To be honest, im very surprised at all the responses going on here! Most seem to be fairly moderate in their stance, or more leaning towards special creation! Personally, ive found the moderate position to be the most powerful one to hold too. Total naturalistic evolution is almost impossible considering what we currently know about biological mechanisms. And total extreme creation 6,000 years ago is also probably impossible, based on what we currently know about the world. I have no problem with microevolution, obviously, but im still studying macro to see what scientific evidence supports it.
National Geographic Magazine recently had an article about it, and I bought it hoping to hear a good defense of evolution, but I was actually pretty dissappointed. It contained nothing earth shattering to me, nothing I didnt already know, and in fact, the best that article did was make a few appeals to microevolution to support it's claims. Not what I expected from a magazine such as that.
So Im taking an Evolutionary Bio course next semester with hopes of going a bit deeper into it all. But, like I said, currently, the strongest position is a moderate one. A good way to describe this position is one that holds to either special creation by God millions/billions years ago at specific times with limited, microevolutionary changes taking place, or theistic evolution, which is current neo-darwinian evolution with God guiding the process.
God simply has to be somewhere in the whole process, as to get from single celled "simple" organisms to us right now, is virtually impossible by itself. And then you have the whole problem of how life actually started, abiogenesis, which is still causing headaches to some of the greater scientific minds. It's one thing for mutations and natural selection to modify an existing genetic code, and sometihng entirelly different in creating a new one, from scratch, randomly, and in a manner that it can survive to reproduce itself on it's own. For natural selection and mutations to work, you first need a genetic code to be mutated and selected from!!
I must say though, as a Christian, I applaud the faith of those who actually hold to pure, naturalistic means by which we got here, because it's a faith greater then any I have ever encountered!