Didn't some guy beat God in a wrestling match in the Bible? Doesn't seem very omnipotent to me!
Saturnman said:God's omnipotence is established through creation of absolutely everything and indirectly in comparison to other mythologies (in the Old Testament, God is competing with a variety of pagan gods) as he is one all powerful god as opposed to a pantheon of deities with different powers.
Phoenix said:But if God is omnipotent, why would he require man in order to do his will? Something about an all powerful being using a lesser being to make things happen just doesn't make any sense.
Note I could go along this line of reason for a while. If God is all-knowing, then he knew that his creation would betray him and that it would be banished from the garden of eden and incur sin. Then he would send prophets and his son (christianity) to bring us back on the way of righteousness? Sorry, don't buyt that. It just doesn't make any sense... unless we're just like a game of the Sims.
Phoenix said:Then of course we have to take into account the many other religions that believe in 'creation' just not the same as the Bible's account. Are we saying that they are wrong?
Saturnman said:Look, I'm not a man of faith (ask Loki ), but you're trying to use logic to explain it all and it won't work. The Bible is a book that requires faith ultimately. It can make sense to some degree, but at some point, you have to accept it as is.
But know this, if God is all knowing and all powerful, your failure to understand some parts or actions of his is not proof of his limitations, but of yours as a simple human being. The term 'God works in mysterious ways' illustrates that point perfectly.
You're missing the joke. You were using the ad hominem fallacy, which is funny in itself...but it's even FUNNIER because you were presenting yourself as an expert without stating your qualifications and assuming that I had none.Link648099 said:Never claimed I had one, although im working on a bachelors in science, and I've taken a number of courses that concern what we have been talking about. So what is your educational background? Include everything related to science and theology please.
NOW I understand where you're coming from...thank you for finally explaining yourself. With that being said, you're still being disingenous about using the term "accurate." You are using that word to mean that the actual words are being read correctly...but everyone else is reacting to the CONTENT of the message.I make the statement because they are accurate. You want numbers? Here: The New Testament Greek text is about 99.5% accurate, i.e. based off of the 5,000 Greek manuscripts (and some 20,000 others), as well as the 37,000 New Testament quotations of the early church fathers. This is hard evidence. It cannot be denied. The .5% of the NT that we are unsure of is pretty much inconsequential in it's affects. It's mainly attributed to misspellings, bad grammer, copyists mistakes, etc. and none of it even affects or changes any doctrines or teachings in the New Testament. The same can be said about the Old testament, cept then the number goes down to about 98.5% accurate.
As already noted, there is a huge difference between the other works you mention, which all fall under the heading of "literature," and the Bible, which purports to contain "truth."If you dont accept those numbers, then you have to reject all other ancient works, such as those of Plato, Homer, Aristotle, Ceaser, Tacitus, and even some of William Shakespear's plays!!
You're right...I'm not particularly interested in this tangent. However, you DO realize that this "Biblical faith" is based on a circular argument, right? You trust something now because it has been "reliable" in the past. How do you know that it has been reliable in the past? It sounds like you are trusting in its reliability...which is circular.Think of biblical faith as trust. You trust someone because they have proved reliable in the past. At least, thats reasonable trust. Hence, thats biblical faith, a faith based on past events proving to be true.
Oh, c'mon. How is that question any more compelling than, "How do we know Moses (or more accurately, whoever wrote the story down) was correct and/or telling the truth when he said that God spoke to him at all?" You don't really want to start relying on reasonable doubt as a defense.Whos to say God did not reveal to Moses the creation "days"?
Saturnman said:From a fundamentalist Christian POV, you don't have to take them into account, they are wrong.
Phoenix said:No - you don't. You have to question it. If God created us as reasoning beings, he knew that questioning our existence and his is one of those things that would come up. Giving us an book that we should follow that is infallable yet we can't comprehend and should just accept just wouldn't make any sense. I'm sure God doesn't want us to just have 'blind faith'. Even the Bible requires us to examine our faith lest we be swayed by false prophets.
That phrase does not illustrate anything actually - it is a universal cop-out just as is using 'an act of God' when things work out your way or using 'it was God's will' when it doesn't. In the end its rhetorical nonsense.
I've use this argument many times and while I do believe that it would be impossible for us to believe the intents of any being that could give birth to the universe, that is a poor argument to justify everything. It is just not compelling.
Saturnman said:None of those pretend to be the infallible word of God. That's the important difference.
