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So who here is not once again George Lucas' bitch?

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Minotauro said:
I did. It said "Yippe-ki-yay, motherfucker!" in response.

Kudos. You made me smile.

My argument still stands though. The action genre, like any, does benefit and actually contain instances of quality writing. That said, action allows for and makes great use of fun, over-the-top dialogue -- not all quality writing has to be pitch-perfect and 100% realistic.


I haven't seen the trailer yet, and I hope it doesn't hype me up. I'd like to go into Episode III with suitably low expectations....

I was up for Ep. 1, and soundly disappointed.
I got up for Ep. 2: "The trailer looks OK, more focused." ....and soundly disappointed.

...fool me... can't get fooled again.
i came into thos thread to see what the other side thought...

people that weren't pulled over to the dark side by the trailer...

yet al i see is a bunch of people blindly defending, it makes me question my own position, despite the awesome trailer...


J2 Cool

The Shadow said:
God, you people are total bitches. I swear, some of you sound like girls in an abusive relationship who've previously gotten the shit kicked out of them and are now saying, "Oh, he's changed. He said he's sorry and now he's a totally different person." just like before.

:lol :lol True. I hate those bitches. If you're putting all your chips on Star Wars to deliver the movie of the century, you've got a problem. But as an action movie, I enjoy them my first viewing if nothing else. I want to see how all the battles go down, and the trailer shows there will be a lot of them.
The trailer didn't do anything for me. It looks too depressing. The Star Wars movies are supposed to be fun kid movies. What is entertaining about genocide and slaughter?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Drinky Crow said:
Name one GOOD memorable line from the prequels. ONE.

Good in what context?

I personally like the way the following lines were spoken:

Darth Maul: At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.


Darth Sidious: Wipe them out, all of them.

Duck of Death said:
The trailer didn't do anything for me. It looks too depressing. The Star Wars movies are supposed to be fun kid movies. What is entertaining about genocide and slaughter?

WTF? Considering that Anakin has to completely his turn to the darkside how the f*ck could this episode be light hearted?
It'll be like the first two. Shitty movies with cool CG and effects. And why does Yoda walk with a cane all hunched over if he can turn into Ninja Yoda and fly around whenever he wants? Retarded.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I don't expect this movie to be anywhere near as defining or as amazing as the originals, but I did get excited watching the trailer. I'm sorry, but anyone expecting an amazing cerebral experience from any of the Star Wars movies (or most sci-fi action flicks in general) are looking in the wrong place.

Will this movie be great? I don't know, but I think the action sequences will be awesome and the fact that we'll get to see some of the really defining moments that lead up to Episode VI is something I'm looking forward to. I don't see anything wrong with feeling anticipation for the film until that time. Most of the excitement for the prequels has been the build-up to their releases. Just ride that wave while it lasts and, coincidently enough, until the movie's released. ;) If the movie winds up letting me down, oh well. I'm out a few bucks but my life will go on. Besides, Batman Begins won't be too far behind.

So did Georgie Boy make me his bitch? Nah, I still think he shouldn't be directing any of these films. I still think his dialog is stoic and lifeless. But I still look forward to the movie. I guess I can't help it, this is our present nerd mecha and we must all make the journey. Then we'll get let down and find another.
I'm expecting something a bit better than the trainwreck of a movie Episode II was.

I think Episode III could be so dark though, that it comes off awkward and silly. You need much better acting to pull off such emotions, and C-3PO's line in the trailer seemed horribly out of place, so I dunno how its all going to work as an actual movie.
DarienA said:
WTF? Considering that Anakin has to completely his turn to the darkside how the f*ck could this episode be light hearted?

This is my problem with the prequel trilogy, actually. The final chapter cannot be light hearted. I'm sure there will be plenty of visual spectacle, but how compelling are characters that are propelled by insecurity and angst instead of hope and courage?

I know some people will mention that The Empire Strikes Back is fairly "dark," and it is. However, it is not too bleak or depressing. The overall mood in Empire fits the characters' scenario in the story. Even though it is the most moody film in the original trilogy, it is still entertaining.

