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Soldier investigated for bragging about not saluting the flag on Facebook

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Don't know about now, but up until 96' people got out of their cars at Fort Riley. It was mainly around all the combat units since it was a huge circular road up there. If you attempted to sit in your car or duck into a building you were pretty much screwed.

Those rules are typically either A) Base specific or B) Personal preference. I've been on bases that don't have any problems with you sitting in your car, but you will have people still get out and salute.


The way it was for me (2009-2013):

If you're in your car, you stay in your car. You pull to the side and wait for taps to end. If you're inside about to leave and taps is going off, you wait inside quietly and respectfully at the door instead of make a bunch of noise to get outside and salute.

If you're in a no-hat-no-salute area (flightline) like I was, you stop and just mind your business quietly. If a hardass SNCO or officer was around, parade rest (though where I was morale was so bad the officers didn't give a shit, leadership didn't give a shit, we had a 24/7 mission that didn't stop for music).

If you're out and about, in uniform, you fucking stop, stand at attention, and salute. PT gear, ACU/ABU/Multicam/whateverthebluenavycrapis, you salute.


1. Become a cop, murder an innocent person, get paid vacation.

2. Join Military, avoid the mundane task of saluting a flag for the billionth time, possibly face up to two years in jail or have pay reduced and privileges revoked.

The world, ladies and gents.

Though she is pretty stupid for broadcasting her insubordination on social networks.


Knowingly joining an organization with strict rules and refusing to follow those rules. Classy. She'd be fired in the private sector.
1. Become a cop, murder an innocent person, get paid vacation.

2. Join Military, avoid the mundane task of saluting a flag for the billionth time, possibly face up to two years in jail or have pay reduced and privileges revoked.

The world, ladies and gents.

Though she is pretty stupid for broadcasting her insubordination on social networks.

If this was a private matter I'm sure her punishment would be far less severe. As it stands, she made it public and now she's being made an example of.
Given the mention of a disciplinary if they do not salute, there's really no question, it's part of her damn job to salute. Just fucking do it, it isn't exactly a taxing thing to do. Fuck's sake.
Why are people so fucking obsessed with posting anything on social media? Its not hiding when you're telling people on one of the most popular sites on the net you're hiding, idiot!


she just likes to rile people up I think. It's her shtick.

I think her job is about to get a wee bit more strenuous.
The part where they said you're supposed to get out of your car to salute is wrong. If you're driving on the base when "colors" happens, you're just supposed to stop your car until it's done.

And even the diehard military officers might not go outside a few minutes before 0800 because they don't want to be stuck there saluting for the entire national anthem. Being indoors shields you from the requirement so you wait inside until colors is over.

It's asinine that this requires taxpayer money spent on an "investigation". Scary stuff.

However, if you're outside of your car when the music starts playing and you ignore it and get in your car (or duck inside a building to ignore it), you can be ordered back out if a higher ranking person sees you do it.

My wife is currently Active Duty in the Army. She got in in, 2005. They used to just have everyone stop their cars but a few years back they changed it to have all Soldiers get out and salute. At Ft. Hood they even went as far as to have MP's go out a few minutes before and block the major roads to FORCE people to stop. They also keep an eye out for any soldiers not getting out of their vehicles and saluting.


She's stupid for saying that on social media, but I don't give a shit. Never been all that patriotic. It's just a piece of cloth to me.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
People will take a political stance here but frame it like this way: She's a soldier. Saluting the flag at 1700 is her job. She neglected to do a required part of her job and flaunted it. How would that go over in any job?


She's a dumbass

but the crazy American style reaction to not saluting, and the pentagon freaking out, is straight up embarrassing. as are the other disciplinary actions. why is a us flag on a coffin totally verboten? why do people have to pull over and salute? it's insane.


