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SoCal Fry's sale highlights (10/29)

Dead or Alive Ultimate: $39.99
Ace Combat V: $39.99
Tako Drum Master: $49.99

Does anyone know if Toys R Us does pricematching? =)

Update: TRU does pricematching =)
From buying games at TRU yesterday on the 3-for-2 sale then going back to price match with today's Fry's ad, I got 6 newly released games retailing at $300 for $179 =)

The games:
- Taiko Drum Master: $60 pricematched to $50
- Dead or Alive Ultimate: $50 pricematched to $39
- Donkey Konga: $50 free game

- Paper Mario 2: $50
- Ace Combat V: $50 pricematched to $40
- OutRun 2: $40 free game
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