I don't know if Episode III will actually be as depressing or bitter as I fear, but the trailer isn't promising.
Drinky Crow said:
Name one GOOD memorable line from the prequels. ONE.

Obi-Wan's sarcastic "Good job!" After Anakin said they were coming to rescue them as well as his simple "oh not good" after knocking off the Bounty Hunter off the platform to whom he was still attached to.

Sidious: Wipe them out, all of them.

And people misquote that "sand is rough" line all the time. Not that it makes it better.

Eh, I've given up trying to talk to people who hate these movies. Even if EP:3 were like the greatest thing ever, the naysayers would still roll their eyes at it and say it sucked rather than begrudgingly admit that they were wrong.

It's actually quite amusing to me that people who utterly despise these movies will actively go into these threads (not necessarily this one considering the nature of this one) and proclaim how much it sucks... etc. Apathy in my opinion says a lot more than vitriolic spewings


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
to be fair, I DID create this thread for them to congregate. technically you were the one who came into a thread expressly created for them to make fun of us to try and defend your viewpoint...

not that I disagree with you, just saying this was supposed to be THEIR thread so they could bitch and complain without running into the positive threads. and to see what their viewpoints are, which as expected are usually along the lines of "I was never that big of a star wars fan, I have matured and star wars like nintendo is and has always been about the kiddie.. etc"
borghe said:
to be fair, I DID create this thread for them to congregate. technically you were the one who came into a thread expressly created for them to make fun of us to try and defend your viewpoint...

not that I disagree with you, just saying this was supposed to be THEIR thread so they could bitch and complain without running into the positive threads. and to see what their viewpoints are, which as expected are usually along the lines of "I was never that big of a star wars fan, I have matured and star wars like nintendo is and has always been about the kiddie.. etc"

Yeah, which is why I had that area in parentheses. :) Actually, I wasn't gonna post in this thread except that it seemed that Drinky was calling out, so I threw a few things that I liked from the prequels.
From IMDB:

George Lucas has predicted that his final Star Wars epic will not receive a PG rating like the previous five films and says he quite accepts losing a significant part of his younger audience. "I don't think I would take a five- or a six-year-old to this," he says in an interview for CBS's 60 Minutes due to air on Sunday. "It's way too strong." The story describes the transition of the heroic Anakin Skywalker into the evil Darth Vader. "We're going to watch him make a pact with the devil," Lucas tells interviewer Leslie Stahl. "[The film] is much more dark. ... It's much more of a tragedy." He said that he expects the film will receive a PG-13 rating.


My beef with the new Star Wars movies is that they're ostensibly a character study of Anakin Skywalker's, IIRC, descent into evil.

The problem is the acting is wooden, and the script does nothing to make you like the character so that when he does go bad you feel anything for him.

What's the point if you're not going to make audiences care about the characters? We all know he's Darth Vader in the end.


George Lucas just isn't equipped for the sort of story he's trying to tell here.

I'm trying to recall a movie I'd cite as a good example of what's going on here, but I can't recall any at the moment. :X

It would be sort of like a reverse Raging Bull.


The trailer was awesome.... but I was aware the entire time that the sum of any number of great parts could still = shit.

I pirated TPM and borrowed the DVD of AotC off someone. It's nice to have not put a dime in for Lucas, though I'll probably see Ep 3 in the theatres.


soundwave05 said:
I think Episode III could be so dark though, that it comes off awkward and silly. You need much better acting to pull off such emotions, and C-3PO's line in the trailer seemed horribly out of place, so I dunno how its all going to work as an actual movie.

Exactly. Lucas couldn't pull off a kid leaving his mother for the galaxy. What makes people think he has the dramatic cojones to make you care about Anakin turning to the dark side and murdering his friends and fellow Jedi? Okay, so on paper it sounds compelling. But I have no doubt Lucas the Writer will find ways to dilute any excitement this story should contain.

Eh. I don't know. I guess the trailer just didn't do it for me. Bring on Hitchhiker's Guide!


Ive never understood the hate for the first 2 prequels anyways...

But the people around here hate everything,so why should those movies be any different? :lol


The previous two movies should've proven to you that you can get 3 minutes of awesome action out of any of these movies.