I got yelled at once for running inside a minute before the 1700 flag.
Almost everyone in the military avoids getting caught outside when the flag is going off.
Well yeah, it is extremely common on any base. At most you will have some first shirt or Chief or something give you a "Fuck you think you're doing? Standing at the door while retreat is playing... get your ass out there now" look. But I'm guessing you never bragged about ducking the flag on facebook or anything, right?

I think the most I ever got was one time I was standing just inside the BX, waiting to leave and obviously playing with my phone to make it look like I had a text or something. Some senior NCO walked past, glanced at me, gave me a "Son, I am disappoint" shake of the head, and then walked out and immediately snapped to attention.

It's not a big deal at all to me that she was ducking retreat, I don't have some sacred devotion to the flag. Boasting about it online though was absolutely dumb and with the attitude she displayed in those messages, I can't say I really care what happens to her.

The only thing flag-related that would get me heated or pissed or pissed off was when I was in Korea and people would keep walking or just stand there or do whatever during the Korean national anthem but then snap to a salute during the US anthem at retreat. I noticed a coworker one day only saluted during the US anthem and I asked why he didn't salute the Korean one. His response? "It's not my fucking flag. This isn't my fucking country." I was just like "What?! Are you kidding me? We are IN their fucking country and it is the required custom and courtesy. You're fucking dumb."
That always got under my skin...


I doubt that the higher-ups in the army are pissed of because she didn't salute the flag - they couldn't care less. It's the fact that she was publicly disrespectful and the army have some sort of reputation to uphold. They'll crucify her just on principle and to make an example out of her.
Do people posting to her instagram assume that no other soldier since the revolutionary war has never felt lazy about going through the annoying motions of a shallot nationalistic gesture? Does it matter that she's still remained a member of the military and potentially has her life on the line, for the sake of the their apparently symbolically fragile country?

Why would anyone give a shit?
Holy shit can you imagine doing some dumb thing like that, and then the next thing you know the top people at your work are talking to the media about it and you're looking at potentially getting court martialled? Man. Not a career enhancing decision.


my posts are "MEH"
Not surprised. People want instant validation. I guarantee when she posted that pic she was waiting for all of the "likes" and comments.

So many idiots incriminate themselves via social media. I'll just sit back and laugh away...
Every soldier tries to avoid it. But it's really stupid to brag about it because the flag ceremony is like a sacred thing (not just in US military). It's a sure thinbg to get your ass into trouble if you don't respect it as a soldier. Oh and god forbid you let the flag drop if you're the one in charge. It's a worse crime then the holocaust.

Demon Ice

Need to interview the flag to find out if it was offended.

In all seriousness, the sheer blind nationalism /herp derp "patriotism" fueling the outrage behind this is hilarious, but at the same time the soldier is dumb as a goddamn fucking rock for bragging about this on FB.

Basically everybody involved is at the bottom of the IQ barrel. And now tax dollars are being wasted investigating this because people "disrespecting" a fucking inanimate object is apparently the top of the priority list of problems America has.


It's the military. A job that revolves entirely around the concept of nationalism. This is all part of her job. Any civilian nationalistic reactions, sure, go ahead and criticize, don't have a problem there, but it's really in the job description for those in uniform.

It's a minor offense - something that usually only results in someone saying "hey, don't do that again." She was just an idiot, basically yelling online that "hey I broke the rules #fuckthearmy." That's the issue here.
The part where they said you're supposed to get out of your car to salute is wrong. If you're driving on the base when "colors" happens, you're just supposed to stop your car until it's done.

And even the diehard military officers might not go outside a few minutes before 0800 because they don't want to be stuck there saluting for the entire national anthem. Being indoors shields you from the requirement so you wait inside until colors is over.

It's asinine that this requires taxpayer money spent on an "investigation". Scary stuff.

For us that were in the Navy, this is correct. The Army is a different story though because I've seen soldiers salute indoors and uncovered....


The part where they said you're supposed to get out of your car to salute is wrong. If you're driving on the base when "colors" happens, you're just supposed to stop your car until it's done.

