:
This game deserves a proper thread, not a condescending one with people queing up to just shit on the game and not give it a chance...
I gave it a chance when I played the demo. That said I'm a charitable man, I'll give it another chance when it becomes a little more affordable. $30 like Lik says sounds appropriate.
Wish they spent their time making a better mp version of guerrilla. One that, hopefully, would keep the user base high enough so I can play it for more than a couple of months.
It had SERIOUS potential to be awesome.

Instead, they took what was pretty much played out from guerrilla and made it worse. Nice.
I noted this in another thread, but I think it's so bizarre that they made the same mistake they made from Red Faction I to Red Faction II where they took a cool setting and premise and made it generic military stuff. That being said, I still will likely check this out eventually.


Yeah I have no interest in this. The first hype deflater was the fact that it wasn't even open world. Guerilla was only awesome because of its open sandbox world. Then the reviews confirmed my fears. Won't buy, not even for 5€ on sale. My time is worth more than that.


From what I've seen, the shooting seemed fun, but the lack of enemy variety is disappointing.


The demo of this game sucked and the reviews confirmed, that everything I liked about Guerrilla they took out of the game. I am not even going to bother with this game at bargain bin price.


I really enjoyed the PS3 demo. The game really makes you cycle through your weapons and utilize everything at your disposal. Won't pick it up at full price, but will for sure on the first or second price drop.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I stuck it on my gamefly Q when it was first announced, figuring it would be like Guerrilla (which I loved). Suddenly I get a notification that it's been shipped to me, so I look up some info about it, find out it's nothing like guerrilla, and decide gamefly has once again decided to troll me (considering the game was near the bottom of my damn Q).

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I actually really enjoyed it when I got to preview it in January, love the way you can repair stuff, but then my slight OCD kicked in and I would repair everything I broke before moving on. :p
i didn't care for the demo at all but gamefly sent me a copy so i guess i'll give it a shot.

would be cool if volition could take the weapons from armageddon and offer them up as DLC for guerrilla.


Neo Member
There is a reason the sequel does not have competitive multiplayer. Login to Xbox Live with your copy of Guerrilla and try to find a match. Yeah that is why. It has been like that since like a month after release. Awesome game online, but no one played it. The developers didn't see a need to waste resources building something that no one plays regardless of how good it was.


I sometimes don't buy games because the design of the main character doesn't appeal to me. This is one of those times.


GhostBlade said:
There is a reason the sequel does not have competitive multiplayer. Login to Xbox Live with your copy of Guerrilla and try to find a match. Yeah that is why. It has been like that since like a month after release. Awesome game online, but no one played it. The developers didn't see a need to waste resources building something that no one plays regardless of how good it was.
Instead, they built an entire game that nobody will play. RFG was a slow burner, an enhanced sequel would have had great sales. My friends all picked it up months after release.
GhostBlade said:
There is a reason the sequel does not have competitive multiplayer. Login to Xbox Live with your copy of Guerrilla and try to find a match. Yeah that is why. It has been like that since like a month after release. Awesome game online, but no one played it. The developers didn't see a need to waste resources building something that no one plays regardless of how good it was.
So give up! That's what someone does when they have something good but isn't super successful the first time. Give up and knock it all down to the bottom denominator.

And, in the case of sales, it doesn't really matter how long someone plays something. A sale because it has MP is a sale because it has MP. While usually I hate such a plan, for RF, it would have been a good thing because RF's MP actually had potential, unlike DS2 and Bioshock 2, etc.
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