That is what is most frustrating about these movies. There are flashes of insane brillance, followed by long minutes of wooden dialog and worthless scenes.

It's really the uneven nature of these movies that make them painful to fans like me. i will stil go, only because I feel like it's my "duty" ... not because I have some great need to see it.


The Take Out Bandit said:
My beef with the new Star Wars movies is that they're ostensibly a character study of Anakin Skywalker's, IIRC, descent into evil.

The problem is the acting is wooden, and the script does nothing to make you like the character so that when he does go bad you feel anything for him.

What's the point if you're not going to make audiences care about the characters? We all know he's Darth Vader in the end.

Agreed. I think part of the problem is that Anakin goes from an annoying kid in TPM to a petulant teen(?) in the Attack of the Clones.

You know he's headed for the dark side, but there's no development of a really "good" Anakin in between that makes it anything like a surprise, or suggests any great seduction is needed. It's more like, "this kid is impatient and raw, watch him turn, it's only a matter of time."

EDIT: In case the in-between the lines is unclear, I think there's maybe too much time spent on the little Ani story in particular, that could have been used better fleshing out an older Anakin... there's sort of a missing link that needs to be there to offer up some drama, IMO.

It could be an after-school special about an OK kid who gets caught up in drugs with some script changes :)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area

I am a fanboy through and through.. but damn if much of that doesn't ring true even to my biased ears.... lol.... though this is the funniest (and truest)

Sickboy said:
"this kid is impatient and raw, watch him turn, it's only a matter of time."


ToxicAdam said:
The previous two movies should've proven to you that you can get 3 minutes of awesome action out of any of these movies.

That is what is most frustrating about these movies. There are flashes of insane brillance, followed by long minutes of wooden dialog and worthless scenes.

It's really the uneven nature of these movies that make them painful to fans like me. i will stil go, only because I feel like it's my "duty" ... not because I have some great need to see it.

There's nothing brilliant in Ep2. It's all shit.

Anyway, I haven't seen the EP3 trailer yet...but I'm sure I'll be there at the theaters, just to see how this travesty is going to end.
Agreed. I think part of the problem is that Anakin goes from an annoying kid in TPM to a petulant teen(?) in the Attack of the Clones.

You know he's headed for the dark side, but there's no development of a really "good" Anakin in between that makes it anything like a surprise, or suggests any great seduction is needed. It's more like, "this kid is impatient and raw, watch him turn, it's only a matter of time."

Yeah, they really should have cribbed from The Omen. Heck, they could have set up Anakin as a really likable toddler in the first movie with some hints of a potential bad seed; then moved to his teens in the second movie and illustrated his change.

Another problem is the reactions from the people around him. Obi Wan and the rest of the Jedi goons really don't seem to be as in tune with "The Force" to pick this up as you would have been lead to believe from the original movies.

I was screaming at my monitor in the second movie during the scene where he comes back from killing the sand people, confesses to Imadildo - and her reaction is non existent.

Those are just a few of the obvious ones.

Well anyhow, my money's on this new one sucking too. :D
Drinky Crow said:
I still have that awful "your skin is smooth, not rough like the sand" line stuck in my head.
Hahaha, that sounds like something an Indian who's terrible with metaphors would say.

"Your lips are bountiful, unlike the land that was stolen from my people"


Hollywood Square
The Shadow said:
God, you people are total bitches. I swear, some of you sound like girls in an abusive relationship who've previously gotten the shit kicked out of them and are now saying, "Oh, he's changed. He said he's sorry and now he's a totally different person." just like before.


Seriously, it's a nice trailer, but I cannot wait for you suckers to start crying about how Lucas raped your childhood once you pay that $6.50 for a matinee ticket.

evil ways

Willco said:

Seriously, it's a nice trailer, but I cannot wait for you suckers to start crying about how Lucas raped your childhood once you pay that $6.50 for a matinee ticket.


I'm all set for May 19th.


Azih said:
I *hate* this kind of apologetic rebuttal. Absolutely detest it. It's a stupid meaningless non argument that shouldn't exist and in fact should DIE DIE DIE.

