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So, who thinks MGS3 will get 10 on either IGN or Gamespot?


Littleberu said:
Humm. Far Cry sounds right in your alley.

The trouble is, I want to be Solid Snake going to the jungle and killing motherfuckers. Dumb fucker in a Hawaiian shirt doesn't cut it. In addition, Far Cry adds all that stupid mutant zombie shit halfway through. Fuck all that.



Here's what will happen: IGNPS2 writes an MGS3 review that basically amounts to "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG greatest game ever!" and gives it a score of like 9.0. Researching the review index will reveal plenty of other games with far more critical reviews and scores above 9.0. Gamespot wants to be contrary to IGN, so they give it a 5.4 citing one minor flaw as gamebreaking.
Littleberu said:
Humm. Far Cry sounds right in your alley.

No he is right! MGS2 had too many cut scenes and codec conversations! I really thought Kojima would remove them. The first MGS3 trailer looked cool but I guess the game will be similar to MGS2.
WarPig said:
The trouble is, I want to be Solid Snake going to the jungle and killing motherfuckers. Dumb fucker in a Hawaiian shirt doesn't cut it. In addition, Far Cry adds all that stupid mutant zombie shit halfway through. Fuck all that.


I'm sure the mod community will, or already have take care of this. Just wait a couple of month. :D


firex said:
Here's what will happen: IGNPS2 writes an MGS3 review that basically amounts to "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG greatest game ever!" and gives it a score of like 9.0. Researching the review index will reveal plenty of other games with far more critical reviews and scores above 9.0.

Eh, you try keeping that goddamn review index coordinated. Especially in fucking November.

Dave Z and I used to joke that we should have implemented a script that would drop every score in the archives by a point each year, to account for the onward march of technology and design and keep the old scores from biting us in the ass.

"Splinter Cell 3 will sell about half a copy if they persist in the insanity of releasing it this November, so it doesn't really matter either way."

Sure sparky. It looks to be the real deal. Has the Tom Clancy name, and it's releasing before the holidays. :D
WarPig said:
The trouble is, I want to be Solid Snake going to the jungle and killing motherfuckers. Dumb fucker in a Hawaiian shirt doesn't cut it. In addition, Far Cry adds all that stupid mutant zombie shit halfway through. Fuck all that.


haha so true! Far Cry would have been better if it had dinosaurs like Dino Crisis or something IMO
CrimsonSkies said:
"Splinter Cell 3 will sell about half a copy if they persist in the insanity of releasing it this November, so it doesn't really matter either way."

Sure sparky. It looks to be the real deal. Has the Tom Clancy name, and it's releasing before the holidays. :D

After Halo 2, and after San Andreas. Yep. Big Holiday seller.


CrimsonSkies said:
"Splinter Cell 3 will sell about half a copy if they persist in the insanity of releasing it this November, so it doesn't really matter either way."

Sure sparky. It looks to be the real deal. Has the Tom Clancy name, and it's releasing before the holidays. :D

...With Halo 2, MGS3, GT4, GTASA, a shitload of EA games, and after the second game was released just months prior without the stellar sales of the original.


CrimsonSkies said:
Sure sparky. It looks to be the real deal. Has the Tom Clancy name, and it's releasing before the holidays. :D

And everybody who would have bought it will have already bought Halo 2. The only game that's gonna get fucked worse is Prince of Persia. Ubisoft seems to have this fucked-up complex makes it murder its own games.

Doom_Bringer said:
No he is right! MGS2 had too many cut scenes and codec conversations! I really thought Kojima would remove them. The first MGS3 trailer looked cool but I guess the game will be similar to MGS2.

He's already said that the story will be toned down and will have least amount of cutscenes the Solid series has seen. But it's MGS, the story is part of the game, you either accept that and like it or you don't.


SolidSnakex said:
He's already said that the story will be toned down and will have least amount of cutscenes the Solid series has seen. But it's MGS, the story is part of the game, you either accept that and like it or you don't.

So you accepted the mommy-fucking and the haunted hand and the conspiracy hospital and the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo shit and Raiden yacking with his virtual-reality girlfriend about his fucking childhood in Talking-Head-O-Vision for twenty fucking minutes at a stretch? God. Kids today need better fucking hobbies.



Bad Art ™
WarPig said:
Eh, you try keeping that goddamn review index coordinated. Especially in fucking November.

