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Someone threw a grenade at George W. Bush and it didn't go off!

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I did not wish Bush to die I said he deserves to die (there's a difference)

please elaborate on the alleged difference between the two. what is your definition of "deserves?"


Che said:
Oh for god's sake why the hell am I then in a forum where 70-80% of the people are americans? Are you serious man? When will the republicans finally understand that when someone is against the US goverment in not against every american? I did not wish Bush to die I said he deserves to die (there's a difference), I did make Hitler comparisons and as for the boycotting it's good for a protector of the corporate profit like Bush and the rest of his gang to know that he's losing something when he keeps killing people.

You fucking moron. You've already made the retarded assumption that I'm an American before, and I've corrected you about it, but you're obviously too dense for it to stick.

I'm a fucking Canadian you numbskull, and it just so happens that I'm very critical of Bush and the War in Iraq. If I were American, I definitely would have voted for Kerry.

But go on. Keep making your idiotic assumptions, sweeping generalizations, and strawmen opposing arguments and we'll keep treating you like the blabbering idiot that you are.


Boogie said:
You fucking moron. You've already made the retarded assumption that I'm an American before, and I've corrected you about it, but you're obviously too dense for it to stick.

I'm a fucking Canadian you numbskull, and it just so happens that I'm very critical of Bush and the War in Iraq. If I were American, I definitely would have voted for Kerry.

But go on. Keep making your idiotic assumptions, sweeping generalizations, and strawmen opposing arguments and we'll keep treating you like the blabbering idiot that you are.

And I've told you before that just because you're Canadian doesn't mean that you don't support the republicans.

I'm bailing out of this thread btw. Things are getting crazy here.


Che said:
And I've told you before that just because you're Canadian doesn't mean that you don't support the republicans.

*scratches head, thinks back five minutes*

Boogie said:
If I were American, I definitely would have voted for Kerry.


Che said:
I'm bailing out of this thread btw. Things are getting crazy here.

Yeah, that's right, get the fuck out of here before you embarass yourself some more.


Damn. All I gotta say is HOPING the President of our country gets killed is pretty damn sadistic. Seriously, you may not agree with his policies, but wishing he got killed is pretty damn cold.

BTW Che sounds like a communist. Comeon isn't that where we can all band together on? KILL THAT FUCKING RED!!! FUCKIN COMMY!!
Guileless said:
Damn, we could have used your level-headed eloquence to sort this mess out.

What do we need to sort out I mean here is the main topic of this thread

Someone threw a grenade at George W. Bush and it didn't go off!

If we don't know who the suspect is then we all we have left to say is attacking civilians with a gernade is a bad thing.

All this other mess is pure bullocks.


I can't stand people's "he deserves to die" rhetoric.

Most of these people use that rhetoric under some assumed moral standard that is just as questionable as Bush's policies.
I can't stand people's "he deserves to live" rhetoric.

Most of these people use that rhetoric under some assumed moral standard that is just as questionable as Bush's policies.


geogaddi said:
can't stand people's "he deserves to die" rhetoric.

Most of these people use that rhetoric under some assumed moral standard that is just as questionable as Bush's policies.

If those policies adversely affected the lives of millions and directly led to the deaths of tens of thousands (which they have damn well done), then those people on the wrong end of the shit this guy and his regime have dished out apparently have no right to dance around on the guys grave should he one day cop a slug in the head?

No this idea, despite what the policies may be and regardless of the adverse affect they may have on others, that by all means disagree with a politicians policies but don't dare do anything about it so so fucking simplistic that is plain pathetic. What are you going to do? Well he killed my family, so I'll wait four years and hope some foreigners don't fall for his propaganda and re-elect him? I can tell you right now that if his military ever came to my neighbourhood, bombed my house and killed my family in the name of some bullshit freedom rhetoric as a cover for corporate interests you better believe I would dedicate my life to nailing that cunt; and many people who have had the misfortune of experiencing this feel exactly the same way.

Does he deserve to die? No, he deserves to be tried in the Hague as a war criminal, along with his buddy Ariel Sharon and spend the rest of his life locked up. Is it unreasonable for people to want the guy dead? No, based upon his destructive policies that have led to the deaths of many thousands, it most certainly is not.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Why are you all acting like this would be a good thing. What do you think would happen to America if Bush took one for the team?

You might as well burn up the Constitution becasue we wouldn't be using it. Ever.

They're just hankering for President Cheney, I guess :)
Too bad Bush didn't get exploded.

"And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead"


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
xabre said:
I can tell you right now that if his military ever came to my neighbourhood, bombed my house and killed my family in the name of some bullshit freedom rhetoric as a cover for corporate interests you better believe I would dedicate my life to nailing that cunt;

oh snap talkin shit to world leaders on the internets
It's better to let Bush serve the rest of his last term then make him a martyr.