Worse rebuttal ever! Now leave me to my wheelbarrel of tacos, I have work to do!



madara said:
I'm pumped but I enjoyed previous two as well. I have yet to see these couch critics in detail say how they would done them instead. Its alot easier just rip on something you couldnt even think of making if you had 1000 years it seems. :lol

Actually, I honestly believe that I could have written a better story for the prequel trilogy than Lucas did :p


Minotauro said:
Drinky, are you diametrically opposed to all action movies? I ask only because "well-written dialogue" and "competent acting" aren't exactly hallmarks of the genre. Generally, kinetics and excitement are favored more. In addition, whether they use CG, camera tricks, or stunt work to achieve this is really beside the point.
Still no reply to this, Drinky? Too bad episode 1 and 2 had really shitty action scenes as well as terrile acting (acting, including Jar Jar Bink's performance, ruined the movies, not the writing).


DarienA said:
Darth Sidious: Wipe them out, all of them.

I'd agree with that one. Agree with you on Maul's line too. I also thought Yoda's, "Always two there are- a master, and an apprentice" was memorable. Could be because TPM's trailer was burned into my mind by the fiftieth viewing though.

White Man

Even if Ep3 does turn out to be more tolerable than the past 2 contemptible synthetic monstrosities, it will still just be the finale to a pair of disappointments. If it's a cherry on top of a shit sundae, that doesn't make the movie that much more appetizing.


Drinky Crow said:
Name one GOOD memorable line from the prequels. ONE.

I'm sure you'll still dismiss it out of hand, but I rather thought this was a good exchange:

Anakin: You're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?
Qui-Gon Jinn: What makes you think that?
Anakin: I saw your laser sword. Only Jedi carry that kind of weapon.
Qui-Gon Jinn: Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.
Anakin: I don't think so. No one can kill a Jedi.
Qui-Gon Jinn: I wish that were so

And I liked McDiarmid's delivery of this one:

Chancellor Palpatine: And you, young Skywalker; we shall watch your career with great interest

Qui-Gon Jinn: I can only protect you, I cannot fight a war for you

Obi-Wan: Why do I get the feeling that we've picked up another pathetic life form?

Watto: [to Anakin] Better stop your friend's betting or I'll end up owning him too.

Obi-Wan: I was beginning to wonder if you'd got my message.
Anakin: I retransmitted it to Coruscant, just as you'd requested, Master. Then we decided to come and rescue you.
Obi-Wan: [looks at his handcuffed hands] Good job

Obi-Wan: What took you so long?
Anakin: Well, you know, Master, I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked...

Anakin: When I got to them we got into aggressive negotiations.
Padme: Aggressive negotiations? What's that?
Anakin: Ah, well, it's negotiations with a lightsaber

Now, I'm generally a hater of Episode I & II, but there are a few good lines to be found in there.


Hollywood Square
I like almost any scene with Sam Jackson and Liam Neeson in it. Ewan McGreggor really stepped up in Episode II, though. Other than those three actors, the rest of the cast is mediocre at best.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
I saw the trailer, and it still looks like shit with alot of bells and whistles.


well not really...yet
The whole arc on the clones planet in Ep 2 was pretty damn good, great atmosphere, great design and visuals, very good stuff. Most of the rest is damn near unsalvageable. Still, ill be there opening night, because godamnit theres few movie experiences like sitting in a theater and hearing the Star Wars main titles.

I hope the Score isnt butchered like Ep2. Which had some damn awesome music cues for the final battles which were replaced with a mishmash of music from Ep 1 -_-


Boogie said:
Qui-Gon Jinn: Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.
Obi Wan: Well, if droids could think, there'd be none of us here.
I love these lines, especially when you know who General Grievous is :D

Boogie said:
Anakin: When I got to them we got into aggressive negotiations.
Padme: Aggressive negotiations? What's that?
Anakin: Ah, well, it's negotiations with a lightsaber

Now, I'm generally a hater of Episode I & II, but there are a few good lines to be found in there.
I hate that exchange, it sounded so stupid and forced.

