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Sold my Gamecube, It's all Over!

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..along with several GBA games, GBA regular(s), and GBA/GC accessories/controllers. Got around $635 between Game Rush and selling to people around the neighborhood. Now I can afford all the games coming out on the PS2, a PSP (and launch games [instead of a DS]), and have enough actual cash to pay for books and stuff next semester.

Musashi Wins!

AniHawk said:
..along with several GBA games, GBA regular(s), and GBA/GC accessories/controllers. Got around $635 between Game Rush and selling to people around the neighborhood. Now I can afford all the games coming out on the PS2, a PSP (and launch games [instead of a DS]), and have enough actual cash to pay for books and stuff next semester.

Is this a joke? I didn't think you'd abandon the Hive.

Good choice, though har har.


AniHawk said:
..along with several GBA games, GBA regular(s), and GBA/GC accessories/controllers. Got around $635 between Game Rush and selling to people around the neighborhood. Now I can afford all the games coming out on the PS2, a PSP (and launch games [instead of a DS]), and have enough actual cash to pay for books and stuff next semester.

Join the club.... I sold mine earlier this year for an Xbox and haven't looked back. :)
That's not a bad price.

I like the GameCube as a secondary console though, I think its great in that role. I just couldn't see myself making it through this generation without both Resident Evil 4 and Legend of Zelda. Say what you want about Nintendo, but both of those look spectacular.

I thought about selling my GBA SP in lieu of the upcoming DS, but I just love the design of it, so I'm keeping it.


AniHawk said:
..along with several GBA games, GBA regular(s), and GBA/GC accessories/controllers. Got around $635 between Game Rush and selling to people around the neighborhood. Now I can afford all the games coming out on the PS2, a PSP (and launch games [instead of a DS]), and have enough actual cash to pay for books and stuff next semester.

quick question: What swayed you to the PSP away from the DS? I think the DS will offer a more "unique" experience.... but I guess I can see how the pure technology of the PSP would have you excited aswell...


When's Zelda coming out? I'm still holding out for that. I think I'll be doing the same once I've bought and beat that though. I'll get either an Xbox or a PSTwo. Probably the latter for GTA:SA. It's wierd, I'm not even on of those people that got a GC at launch. I waited until it pretty much had a foot in the grave before buying one. No regrets, Wind Waker might be the best game I've played this gen, but there really ain't shit for it, and not much coming down the pike either. Maybe I should get rid of it now while it'll still fetch a decent trade. :? PEACE.


MrparisSM said:
quick question: What swayed you to the PSP away from the DS? I think the DS will offer a more "unique" experience.... but I guess I can see how the pure technology of the PSP would have you excited aswell...

It was more of a combo between the pricepoint and tech. Plus, I have a feeling I'll be able to get a DS and games later for much, much cheaper.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
To be honest the only reason i still have my cube is you can’t give them away in Australia. Still there are four games coming out that I am interested in

-Paper Mario
- Pikmin 2
- New Zelda

I am not sure if I should pick up pikmin 2 and paper Mario new over the next few weeks, because I could pick up over twice the amount of Xbox games eg. KOTOR (The BG series is my favorite game!)


Pimpwerx said:
When's Zelda coming out? I'm still holding out for that. I think I'll be doing the same once I've bought and beat that though. I'll get either an Xbox or a PSTwo. Probably the latter for GTA:SA. It's wierd, I'm not even on of those people that got a GC at launch. I waited until it pretty much had a foot in the grave before buying one. No regrets, Wind Waker might be the best game I've played this gen, but there really ain't shit for it, and not much coming down the pike either. Maybe I should get rid of it now while it'll still fetch a decent trade. :? PEACE.

you mean zelda gamecube? Well it's 2005, and probably in the holidays.
Zelda, Resident Evil 4, Star Fox 2, and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat are all 2005.

I dunno, with the system being $99 and the Mario Kart bundle coming, chances are you're not going to get a whole lot in terms of trade value anyway, I'd just hang on to the system. There's still a lot of good games on it. As a secondary platform it's a great compliment to either a PS2 or XBox IMO -- I wouldn't reccomend it as a primary console unless you really love Nintendo franchises.

Has it been confirmed that Revolution is backwards compatible btw?


I just think it's a bad time to sell the cube right now when there will be like 4-5 great games coming out in a span of 1-3 months.


SantaCruZer said:
I just think it's a bad time to sell the cube right now when there will be like 4-5 great games coming out in a span of 1-3 months.
These are the same people that will end up buying it back when one of the upcoming games becomes too irresistable for them to pass up.

They're front runners in a sense.


hyperbolically metafictive
that's the only rational response to today's news. i think i might sell my gamecube in a gesture of solidarity. you'll have to pry the gba from my cold, dead hands, though.


drohne said:
that's the only rational response to today's news. i think i might sell my gamecube in a gesture of solidarity. you'll have to pry the gba from my cold, dead hands, though.

didn't think you owned a cube.
you didn't mention selling your GC titles - so you only sold the console? I personally wouldn't sell my cube (of course you get to buy it back when its way cheaper). Like many others have said; there are still AAA titles to come on the cube.

No one mentioned that Mario Tennis title


drohne said:
that's the only rational response to today's news. i think i might sell my gamecube in a gesture of solidarity. you'll have to pry the gba from my cold, dead hands, though.

So because Sony announces the PSP price to be lower than what people were assuming, everyone should sell all Nintendo hardware?

You're right, that's sooo rational.

meh, I need the WTF dog meat chopper.


TheGreenGiant said:
you didn't mention selling your GC titles - so you only sold the console? I personally wouldn't sell my cube (of course you get to buy it back when its way cheaper). Like many others have said; there are still AAA titles to come on the cube.

No one mentioned that Mario Tennis title

Mario Tennis is great, because you don't need the split screen in order to play 4. The perfect party game.


Ani selling his cube was not too much of a shock. He's been a Nintendo fan, but was always able to put reason first and see the pros and cons of other systems. Not blind fanboyism like others on GAF.

...the PSP does sound tantalizing now, doesn't it?
Well at the end of the day, I can't play Zelda or Resident Evil 4 or F-Zero GX on the PS2.

GameCube is more of a speciality machine sure, but what exactly is the sell in value of the unit in terms of selling used? I just don't think it'd be worth it even if I wasn't playing the system.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I was having long thoughts about trading in my cube for an xbox, the thoughts were followed by repetedly bashing my head against a brick wall, which seemed to have knocked some sense into me. But Halo 2 looks so tempting...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Resident Evil 4...Resident Evil 4...that's all I'm going to say.


AniHawk said:
Yeah, I also sold the games. Had 31 at final count.

I can see selling the games, but the system itself just doesnt make any sense to me. I guess it'll be cheap when a new game comes out if you need to have it -- but I just fail to see the point of selling a system. Glad the guy from GAF who sold me his Xbox last year for super cheap did though!
Doesn't matter if this is a joke or not, it's a stupid thread.

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