I'm from a pretty different faith tradition but one thing that always confused me about Christianity is the insistence on pinning down the motivations of God. It's fun to speculate 'why' God did one thing or the other and all, but dude, how the heck would you expect us humans to make any sort of reasonable guess as to what an all-knowing all-powerful diety is or is not thinking?
Egads - its in the dictionary. Next time try using it before making such a statement.
Azih said:What the hey I'm bored.
Link was obviously pulling numbers out of thin air, so it's a good thing he's not posting anymore
To Phoenix: I'm from a pretty different faith tradition but one thing that always confused me about Christianity is the insistence on pinning down the motivations of God. It's fun to speculate 'why' God did one thing or the other and all, but dude, how the heck would you expect us humans to make any sort of reasonable guess as to what an all-knowing all-powerful diety is or is not thinking?
McLesterolBeast said:The point is: you were using it imprecisely. Your meaning does not conform to the commonly understood meaning.
Egads. At least make some attempt to interpret what is being said.
What the fuck is an "evolutionist"? Someone who accepts scientific merit? A scientist who studies biological processes? Or rather, someone who "uses whatever they find as evidence to the debate"? If it's the latter, then holy shit, you're right. X does equal X.
Dude.. um...SpoonyBard said:Didn't some guy beat God in a wrestling match in the Bible? Doesn't seem very omnipotent to me!
Ignatz Mouse said:The fight against the theory of Evolution is this (and last) century's version of the suppression of the heliocentric view of the solar system. The theories that support the sun as the center of the solar system can be refuted, too. Granted, it's harder, but they can.
At least we all seem to be able to agree that the Earth is round, nowadays. Any Flat Earthers out there? The Bible does refer to the four corners of the world, after all.
Illusion said:The bible also talks of the world being a sphere.
Next time you want attempt to say someone isn't using a word precisely (if that was indeed your intent, though from your assertions it seems more that you had never heard the term) say "I don't think you're using the term precisely" not:
Illusion said:The bible also talks of the world being a sphere.
Do The Mario said:Fuck Pythagoras
Fuck Magellan
Fuck Columbus
The bible told us the earth was round,
Yeah right
Also how the fuck can something like Noahs ark is true if cant evolution not exist?
What did Noah collect animals from every continent then drop them back there after the flood?
How can two animals of every kind restore a population?
soundwave05 said:Because Noah picked the horniest of each two animal species.
It makes perfect sense when you think about it.
Azih said:Maybe we are a giant ant farm... an experiment, a highly elaborate game of The Sims , who knows? I don't. Niether do you.
WordofGod said:Its easy to disprove evolution. How you ask?
What does a building prove? There was a architect.
What does a painting prove? There was a painter.
What does a house prove? There was a builder.
What does a game system prove? There were designers.
What does a game like Wanda prove? There were designers and programmers.
What does a car prove? There were designers and builders.
What does a airplane prove? There were designers and builders.
What does the human body prove? There was a designer.
None of the things mentioned above made themselves. So, why not the same for the human body? It is the most complex machinery in the world; to say that nothing made itself out of nothing is the most idiotic thing a person can say. If I told you the PlayStation 4 just appeared in my room with 5 launch games, you would all say that is impossible. Someone had to design it and build it. The same with the games. Or if I told you that if you wait in the desert long enough, a BMW would appear from out of the sand, if you think that I was crazy. So why not the human body? It's as simple as that. Creation proves that there was a designer.
Do The Mario said:This might be the worst post in the history of GAF
Evolution has NOTHING to do with the origins of life
How can you disprove evolution by saying how did it start life?
The very concept of evolution depends on preexisting life.
WordofGod said:There are only two basic concepts of the origin of the universe and its basic components and systems. Either they have all come about by strictly naturalistic processes that are (at least in principle) observable and repeatable, or they have not one or the other.
Without argument, at least some have originated by strictly natural process, and have been observed to do so. But if they have not all originated by natural processes, then at least some have originated by supernatural processes that are no longer observable and are not repeatable. This is the basic difference between the evolutionary model of origins and the creationist model of origins. If the evolutionary model is correct, then no Creator is needed. Even human beings are merely the result of natural processes that somehow generated the elementary particles of matter and then organized them into stars, planets, animals, and people from particles to people or hydrogen to humans.
If creation is true, on the other hand, then there is a Creator, and all reality must be related to that Creator and His purpose in creation. Men and women are not the products of capricious natural forces, but rather of purposeful action with specific goals, both for the universe as a whole and for each person individually.
