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So what do you expect out of MP:E multiplayer mode?


TBH, I expect nothing. The single player mode is what interest me when it comes to Metroid games, and MP:E is no different.

But, it would be a pleasant surprise if the multiplayer mode is somewhat fun. I am glad I have no hype on the mp addition. I see it only as a bonus.


Wasnt that amazing when i played last month but we'll see.
Im buying it for the single player but maybe the multiplayer mode will suprise me.


Seems like its gonna be kinda dull...the whole locking on aspect of MP might cause it to get boring. At least with other fps theres a little more skill involved with aiming and whatnot.

A friend of mine played it at a conference and pretty much said exactly what i was thinking...after 5 minutes everyone playing got bored, rolled up into balls, and just started smashing eachother. While that sounds pretty funny, I also think it's more of a bonus and won't even compare to the single player experience.

Deku Tree

I suspect it will be a fun diversion from the Single player. But I am buying Echoes for the single player.

I also suspect that if you know how to play Metroid Prime then the Lock on wont hurt the multi because there will be alot of depth in other ways, you'll be able to use alot of gameplay tricks that make the mode deep and fun. But if you approach it as a standard FPS multi mode and don't learn any of the unique moves then you'll be very dissapointed.


Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer is one of the reasons I'm buying this game. I wasn't interested before playing it at E3, but now I am. :)


Sexy hot lock on action is what I expect.

I don't think I'll be able to touch Counter Strike: Source, Halo 2 online, or Tribes: Vengeance again once I get a hold of that split screen multiplayer goodness.


No additional functions
My expectations are pretty low. At least that way if it's half way decent I won't be let down. GC really nees a quality fps. I was expecting MP2 to be the answer to that, but it appears as though it won't. When they first announced multiplayer in MP2 is was expecting to be able to play as Space Pirates and the Galactic Federation's Marines. I have a feeling Nintendo wouldn't let them change the controls though, so they had to come up with what we have now. I'm sure the game will be good, but it's pretty sad when the controls are the only thing holding the game back.


I'm not going to even bother with the multiplayer mode. I have very little interest in offline multiplayer gaming, with the exception of fighting games.
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