Long-ish story made short:
I've always been a Mega Man fan, and back in middle school-very early high school I was a frequent visitor to
The Mega Man Homepage. It was around this time that I took to using the name "Break Man" or some variant thereof (usually putting some random number at the end of it like most internet 'tards), as Proto/Break Man was my favorite character in the series (and for the record Break Man > Blues >>>> Protoman).
Now, I've fiddled with programming off and on, pretty much all of my life, and the idea to make a game noodled it's way into my brain sometime around then, and I came upon a sprite artist going by the nick "Pixelboy" who was designing levels and robot masters for his own Mega Man styled game. On the gameboy I believe...
In any case, I sent him an email at some point, I'm not sure what was in it exactly anymore, but I do remember him responding, and most importantly, I remember his parting words:
"Catch ya later, Breakyboy!"
I liked it. I switched to it. It stuck. I've had it for almost a decade now. It's followed me everywhere from IRC chats, to my days at PGC, and hell my ex-roommates (two forum members here, who shall remain nameless) called me "BB" more often than they called me by my given name. They
still do actually.
As a matter of fact, some of my (admittedly few) industry contacts only know me by "BB". I'm in my early twenties now, and I frequently get a weird look or two when I give someone my screenname/email address, but I've had it for so long, and it's rather unique (I've never had a problem with someone taking the name anywhere before), so I think it'll stick for the forseeable future.