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So your potential SO chews tobacco - bail or try to reform?

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So you've met a hottie and all systems are go until you suddenly learn that they chew tobacco. You don't find it attractive and it disgusts you. Do you hit eject button or put up an ultimatum of ditch the chew or thats it? This has only been after one date too.
If she's hot....Hit it and ditch it...

No one want a tabacco chewing girlfriend! *eck!*

edit: wait... "he" Hamburglar is a man lover? oh well... same rule applies I suppose.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
she's had other dicks in her mouth and you're worried about tobacco?

On a side/serious note, does this disgust the same as smoking?


Is this a guy or girl who chews tobacco? The only women I've ever heard of chewing were like 50+

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I doubt he knows (in answer to kissing the girl q).

I say bail. But I can only just about put up with going out with a smoker, so if that doesn't bother you, maybe it's ok.
levious said:
she's had other dicks in her mouth and you're worried about tobacco?

On a side/serious note, does this disgust the same as smoking?

Smoking doesnt disgust me but its not a pleasant smell. And the red eyes, hoarse voice and darkened skin aren't too attractive either.

As far as kissing him, I couldnt tell he did chew tobacco.


Bail now. Tobacco addiction is hard to kick -- ESPECIALLY chewing tobacco -- and it's a particularly disgusting habit, in my opinion.

Also, thinking long-term: If you really like this guy and think you could spend a long time dating him, do you really want to worry about the near-inevitable health consequences? Chewing tobacco causes some particularly nasty forms of cancer.


If its a girl thats chewing tobacco a giant red flag should be raised immediately. Though I'd have to side with the "hit it once, then leave it" group. Any chick that chews probably has low self esteem so you could probably do all sorts of fun things to her in the bedroom.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Smoking doesnt disgust me but its not a pleasant smell. And the red eyes, hoarse voice and darkened skin aren't too attractive either.

As far as kissing him, I couldnt tell he did chew tobacco.

if you couldn't tell then I'd say it'd be better than if he smoked, given the other affects you mention.
chewing copenhagen snuff rocks, everyone should try it.

i had to go through this stuff with every girl i've ever dated, they're not fans. so i've condensed my snuff chewing to only when i play tiger woods or ncaa


Hey do you guys wanna see what chewing tobacco does to you? Maybe you can use what I can show as a way to make your friend stop chewing tobacco.


Drunky McMurder
Firest0rm said:
Hey do you guys wanna see what chewing tobacco does to you? Maybe you can use what I can show as a way to make your friend stop chewing tobacco.

Wait, you're saying that tobacco products are unhealthy?!

We must get this news out! Surely the world needs to know! Everybody will stop using tobacco products if they know it can be detrimental to their health!


Archaix said:
Wait, you're saying that tobacco products are unhealthy?!

We must get this news out! Surely the world needs to know! Everybody will stop using tobacco products if they know it can be detrimental to their health!

Saying it doesn't have the same effect as showing it does. I'm not acting like no one here knows what it does. I'm just saying do you guys wanna see the effects of it? Thats all.
Ecrofirt said:
When did Hamburglar become gay? Has this been a well known thing?

I knew, and I mostly lurk :/

Anyway, I don't see how you can expect someone to change for you after only one date.

If you're not happy with his quirks/habits, I say you bail.


The problem with the ultimatum, if no one has mentioned this yet, is that even if the person accepts, they may begin to blame you for robbing them of their desires. It had better be a solid relationship.
Ecrofirt said:
When did Hamburglar become gay? Has this been a well known thing?

I guess Suerte's list was right..
I think it was in the Man-Boy Love thread. He is a Man who Loves a Boy.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Firest0rm said:
Saying it doesn't have the same effect as showing it does. I'm not acting like no one here knows what it does. I'm just saying do you guys wanna see the effects of it? Thats all.

We've all been through health class, why not offer to explain the effects of a 35 mph car crash in super slow motion as well?


levious said:
We've all been through health class, why not offer to explain the effects of a 35 mph car crash in super slow motion as well?

wtf? Why the hell are you acting like I'm doing something bad. Shit I asked if you guys would like to see somethingl, you could have just said no.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
eh, don't take it wrong, just it's probably a general backlash against the whole anit-smoking compaign in the US... I don't like smoking myself, but it's all so "insult my intelligence more why don't you."


levious said:
eh, don't take it wrong, just it's probably a general backlash against the whole anit-smoking compaign in the US... I don't like smoking myself, but it's all so "insult my intelligence more why don't you."

I'm not trying to tell you every little detail. I just wanted to share a few pics that I found while doing a project for my school, and thought that maybe some people would like to see them thats all. I'm not going about saying there thousands of chemicals in each puff you take of that cig. and ever time you smoke your life gets 6 minutes shorter or any of that crap.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
no, I meant, everyone knows smoking is bad... trying to inform them is the odd part. Not specifically talking about you.
Thats our little secret, Carlos!

And I dont think I'm going to try to do anything with this guy. If he understands why I didn't choose him, then allt he better. If not then he isn't worth my time either way.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Oh good lord, I didn't think me being gay needed a sticky or something. Yes, I'm gay people!

but you know, those capes that you wear around the office make you look so............ garceful? ;) wait, let me looka t your resume again.... yes, yes.... yeah. it checks out fine i guess....
God this thread is comedy gold *wipes tear from eye*

Chaw is naaaaaasty. I chewed in military school when I couldn't have a smoke and I hate myself for it.

aoi tsuki


Teh Hamburglar is gay?! Oh nos!!!11
levious said:
and how often do you receive a meat delivery?

well, the meat man shows up every once in a --HEY!!!! IM NOT--- i mean *ahem* not that there's anything wrong with that...... i mean, nothing at all. oh for the days when everyone would fear me......


Drunky McMurder
I didn't really want to post, but what in the fuck is that picture?!

I don't know that I want the answer.

Anyway...why this thread? It's not as though it was a huge secret(or at least, not an incredibly well-kept one...)

Ah well. The world may never know.
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