There's a LOT of great lines in the Prequel Trilogy

Obi Wan: "I have a bad feeling about this"
Qui Gon: "I don't sense anything"
Obi Wan: "It's not about the mission Master, it's something... elsewhere... elusive..."
Qui Gon: "Don't center on your anxieties Obi Wan, keep your concentration here and now where it belongs..."
Obi Wan: "But Master Yoda said I should be mindful of the future"
Qui Gon: "But not at the expense of the moment" <--- Guess why the Jedi were so blind to the threat of the Sith until it was too late...

Rune Haako: "Are you braindead?! I'm not going in there with two Jedi! ... Send the droid"

Darth Sidious: "This turn of events is unfortunate, we must accelerate out plans, begin landing your troops"
Nute Gunray: "My lord... is that... leeeegal?"
Darth Sidious: "I will MAKE it legal"
Nute Gunray: "And... the Jedi?"
Darth Sidious: "The Chancellor should never have brought them into this... Kill them immediately"
Nute Gunray: "Ah yes my lord... As you wish"

Battle Droid: "Roger Roger!"

Qui Gon: "There's always a bigger fish"

Battle Droid: "Coruscant... That doesn't compute... Err wait uumm ... YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!"

Darth Maul: "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi... At last we will have revenge..."

Qui Gon: "But credits will do fine..."
Watto: "No... they won't..."
Qui Gon: "Credits WILL do fine..."
Watto: "NO... THEY WON'T! What? You think you're some kind of Jedi? Waving your hand around like a that? I'm a Toydarian, mind tricks don't a work on me, only money - No money, no parts, no deal!"

Anakin: "Will I ever see you again?"
Shmi: "What does your heart tell you?"
Anakin: "Yes... I guess"
Shmi: "Then we'll see eachother again!"
Anakin: "I will come back and free you mom, I promise"
Shmi: "Now Ani... Don't look back... Don't look back..."

Yoda: "Fear is the path to the dark side! Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate... leads to suffering! ... Hrmmm I sense much fear in you..."

Darth Sidious: "Wipe them out... All of them..."

Yoda: "The chosen one, the boy may be... Nevertheless! Great danger I fear in his training"


Mace Windu: "If they do, there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic, we're keepers of the peace, not soldiers"

Anakin: "Just being around her again is intoxicating"

Obi Wan: "Calm yourself, use the force, think!"

Anakin: "Where are you going Master?"
Obi Wan: "For a drink"

Egans: "You wanna buy some deathsticks?"
Obi Wan: "You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
Egans: "I don't wanna sell you deathsticks..."
Obi Wan: "You want to go home and rethink your life"
Egans: "I want to go home and rethink my life..."

Anakin: "Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love... is essential to a Jedi"

Obi Wan (trying to investigate the cloners): "That's good... news!"

Obi Wan: "I look forward to seeing them in action"
Jango Fett: "They'll do their job... I guarantee it"

Obi Wan: "Oh... NOT GOOD! Uoompf!"

Jango: "He doesn't take a hint this guy..."

Anakin: "Come on, you just don't wanna tell me"
Padme: "OK, his name was Pablo, he had dark hair, big blue ey..."
Anakin: "Alright! I get the picture..."

Dooku: "Join me Obi Wan... And together... We will DESTROY the Sith!"

Anakin: "I... I killed them... I killed them all... They're dead... Every single one of them... And not just the men... But the women... And the children too! ... They're like animals! ... And I slaughtered them like animals! ... I HATE THEM!"
Padme: "To be angry is to be human..."
Anakin: "I'm a Jedi! I know I'm better than this!"

Obi Wan (looking at his shackles): "... Good job!"

Mace Windu: "This party's over!"

Dooku: "As you can see, my powers have far exceeded yours... now... back down"

Yoda: "Victory... Victory you say? Not victory... The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen... Begun the Clone War has..."


There's much more but...


Hollywood Square
My favorite exhange of the entire damn prequel trilogy, in the fact the whole scene is pretty cool, is when Mace Windu and Yoda are at Qui-Gonn's funeral and they say something like:

"Always two there are, a master and apprentice."
"But which one was killed. The master... or the apprentice?"

And the shot of Palpatine's face is great.
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