And even the diehard military officers might not go outside a few minutes before 0800 because they don't want to be stuck there saluting for the entire national anthem. Being indoors shields you from the requirement so you wait inside until colors is over.

It's asinine that this requires taxpayer money spent on an "investigation". Scary stuff.

I can only vouch for the Air Force, where what you said is true. I've heard other branches are a little more anal about it in regards to the cars, like if you're on base, they want you to stop, get out, and salute.

Anyway, it was always amusing to see the people bunched up at exits waiting for the anthem to end. Everyone knew people tried to dodge the saluting, but nobody cared unless you were an idiot about it, i.e. bragging about it on social media.

Edit: If she had been caught doing this by a superior sans the social media aspect, she'd probably just get a written reprimand that goes in her files for a while. An LoC. Maybe LoR if she has a history of stupidity. The real problem is that she publically disrespected the Army, and they cannot let something like that slide.


It's the military. A job that revolves entirely around the concept of nationalism. This is all part of her job. Any civilian nationalistic reactions, sure, go ahead and criticize, don't have a problem there, but it's really in the job description for those in uniform.

It's a minor offense - something that usually only results in someone saying "hey, don't do that again." She was just an idiot, basically yelling online that "hey I broke the rules #fuckthearmy." That's the issue here.

yeah, she turned it up to 11 by putting it on the internets.
Need to interview the flag to find out if it was offended.

In all seriousness, the sheer blind nationalism /herp derp "patriotism" fueling the outrage behind this is hilarious, but at the same time the soldier is dumb as a goddamn fucking rock for bragging about this on FB.

Basically everybody involved is at the bottom of the IQ barrel. And now tax dollars are being wasted investigating this because people "disrespecting" a fucking inanimate object is apparently the top of the priority list of problems America has.

You're entirely missing the point. This has less to do with the flag and more to do with following the rules. The military, as an organization, relies entirely on its members adhering to a strict set of rules, and ultimately, subservience in order to function properly, as rote, mundane and pointless as it may seem.


No but the chances of her moving up in rank are probably put on hold for a year. Depending of how long she has been in the Army at her current rank, that can be career ending if she's close to high-year tenure.

Honestly, I couldn't see her commander approving her for reenlistment anyway after this and the other post people found. These are probably only the tip of the iceberg in regards to her work ethic.


Ugh. I don't care if she doesn't salute the flag, but you were dumb enough to brag about it?

You deserve the shit that's coming to you.

Takes the words right out of my mouth. I think it's a bit weird to require them to stop everything including driving to salute it but that's the rules. I'd have been fine if she avoided it. But to then brag about it on facebook of all things takes her to a whole new level of stupid.


here comes the dishonorable discharge.

I agree. Let her have it too. She'll miss the days of sitting in her car letting the tax payers pay her for doing nothing all day. Good luck getting a good job with a dishonorable discharge hanging over your head. Dummy.
Honestly, I couldn't see her commander approving her for reenlistment anyway after this and the other post people found. These are probably only the tip of the iceberg in regards to her work ethic.

Yea, that's true considering how much media attention her command has attracted. When a senior colonel makes a press conference because of what you had done, you know your military career is over.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
My wife is currently Active Duty in the Army. She got in in, 2005. They used to just have everyone stop their cars but a few years back they changed it to have all Soldiers get out and salute. At Ft. Hood they even went as far as to have MP's go out a few minutes before and block the major roads to FORCE people to stop. They also keep an eye out for any soldiers not getting out of their vehicles and saluting.

The boys out at Hood are a little more tight-assed than the norm. They've had a chain of full-birds that have been more about procedure and pompasity than efficiently running a post because their eyes are focused on getting a star.

here comes the dishonorable discharge.
You've gotta murder someone or run guns to get a DD. She could get a general discharge, though.
I doubt that the higher-ups in the army are pissed of because she didn't salute the flag - they couldn't care less. It's the fact that she was publicly disrespectful and the army have some sort of reputation to uphold. They'll crucify her just on principle and to make an example out of her.