If some of you still wish death upon Bush, at least make sure those wishes make him die of a natural, but premature death. That way, his followers won't be able to use his assassination to stir up patriotic feelings and further his agenda, unlike how 9-11 was used to death in the first term.


Since the thread goes on and they haven't seen the PMs I'll reply here to a couple of people who asked questions.

skip said:
please elaborate on the alleged difference between the two. what is your definition of "deserves?"

"Deserves" means that I wouldn't give a SHIT even if he died right now since he doesn't deserve to live. It doesn't mean that I hope that he gets assasinated though. Got it?

luxsol said:
So what do you actually buy? Because the US companies have deals with countries around the world, like China, India, Mexico, etc to make products, and they're just as guilty as the US when it comes to killing thousands (in their own way) and slave labor just to make a few people richer.
You should be boycotting a lot more than just US corporations cause their evil doesn't stop there, you should be boycotting products that come from evil countries who let their people be exploited too. =P

In the thread you're quoting I'm talking about corporations in general as I specified ("and I'm not talking only about the US ones" - didn't you read that part???). I explain the US corporations' boycotting here:

as for the boycotting it's good for a protector of the corporate profit like Bush and the rest of his gang to know that he's losing something when he keeps killing people.


No, killing him is a little overboard. A nice punch in the face, though, well, that would be something. It's the feeling I get everytime I see his smug grin during one of his speeches. I'm never thinking, man, I need to shoot this guy, or at least fling a grenade at him. I'm thinking "GAH! Will someone punch this guy already!!??"


Boogie said:
Hey Che, Guileless also asked you some questions.

You should have understood by now that I don't take Guileless seriously. As for you no matter who you claim you would have voted, you've defended republicans' policies tens of times and that's why this is not the first time we argue.


I wouldn't wish death on anyone, but I wouldn't be in tears if the attack was succesful either (my real wish is that he gets a permanent vacation at the Hague).

In the end it would not matter, however. He isn't really running the country in the first place (Bush's death would only make Cheney's real role in the adminstration offical). Furthermore, if people think we're on path to fascism now, imagine what would happen when Bush becomes a martyr?


Che said:
You should have understood by now that I don't take Guileless seriously. As for you no matter who you claim you would have voted, you've defended republicans' policies tens of times and that's why this is not the first time we argue.

There aren't enough :lol's in the world.

Not the first time we've argued? Che, you never argue. You spew your shit and then you bail out. The only time I've ever argued directly with you before was when I was proving your ignorance on military matters regarding the USA, China, and the former Soviet Union. And when I owned you on that topic, you pulled the same act, saying that you don't care about the topic and that it's against your "ethics" to discuss it.
Bigfonzie said:
why not kill bush? if you want change sometimes you need to fight for it.

For childish, self-centered reasons, you don't kill a legally elected-official you hate because you don't want the opposition to kill a legally elected-official you love.

But the real reason you don't kill a legally elected-official you hate, is because we're not a third-world country and we have a legal, working system for you to fight the official you hate that doesn't involve chaos, upheaveal, and acting like a bunch of goddamn Neanderthals.


ge-man said:
I wouldn't wish death on anyone, but I wouldn't be in tears if the attack was succesful either (my real wish is that he gets a permanent vacation at the Hague).

In the end it would not matter, however. He isn't really running the country in the first place (Bush's death would only make Cheney's real role in the adminstration offical). Furthermore, if people think we're on path to fascism now, imagine what would happen when Bush becomes a martyr?

Well that pretty much sums all my thoughts about the matter.

Boogie said:
There aren't enough :lol's in the world.

Not the first time we've argued? Che, you never argue. You spew your shit and then you bail out. The only time I've ever argued directly with you before was when I was proving your ignorance on military matters regarding the USA, China, and the former Soviet Union. And when I owned you on that topic, you pulled the same act, saying that you don't care about the topic and that it's against your "ethics" to discuss it.

I've argued with everybody here about the matter except with you and Guileless. Guileless because, well, I don't respect the guy since his arguments are usually extremely weak and ignorant and you because you haven't learnt to argue yet. Your posts are extremely hostile you've called me all kinds of things many times in this thread, constantly trying to ridicule me, and all I kept doing was reply to your posts nicely explaining to you every time what you should have understood the first time I wrote it.

And I repeat you've defended the republicans' policies tens of times not one or two (and no I'm not gonna waste my time searching for links). You don't even have the guts to admit that you defend them. So now if you will excuse me I will stop answering to your flaming posts, I don't want to get banned for a person like you.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Che, if you will explain my "situation" to me, and why it prevents me from understanding your particular brand of genius, I'll donate $10 to the leftist political cause of your choice. I'll scan the canceled check or a recepit. I'm not joking, I really want to hear this.

I'm talking about an honest, good faith effort. As Boogie also has had "discussions" with you before, we'll let him decide if you have complied enough to trigger my obligation to donate the money. If you still refuse to explain yourself, then we'll all know you and your "capitalism is teh suxxors" routine is full of shit.
Che, you even offend liberals such as myself. And to say that Guiless's arguments are extremely weak and ignorant is a rather disingenuous position considering you've been banned for that very same reason. You may disagree with where his arguments come from, but to label them as weak to justify your nonresponse is even weaker in my view.


