- there is a very short half-measure nod to the sonic 3 data select music in the mania data select music!
- splats the bunny, the formerly cut badnik, now literally
splats ink
- the special stage ring hidden under a random-ass set of spikes in flying battery zone in s3k is present and accounted for in mania
- the random sign in studiopolis act 2 you can flip the letters on to say "lock on" and it makes a little tune, which is so pointless and dumb and perfect and exactly like something a classic sonic game would do and i love it
- the reference to fucking japanese master system manuals in the studiopolis act 2 boss, that is some Obscure Shit
- good: the little marble garden wheels you spindash in ssz1 bounce you if you spindash on top of them! bad: they just put you in the regular roll animation, not the spindash animation like s3k did

- all of stardust speedway act 2, I literally paused the game 30 seconds in to the stage to wipe tears from my eyes because it was just wonderful
- when the metal sonic fight started i suddenly found myself being pulled up by tails and it didn't snap to me at first why until i realized that my fingers instinctually started trying to do a super peel-out with up+jump before the fight began hahahaha
- laughed out loud when game gear silver sonic showed up
- metal sonic's energy ball ability is a nod to the knuckles "super mecha sonic" fight in s3k
- the sonic 2 mobile hidden palace underwater badniks appearing in hydrocity!
- the hydrocity act 1 boss basically being an inverse of the original game's act 2 boss. robotnik's animations here are so good
- mirage saloon 1's boss isn't great to play but it's a giant fucking caterkiller and i love that on principle
- i lost my shit when bark the polar bear showed up out of nowhere to take down the tornado
- quartz quadrant treadmills in lava reef act 2! QQ is one of my favorite SCD zones so i'm glad it got a cameo (in another crystal-themed zone to boot)
- i hope someone makes a longer post about this - i was a friend, but there were people closer to him than me that will appreciate this even more than i do. i'm pretty fucking sure the motobug the lava reef act 2 boss rides, and that the digital manual names "jimmy", is an homage to polygonjim, a sonic retro member who passed away in 2013. he made a mod where you play as a motobug in sonic 1, which jumps almost identically to "jimmy" in this game. this is a wonderful thing for the devs to include and i am very thankful to them for it.
- i lost my shit when i approached the giant bomb (nice) enemy in metallic madness and expected it to start ticking only for it to open and reveal a smaller bomb which then opened to reveal a yet smaller bomb. it's so good
- loved the going-into-the-background stuff in metallic madness. it felt like a nice nod to the mini-sonic bits of the original, and then they brought back the mini-sonic bits in act 2 too!
- the sonic 1 final boss recreation at the end of mmz1 got rid of my cheese strat of just standing off to the side by adding an extra crusher, haha.
- the balls from the scrap brain bear fuckers in titanic monarch zone explode after a few bounces instead of bouncing at you from a mile off screen, thank you