Dave Z and I used to joke that we should have implemented a script that would drop every score in the archives by a point each year, to account for the onward march of technology and design and keep the old scores from biting us in the ass.


or maybe rewrite reviews for "hyped" games and see how they hold up but it's lots more work than a script :p


Milhouse31 said:
or maybe rewrite reviews for "hyped" games and see how they hold up but it's lots more work than a script :p

I did rewrite the MGS2 review, actually. doktorsmith.1up.com. It's a few posts back in the archives. Wrote one about Fear Effect 2, too, just for laffs. Warning: contains almost as much cussing as I use here...



I'm sick of this damn MGS 3 bad mouthing, the game hasn't even come out yet, just wait for the fucking game okay? How exactly would you know it's like MGS 2? You won't know SHIT until you play the game. I know those of you who played the demo but seriously, boo fucking hoo. I know MGS 2's plot was a convoluted mess, but that was 3 YEARS AGO, get with the times, Kojima confirmed himself that MGS 3 will be the most straightfoward in the series FYI. I'm not here to start a flame war but people babbling about how the game already has a mess of a story right before it even comes out just pisses me off. Go play the game with an open mind, don't think that all you're gonna be doing is going apeshit and blasting guards, left, right and center, that's not what these games are about. If you don't understand then, then don't even bother playing them.


Edit: I wasn't just talking about this board, but the web as a whole, as well as numerous know it all journalists.


CrimsonSkies said:

I don't see these on the Xbox / PC listing at EBGames.

Perhaps you didn't read the rest of my post.

And don't think for a second that those three games wont take away the spotlight from SC3. Hell, Halo 2 will be such a huge event on the Xbox, SC3 will probably be ignored in its wake. I remember the original Splinter Cell selling so well so fast in the first place because it was pretty much all the Xbox had for November of 2002 (or December). That will not be the case this year.


Lakitu said:
I know MGS 2's plot was a convoluted mess, but that was 3 YEARS AGO, get with the times, Kojima confirmed himself that MGS 3 will be the most straightfoward in the series FYI.

See, trouble is, I don't trust the man no more ^_^

"I remember the original Splinter Cell selling so well so fast in the first place because it was pretty much all the Xbox had for November of 2002 (or December). That will not be the case this year."

The Xbox userbase is twice as big now. I think you'll be surprised by Splinter Cell 3 sales. I'll leave it at that. I don't want to argue about it.


Chili Con Carnage!
MGS2 was over-rated by todays standards, but it was a new level for the PS2 in terms of...well just about everything, definitely deserved the marks it got as at the time, MGS3 doesnt seem like the same level of step up (nothing against the game, it would have been next to impossible to take it that much further given time and hardware constraints), of course there are additions to the gameplay but anyone who played MGS2 is gonna feel pretty at home with it.

Gamespot have always claimed to rank games against what else is available on the system so unless the changes are more significant than they seem on the surface id say in light of games like Splinter Cell and everything else thats come on PS2 since MGS2, MGS3 shouldn't score any higher. Who knows with IGN...

Id say at this point in a generation it should be very difficult to get a 10 from anyone even slightly reputable, with so much quality on all systems, producing a game which delivers a perfect experience and something not available elsewhere would be a great feat.


Goreomedy said:
Funny. I was thinking the same about the integrity of your reviews. :D

That makes two of us.

Metal Gear was weird. Like, at the time, I honestly believed it was that good. Looking back on it is deuced odd now.

Most of the rest of the business drank the Kool-Aid too, though, so I don't feel so bad about it.

WarPig said:
So you accepted the mommy-fucking and the haunted hand and the conspiracy hospital and the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo shit and Raiden yacking with his virtual-reality girlfriend about his fucking childhood in Talking-Head-O-Vision for twenty fucking minutes at a stretch? God. Kids today need better fucking hobbies.


I accepted it on the premises that it didn't bother me. The actual game was so much fun that I didn't really care about the story after the first 2 times I played through it follow the story
(after that I just skip the cutscenes). Same with MGS, I keep up with the story, but as long as the gameplay is in place he can do what he wants with the story.

The story as a whole didn't bother me, was it overly complex? Probably. But it's also one of those games that actually has a connecting story, so alot of things can be explained in later games. It's not like FF or some other games where they have to explain every single event in that 1 game.


6.8 said:
PS2 - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 - 10

Where's the barfing rolleyes when we need it?

Will this work?