Che said:
I've argued with everybody here about the matter except with you and Guileless. Guileless because, well, I don't respect the guy since his arguments are usually extremely weak and ignorant and you because you haven't learnt to argue yet. Your posts are extremely hostile you've called me all kinds of things many times in this thread, constantly trying to ridicule me, and all I kept doing was reply to your posts nicely explaining to you every time what you should have understood the first time I wrote it.

And I repeat you've defended the republicans' policies tens of times not one or two (and no I'm not gonna waste my time searching for links). You don't even have the guts to admit that you defend them. So now if you will excuse me I will stop answering to your flaming posts, I don't want to get banned for a person like you.

My, how terribly convenient for you to pick and choose who you argue with like that. I suppose I should apologize for not being able to meet your high standards for discourse. Goddammit, where's the fucking rolleyes smiley when you need it?

I defend Republican policies when they deserve to be defended, which has not been very often these past few years, I am more than willing to admit.

But go ahead, keep being so dismissive. It simply makes you look more and more like the joke that you are.


Guileless said:
Che, if you will explain my "situation" to me, and why it prevents me from understanding your particular brand of genius, I'll donate $10 to the leftist political cause of your choice. I'll scan the canceled check or a recepit. I'm not joking, I really want to hear this.

I'm talking about an honest, good faith effort. As Boogie also has had "discussions" with you before, we'll let him decide if you have complied enough to trigger my obligation to donate the money. If you still refuse to explain yourself, then we'll all know you and your "capitalism is teh suxxors" routine is full of shit.

He'll decline on the basis that I'd be a biased judge of whether his response would be acceptable or not (and maybe I would be :p). It'd be better to offer a more neutral judge of his response.


Incognito said:
Che, you even offend liberals such as myself. And to say that Guiless's arguments are extremely weak and ignorant is a rather disingenuous position considering you've been banned for that very same reason. You may disagree with where his arguments come from, but to label them as weak to justify your nonresponse is even weaker in my view.

Nope I have never been banned for that reason. And please explain to me how much should I respect a person who asks me this question:

What have you explained a thousand times?

about this post:

As I've said just because I'm boycotting US corporations and I'm against the US goverment doesn't mean I have anything against the american people and especially people in GAF who tend to be -how can I put it- not like you. But you obviously can't understand the difference since I've explained it a thousand times. Don't worry though I don't blame you, I understand your situation.

Hint: The answer lies in the highlighted words.

I've been arguing with Guileless for as long as I can remember in this forum and the result was always the same: Circular arguments. I don't say Guileless wasn't doing a good job always managing to avoid the real issues like they weren't there, while I was always trying again and again and again to point them out to him, but that is not the kind of conversation I want to have. So if you guys can't respect my decision not to answer to him seriously, well, I don't care.

PS. I'm not a liberal btw. If I could vote someone that would be the Green Party or Nader. But I definately prefer the democrats between the two big parties.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The result was not "circular arguments." The result was you refusing to defend the (often absurdly anachronistic) leftisit platitudes and the "stupid American redneck" comments you exclusively rely on. You then say that replying to anyone who questions your quasi-coherent statements is somehow beneath you and simply abandon the thread.

Here you go again. Are you that self-delusional that you're going to ignore everyone in this thread telling you how pointless and embarassing your posts are? Is there any part of you thinking, "maybe all these people are right, I should reexamine the way in which I communicate my ideas?"

At this rate, that $10 may to an American company like Microsoft. I do want to buy Forza pretty bad. You're running out of chances to show Bush that his corporate-protection policies have consequences.


Che said:
Nope I have never been banned for that reason.
Today must be your lucky day!

I don't always agree with Guileless, but he/she is at least coherent and clear. You, sir, have work to do in that area. Ducking a question repeatedly -- especially when it's a simple question -- is not acceptable.
Damn, Che's gone just as e3 rolls around.

Gentlemen, tread carefully and w/o emotion in political threads. It is dangerous!

As someone mentioned earlier, if Bush were to go the way of last night's turkey, it would just make him some fundy-right-wing matyr and then with Cheney and Co. running the joint, we'd REALLY be fucked. Besides, none of these policies being pushed around are from Bush himself, he really is a clueless "yes" man that's been on an awesome ride for what'll be 8 years soon.
WordofGod said:
Bush is as evil as hitler? :lol

Yeah but thats the why the far left is these days. No wonder the Democrats can't win anything it's because of people who say Bush = Hitler. Really turns off mainstream America.

And before you guys jump to conslusions I'm stuck in the middle but it just shocks me to see people compare a guy who murdered 6 Million people to our current President. What in anyone's right mind can make anyone say stuff like that?.
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