Do The Mario said:People have justified the theory of evolution in this thread but
Nobody can justify the bible, its almost blind faith.
Nobody, eh? I beg to disagree. You are a scientist, not a theologian. Stay in the area and make comments about what you know, not what you do not. Second, as a lay student of the Bible with ambitions for Seminary someday, I can easily talk about true Biblical faith if you'd like to get into a discussion. Just PM me as I do not want to skew this thread off topic too much.
How can people not believe a well proven theory but base there beliefs on a book which provides NO solid evidence for human evolution?
Why should it have to provide any evidence for human evolution anyways? The Bible is not a biology text book, its a record of God's ivolvement with humanity over the ages. Dont listen to the fundamental creationists. Most of them simply do not know what they are talking about, both from a scientific perspective and an exegetical and hermeunatical perspective on Biblical interpretation. Read my previous posts, one of them has a link to an interpretation of Genesis 1. You might find it interesting.
The Bible is accurate in what it claims and records. That much has been demonstrated many times over. It has a solid record of accurate information. Thats why i believe what it says, not off of blind faith, but off what I call trust faith. You trust someone because they have proved reliable in the past. Hence, I trust the Bible because it has proved reliable in the past. You do the same for science.
The beginnings of Genesis has this point to make: God is responsible for all of creation. Science cannot prove or disprove that claim as it is untestable. Genesis never says how old the earth is, nor does it say exactly how God created life on this planet. All it does say is that God did create it, so I really cannot understand why all the conflict with science and religion. I actually think the two compliment each other very nicely.
Personally, I think each group's (naturalists and creationist's) specific definitions of each phenomenon (evolution and creation) are the things that are the root of all the conflicts between the two groups. If evolution is wholly true, partly true, or not true, that doesnt deny the existence of God or the accuracy of the Bible in any way.
I'd recommend to some readers here the book "The Genesis Question" by Hugh Ross. It's an interesting book that seeks to meld science into the Genesis account of creation, and I think he does a pretty good job with it all. Many people here might be surprised how close the Genesis account of creation is to what modern science has determined to have taken place in the past.