I didn't care much for the storyline (honestly, Otacon seemed like a decent guy, until he unprovokedly said some mess about how he hit on family members) of Metal Gear Solid 2.

The gameplay, however, was some of the smoothest I'd ever seen. Nothing beat the ease of peeking around a corner to shoot an enemy. It felt so natural. The controls were very, very smooth.


Er, yeah. MGS2 was highly overrated.
Based on its gameplay it didn't deserve the scores it recieved.

The story wasn't the only thing that suck...


thorns said:
MGS2 was terribly overrated. Minimal gameplay, lots of cutscenes, cliched story, no thanks.

You know nothing. MGS2 has one of the best stories I have ever seen. Play the game more than once.
chocoholic said:
I'm pretty sure that one of the two websites will give the game a ten, heck, I even think that both could give it a ten. From what been shown at the moment, the game looks just about perfect. The graphics look like some of the best this generation, the gameplay looks like its gonna set new standards, the music is just as good as MGS2 and IMO there is nothing wrong with the voice acting...apart from Ocelot, but evenone else I'm ok with. I really do think this game is gonna kick so much ass.


Fuck, I should have read the reply above me first...



Sons of Liberty was great. I loved it, not as much as the original, but I loved it just the same. What they've done to the series with part 3 is making me very upset. They fucked with the formula and made an underwhelming game from what I've been hearing. :(


I really don't agree with the backlash on MGS2. Though I do agree that the latter half of the game housed many of the most absurd plot contrivences of any game, or any thing, really, looking back I still can't help but be incredibly impressed by the game, and what it achieved, both technologically and in dialog. At least in this industry. Obviously, there are tons and tons of films and literature that far eclipse what MGS2 brought to the table, but I can't help but applaud Kojima for at least attempting something of the complexity of MGS2's plot, regardless of if he succeeded or not, if only in hopes that it inspires more developers to bring a more sophisticated, adult-focused level of plot and presentation to their games. And say what you will of the game, but I actually think it's gameplay is extremely enjoyable. Unrealistic, almost cartoonish, sure, but if I were looking for realism I wouldn't be playing a game where the idea of being resurrected as a fucking arm is in any way a plausable possibility.


Gerber said:
What they've done to the series with part 3 is making me very upset. They fucked with the formula and made an underwhelming game from what I've been hearing. :(
Can you please elaborate? People have been so vague as to what exactly is wrong with the game.
Andy787 said:
And say what you will of the game, but I actually think it's gameplay is extremely enjoyable. Unrealistic, almost cartoonish, sure, but if I were looking for realism I wouldn't be playing a game where the idea of being resurrected as a fucking arm is in any way a plausable possibility.

Yeah definetly, the gameplay is what makes the series so special. It's one of the very few stealth games that really allow you to have a good amount of freedom over what you're doing. Sure it's meant to be a stealth game, but it's balanced in a way that you can turn it into a full on action game because there's no real trial and error to the gameplay. It'll obviously ramp of the difficulty unless you're running through doing headshots it's the tranq gun or a silenced gun, but you definetly have the option to play it either way.

Going by what we've seen of MGS3, it's going to have a crazy amount of freedom compared to the previous games. That's what i'm looking forward most to with the game.


Tag of Excellence
Kojima can keep his convoluted plots and ridiculously detailed cinematics. Just give me long intense sessions of gameplay and lots of it please. I'd also love vastly improved soldier AI and extremely clever level design.

If Kojima provides me that then he can make the main character an evil frog controlling a Snake robot while he is trying to uncover the secret identity of the La-Le-Li-you-fucking-get-it which in reality is his mother (and in a secret codec conversation you uncover is his sister too)!

Seriously, I wouldn't give a shit what Kojima does, if the gameplay is GOLD (and there's lots of it) then I am an extremely happy consumer.


TekunoRobby said:
Kojima can keep his convoluted plots and ridiculously detailed cinematics. Just give me long intense sessions of gameplay and lots of it please. I'd also love vastly improved soldier AI and extremely clever level design.

If Kojima provides me that then he can make the main character an evil frog controlling a Snake robot while he is trying to uncover the secret identity of the La-Le-Li-you-fucking-get-it which in reality is his mother (and in a secret codec conversation you uncover is his sister too)!

Seriously, I wouldn't give a shit what Kojima does, if the gameplay is GOLD (and there's lots of it) then I am an extremely happy consumer.

Kojima's "convoluted plots" and "ridiculously detailed cinematics" is what makes MGS what it is. Take that away and it like taking away its soul.