Now, if the pentagon could feel the same way about sexual assault.


Ok Mlitarygaf real talk, how many of us have dodged the 1700 retreat flag salute by making sure we just happened to be inside a building? I certainly have, so has everyone else I know who has been in. I'm just flabbergasted that this junior soldier is this fuckinng stupid, if you want the money (and making money is stupidly easy while in uniform) you play the game. Especially nowadays with all the downsizing, the first soldiers getting kicked out or denied reenlistment are going to be problem soldiers like her.

And several simliar incidents have happened recently, my Facebook blew up when some Wisconsin National Guard SPC posted this pic of herself. Kids these days are fucking retarded lol


edit: the comment about the "jacked up" (messed up) flag refers to this.


I have done things way worse than this in the military, got caught, and got a slap on the wrist. At worst she should be lectured by her first sergeant. However, she made it a much bigger issue by telling the world about it. As silly as it sounds the reputation of the armed forces as being a place of strict discipline needs to be maintained even if it isn't always true.

I imagine she will still not get in serious trouble, maybe a temporary reduction in pay or something.

Also you can easily tell who was in the military at one time or another by how the person responds in this thread. Even the most die hard patriots I served with would try to avoid getting caught out on base at 0800 or 1700. Flag detail was fun though.
lol I would purposefully time my comings and goings on base to avoid the 1700 flag lol.

About to leave the commissary and it's almost 1700? I think I could check out the deli section for a minute.

edit: sounds like she's getting a long overdue lesson on social media + military. a lot of people need this lesson; some of the stuff I see on facebook is just... dumb
The boys out at Hood are a little more tight-assed than the norm. They've had a chain of full-birds that have been more about procedure and pompasity than efficiently running a post because their eyes are focused on getting a star.

I was unaware of this but looking back, it makes total sense. I didn't put it together at the time but in addition to the changes we're discussing here, they also had their CLNCO's cracking down on the villages for appearances as well. Ah well, we've been gone from there so we don't have to deal with it anymore.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
War has changed.

Hashtagged yolo soldiers and their facebook tagged squads fight instagram'd proxy battles streamed lived to youtube.


I have done things way worse than this in the military, got caught, and got a slap on the wrist. At worst she should be lectured by her first sergeant. However, she made it a much bigger issue by telling the world about it. As silly as it sounds the reputation of the armed forces as being a place of strict discipline needs to be maintained even if it isn't always true.

I imagine she will still not get in serious trouble, maybe a temporary reduction in pay or something.

Also you can easily tell who was in the military at one time or another by how the person responds in this thread. Even the most die hard patriots I served with would try to avoid getting caught out on base at 0800 or 1700. Flag detail was fun though.

Sure, everyone's done it, even me( on occasion, not all the time, and it usually had to do with me carrying a bunch of stuff) but on top of posting to the world about it, she generally sounds like she proud of getting over everyone.

The post of her bragging about doing nothing all day for tax payer money is worse. Her general shitty attitude is a huge problem for her army career. Not that she gives a fuck.


What exactly does this ceremony entail? I notice a lot of current and former military folks talking about the lengths people go to to avoid it.


Kills Photobucket
Yeah, this will go over well in Colorado Springs...

What exactly does this ceremony entail? I notice a lot of current and former military folks talking about the lengths people go to to avoid it.

Two quick songs while the flag is lowered. Stand at parade rest during first part, and attention and salute during the second part. If you're outside you stop and face the flag. If you're in a car, you stop, get out and participate.

The lady not saluting the flag was disrespectful, but I hope she doesn't lose her job. This lady here, fuck her. Was she discharged?


People will take a political stance here but frame it like this way: She's a soldier. Saluting the flag at 1700 is her job. She neglected to do a required part of her job and flaunted it. How would that go over in any job?

Garrison is an incredibly easy job as well. When i was in, i just looked at it as showing respect.
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