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So who's buying DOA: Ultimate?


IJoel said:
Yep. With modes like "Loser keeps fighting" and "Winner keeps fighting" all while cycling through the people in the room.

This will r0x.
Devs of online console games should take note.


Jonnyram said:
I can't believe this... it's been delayed AGAIN in Japan. Now it's coming out on 2 November.
I first wanted to get this as soon as it was announced at the start of the year, because my Xbox started playing up when I was playing PGR2, randomly resetting and shit. The bundle seemed like great VFM, especially with the cushion thrown in.

It was first supposed to come out on 25 March - I still have my pre-order slip in my wallet. Then it got delayed until summer, then start of October, end of October and now this... Stop taking the piss! I can't play Xbox games properly until I get this, and if it gets pushed back after Halo 2, I'm going to kill someone.


Yea these delays really suck. I'm waiting for the Kasumi Xbox since I need an Xbox before Halo2 and price-wise the pack-in with DoAU is a pretty good deal. I just hope I can get one when it finally does come out, none of the game stores around me were taking pre-orders for the system package due to all the delays. I mean it says there's gonna be 6000 of them and it's hard to imagine 6000 xboxs selling in a week in Japan.
IGN said:
What makes Tag Team a little more appealing this time out is that you can play it online. A friend can also play in the second slot as a guest, though they won't get any stats accumulated while playing.

I'm definately getting it now!


Jonnyram said:
I can't believe this... it's been delayed AGAIN in Japan. Now it's coming out on 2 November.
I first wanted to get this as soon as it was announced at the start of the year, because my Xbox started playing up when I was playing PGR2, randomly resetting and shit. The bundle seemed like great VFM, especially with the cushion thrown in.

It was first supposed to come out on 25 March - I still have my pre-order slip in my wallet. Then it got delayed until summer, then start of October, end of October and now this... Stop taking the piss! I can't play Xbox games properly until I get this, and if it gets pushed back after Halo 2, I'm going to kill someone.

excuses excuses. you just want the cushion. :)

I got the asian version, it's 6800 at messe sanoh vs. 8800 yen for the regular Japanese version. :) (I'm getting my ass handed to me on a regular basis on xbox live)


Bebpo said:

Yea these delays really suck. I'm waiting for the Kasumi Xbox since I need an Xbox before Halo2 and price-wise the pack-in with DoAU is a pretty good deal. I just hope I can get one when it finally does come out, none of the game stores around me were taking pre-orders for the system package due to all the delays. I mean it says there's gonna be 6000 of them and it's hard to imagine 6000 xboxs selling in a week in Japan.

there has to be at least more than 6000 DOA perverts in Japan.


Picked this up today. Oh, DOA2 how I missed thee. You were always my favorite. Online is really cool, and addicting (assuming you're playing with some decent folk).

Now the strategy guide is disappointing. It focuses entirely on DOA2, with nary a mention of 1. I want my $14.99 back :(
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