Bishman said:
Kojima's "convoluted plots" and "ridiculously detailed cinematics" is what makes MGS what it is. Take that away and it like taking away its soul.
You're determining this from just two games. And I felt that the first MGS was much more bearable.

And someone answer my freaking question. MGS3 is easily the game I'm looking most forward to, but I can't understand the disappointment in the demo.

Musashi Wins!

Bishman said:
Kojima's "convoluted plots" and "ridiculously detailed cinematics" is what makes MGS what it is. Take that away and it like taking away its soul.

Right on! I wouldn't care much about this series if it wasn't for the wackiness of the story and characters. That and the overall sense of polish *most* of the series has. I've always thought that people who bashed the wacko story and tried to play up the [cough] realistic [cough] aspect of the stealth play ***OMFG KOJIMA ATE A SNAKE MAKING TEH GAME!!1!*** were funny.
TekunoRobby said:
Kojima can keep his convoluted plots and ridiculously detailed cinematics. Just give me long intense sessions of gameplay and lots of it please. I'd also love vastly improved soldier AI and extremely clever level design.

If Kojima provides me that then he can make the main character an evil frog controlling a Snake robot while he is trying to uncover the secret identity of the La-Le-Li-you-fucking-get-it which in reality is his mother (and in a secret codec conversation you uncover is his sister too)!

Seriously, I wouldn't give a shit what Kojima does, if the gameplay is GOLD (and there's lots of it) then I am an extremely happy consumer.

If you're to take Kojima's word as truth (and I always will :p ) a big reason that the cutscenes are being taken back some is because he wants gamers to be immersed in the jungles and doesn't want them to be interrupted too much. They're going through alot of trouble to recreate the forest, so I doubt he's going to want people overlooking that aspect because of alot of cutscenes. I think it might start off with alot of cutscenes just to set up the story, and then they'll slowly take a back seat.

"I've always thought that people who bashed the wacko story and tried to play up the [cough] realistic [cough] aspect of the stealth play"

No way. The game has never scored consistantly well across all mags and sites. Gamespot always dishes out the 8s. So I'm guessing GS an 8.8, IGN a 9.2.


Console Market Analyst
Socreges said:
And someone answer my freaking question. MGS3 is easily the game I'm looking most forward to, but I can't understand the disappointment in the demo.

Well, since you asked so kindly.

Now, David can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he was turned off by the duration and frequency of cut-scenes and radio communications in the E3 demo. Like most of us, he wants a Rambo sim with Snake as the star, and could do without the interruptions of a non-sensical plot.

I like MGS2. The gameplay was refined over the original, but I did prefer the more grounded story of the first game. Which isn't to say I didn't enjoy the absurd melodrama Kojima presented to us. I threw popcorn at the screen and laughed my ass off through most of the final act. I still had fun with it.

What I'd like out of Snake Eater, is perhaps something in the middle. Something that ties up the loose ends of this trilogy in a profound, but not stupefying, way. The core story in this game looks to be exactly what the doctor ordered, and the few Kojima indulgences, depending on how many, I'll be able to forgive.

(btw, I've always thought Kojima made games like Miike does films.) :)

Can't wait for Snake Eater. And... I can't wait for Kojima to make something outside of the Metal Gear universe with his next game.


Pfft. I can deal with an obnoxious story, I guess. But people have made it seem like the gameplay is broken. Which I absolutely cannot tolerate!


Sucks at viral marketing
What would make MGS3 the greatest game ever:

The ability to interupt the long-winded, death "state-of-the-union" speeches, by finishing off the character in a variety of gruesome manners.

"I don't care if everybody always thinks about sex! If you can really read my mind, then you'd know that all I want is for you to just shut-up and DIE!!!!"

Skipping cut-scenes isn't enough... I want blood.
No one can complain about the actual gameplay. The gameplay was nearly perfect in MGS2. however, the game was very short. IMO, the story was fantastic, probably the best story in any game, followed closely by MGS1. I never understood why people were annoyed with MGS2's story because you know it was gonna get explained in MGS3, its just like MGS2 helped us understand why Ocelot was working with the president in MGS1. It does however take a lot of time to understand the story because of the script. The stroy was complex but it could have been easily explained if it wasn't for the bad script.

btw, I actually want MGS3 to have as many cutscenes and twists in MGS2 or more, only if they make the gameplay sections a lot longer
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