Since the choice between evolution and creation ultimately affects every area of human life, it is extremely important that we make the right choice!
WordofGod said:If creation is true, on the other hand, then there is a Creator, and all reality must be related to that Creator and His purpose in creation. Men and women are not the products of capricious natural forces, but rather of purposeful action with specific goals, both for the universe as a whole and for each person individually.
Since the choice between evolution and creation ultimately affects every area of human life, it is extremely important that we make the right choice!
Do The Mario said:Do you have any biological credentials? If not I refuse to debate any further with you.
Shogmaster said:Why is it a given that all creations derive from purpose? I create all the time, just for the hell of it. What if "God" was just fucking around?
Wha? How the hell does such a choice effect me going to the bathroom? or picking my nose? Gee, I'm hope I made the right choice, because I have to fart really bad right now!
Teflar said:Hm, ok, without either of us having conclusive evidence, I'll drop that argument, but what about living fossils or how it is possible to see generations of a species adapt and change over time to fit new surroundings? That is if you are and Old Earth creationist, I suppose if your Young Earth then we didn't have millions of years to adapt and evolve
Seth C said:You have to distinguish between micro-evolution and macro-evolution. We can see examples (likes those you mentioned) of micro-evolution. Species do adapt to their environment. Changes do take place within a species. It would be very hard (impossible?) to reasonably argue that it doesn't happen. Macro-evolution is something else entirely.
Dude, don't even BOTHER humoring his argument with a response. Let this thread die. When people start bringing out the tired old "of COURSE humans had to have a designer!" bullshit, it's time to leave.Shogmaster said:Why is it a given that all creations derive from purpose? I create all the time, just for the hell of it. What if "God" was just fucking around?
Wha? How the hell does such a choice effect me going to the bathroom? or picking my nose? Gee, I'm hope I made the right choice, because I have to fart really bad right now!
WordofGod said:It should be obvious that it is impossible to prove which model is correct, for the simple reason that we cannot repeat history and see what happened. Therefore, we must depend upon indirect, circumstantial evidence, and then make our decision.
Ultimately, we will decide which model to believe, and then act in faith upon that belief. We will have faith in evolution, or faith in creation, then live our lives accordingly, whether that has been a conscious decision or not.
In view of the profound even eternal consequences involved, everyone ought to examine both models and then determine which model to believe. He or she should examine carefully the evidences pro and con in each case, and continually test these evidences, evaluating their validity and meaning.
It would seem that there are essentially just three lines of evidence that need to be considered. First, there are the factual data, the solid evidence supplied by the observed facts of science and the observed and reliably recorded facts of human history. We can call this the evidence from science.
But there is an important second line of evidence to consider. The Lord Jesus Christ put it this way: A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. . . . Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them (Matt. 7:18, 20). Does the evolutionary faith generate good or evil results in human society, when it is followed logically and put into practice? What about faith in creation and a Creator what fruits does it produce?
Evolutionism generates bad fruits
creationism generates good fruits.
Thus, the creation model, on the basis of this test, is more likely to be true than the evolution model.
Again, however, this does not prove creation, for we do not really know what happened in the prehistoric past. We were not there, nor can we travel back in time in some sort of time machine to see what happened. All we can really know is that the inhabitants of the earth seem designed to live and prosper under the guidelines spelled out by their designer, and seem to destroy both themselves and others when operating from an evolutionary basis.
However, there is still a third type of evidence that must be considered, for one of the two models involves a Creator, and that Creator did observe what happened, for He actually caused it to happen! Evolutionists may deny the validity of this evidence, for they tend to reject the very idea of God out of hand, not believing He even exists.
This, however, begs the question,
for it is absolutely impossible to prove the non-existence of God the Creator.
Even such a knowledgeable atheist as the scientist Isaac Asimov was honest enough to acknowledge this. In his later years, after authoring more books on more fields of science (reputedly finishing with over 500 books to his credit) than probably any other scientist who ever lived, he admitted:
"Emotionally, I am an atheist, I dont have the evidence to prove that God doesnt exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesnt that I dont want to waste my time."
If anyone ever knew the whole field of science and its implications, that person was Dr. Asimov, yet he could not prove there is no God. Neither can anyone else. You may choose not to believe in God, for belief in Him may be uncomfortable to them, but wishing for His non-existence doesnt make it so.
Therefore, to be perfectly honest, everyone should at least admit the possibility that there is a Creator, and that He may (in fact, almost certainly would) reveal the essential facts concerning the origin, meaning, and purpose of His creation to those of His creatures able to receive and understand such revelation.
