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So, where's this 2D Halo I hear about?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)




being watched
2D Halo would rock on GBA - just licence it to Sega or Treasure to make and MS can reap in some cash.
shuri said:
Please, leave Treasure out of any modern 2D games :p

Um, Treasure made Ikaruga, and Astro Boy on GBA this gen...I consider those great modern 2D titles. Wario World was quasi-2d, as wel, and I enjoyed that to be honest with you.


ToyMachine228 said:
Um, Treasure made Ikaruga, and Astro Boy on GBA this gen...I consider those great modern 2D titles. Wario World was quasi-2d, as wel, and I enjoyed that to be honest with you.
And Gradius V.


The game is pretty cool, although hit detection and stupid enemies with too much hit points care major issues in the beta. Can't load any newer than the halomods.com beta, as I don't have a fileplanet account. :p


Anyone remember EGM's Halo 2 blowout a couple years ago? They used an isometric 2D illustrations for the game mechanics, looked like something that would be on GBA. Of course it was all made by EGM, but it made Halo on GBA sound really really cool if it would ever happen.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Yeah,I remember that issue. The graphics used in that article was pretty cool. I feel like digging up that issue again actually...just finished Halo too and I need to get myself on the hype bandwagon


FoneBone said:

Anyway, a Halo game is in development for GBA, at least according to Craig from IGN.

yeah, I can recall him bragging about "I knew Halo Advance was in development for AAAAAAGES!".... and one day after he posted that in IGN's mailbag, Bungie posted this on their own site:
No Handheld Halo
Recent internet reporting has suggested that a Game Boy version of Halo is in the works. We can officially lay that rumor to rest.

There is no Game Boy version of Halo planned, and none in production. It's very unlikely that such a version would ever happen for all the obvious reasons, and the less obvious reasons, that the ColecoVision talks fell apart and The Bandai Pippin version is taking up all our development bandwidth...

I love that stuff :D
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