Assuming that such a revelation has been given, it follows that it must now be in the book we call the Bible, for this is the only book coming down from antiquity that even attempts to give the origin of the entire universe of space, time, and matter, as well as the origin of life and man. All other so-called sacred scriptures the writings of Buddha and Confucius, the Hindu Vedas, all the cosmogonic myths of Greece and Rome, of Egypt and Babylon, and all the rest all begin with the space/time/matter universe already in existence, and then attempt to speculate how it evolved into its present form.
Only the creation record in Genesis which is accepted by orthodox Jews, Muslims, and Christians deals with the origin of the universe itself. Therefore, if God does exist, and if He has revealed the essentials concerning His creation of all things to man, that revelation must be found in the Bible, especially in the creation account in the Book of Genesis.
And if these things are so and there is at least a strong possibility that they are then the biblical evidence concerning origins is the most important of all, more important than the evidence from either the data of science or the effects in society. This is because the biblical record if it is what it claims to be and what it has been accepted to be by millions of people, people from every time and place and culture is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative record of the Creator himself. He was there and knows how it was and what His purposes are.
geogaddi said:Some people are confused by what I mean when i refer to new/loss/reshuffling information. I probably did not make myself clear.
Wordofgod said:This, however, begs the question, for it is absolutely impossible to prove the non-existence of God the Creator.
soundwave05 said:Regardless of evolutionary theory, the evidence that the Earth is much older than a few thousand years is overwhelming.
That alone punches a massive hole in the core philosophy of the Abhramic faiths (Judaism, Christainity, Islam).
What is cited by the creation account's in all three of those faith's does not scientifically hold up.
So we have to start thinking outside of the box, I mean that's simply the universe "God" created apparently it doesn't fit into a nice little book or a short 2 page passage. Go figure.
I don't feel science is the antithesis of wanting to understand the nature of the universe (or some might call that God) at all.
Maxwell House said:Seth, so this God then put dinosaur fossils in this old earth he created, millions of years older than us a species, as a joke? Why would be do that?
Mumbles said:And I'd say that you still haven't. If you're going to talk about more or less information, I'm gonig to have to ask for a definition of "information" that is conductive to such talk. A nice formulaic definition would work - try Shannon theory, and see what you come up with.
One of the major problems with your argument is that it makes far too many assumptions about what is going on in any particular line of evolution. For example, you say that a population of beetles has "lost information" when they no longer grow wings. However, it's entirely possible that the population has the genetic code for wings, and additional code that suppresses the "wing code". Is this an increase or decrease in information? It seems to me that you would have to consider it an increase.
Of course not, as the term "God the Creator" is worthlessly vague. It's impossible to prove much of anything about such a being, because you haven't said anything about what it is, only about it's relation to the universe.
And for reference, complexity does not imply design. Actually, designers tend to make things as simple as possible, since it reduces the chance of failure.
Seth C said:Why wouldn't He do that? If you believe, then you believe man was God's most important creation. Why wouldn't an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing being create a habitat that would provide His creation with all the things he would need throughout the entirety of mankind's time? Again, as an example, if the earth was only "aged" to 6000 years even now, where would our fossil fuels come from? Without them, what sort of lives would we have? If you believe, you simply see it as God looking out for you.
I guess I just can't figure out why that possibility is so hard to imagine.
geogaddi said:The definition of information according to Shannon is limited to just one aspect of information, namely its property of expressing something new: information content is defined in terms of newness. This does not mean a new idea, a new thought or a new item of informationthat would involve a semantic aspectbut relates merely to the greater surprise effect that is caused by a less common symbol. Information thus becomes a measure of the improbability of an event. A very improbable symbol is therefore assigned correspondingly high information content.
geogaddi said:This mutation may be beneficial to man (as are seedless fruit) but not the cattle. The mutation has side-effects, for example reduced fertility. But most important, once again a mutation causes information loss, even though it might be considered beneficial. Therefore it is in the opposite direction required for particles-to-people evolution, as this requires the generation of new information."
geogaddi said:Specified complexity implies design, not merely complexity. Famous biologist Leslie Orgel made the follwoing comment;
"Living organisms are distinguished by their specified complexity. Crystals...fail to qualify as living because they lack complexity; random mixtures of polymers fail to qualify because they lack specificity"
geogaddi said:This mutation may be beneficial to man (as are seedless fruit) but not the cattle.