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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Actually, I noticed you missed out or haven't played a lot of Gamecube games, qq more. Did you have a Gamecube when it was out?


Hey guise, I want to buy one of the 3 Sonic games on 3DS, which one should I get? I think the first Sonic Rush would be the more "vanilla" experience, but then Colors doesn't look bad either.

qq more

Actually, I noticed you missed out or haven't played a lot of Gamecube games, qq more. Did you have a Gamecube when it was out?

I did, I got it along with Melee and Luigi's Mansion a few months after the console came out. I think later I was slowly losing interest in console gaming, but it sort of came back around late in the Gamecube's life. I kind of regret it doing that though because I feel I've missed out a lot.

On the bright side I didn't abandon the GBA.


Hey guise, I want to buy one of the 3 Sonic games on 3DS, which one should I get? I think the first Sonic Rush would be the more "vanilla" experience, but then Colors doesn't look bad either.

Rush: Zero padding, super fast, crummy level design, funkiest soundtrack ever
Rush Adventure: Some padding, super fast, decent level design, less funky soundtrack
Colors: Optional padding, less fast, decent level design, soundtrack is a surprisingly decent conversion of Colors Wii

Whoops, I wrote a blog about the Xbox One and 2200 words spilled out

That sums the whole problem up nicely. I think what amuses me most is that the general public has ended up being more fiscally responsible about their games in general than the giant companies who employ accountants.


Super Metroid is pretty fun, everyone is right.

Although, I'm glad I played Metroid NES back in the day because if not, I would have literally no idea what to do.
The only JRPGS I've played are Pokemon and Final Fantasy


qq more

I've never considered the former series RPGs

How is it not an RPG?

Also I barely get into RPGs either. I think the only ones I've ever bothered to finish are Pokemon and Dragon Quest. Nothing wrong with RPGs, I'm just not that into them as much as the next person. Sorry everyone!

...With that said, I wish I found my DS cart of Chrono Trigger :/

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Gaming confessions, huh? Okay.

I know the running joke is that I hate video games because I'm incredibly critical of them, but I do it for reason. If there's a chance that the developer will make a new game in the series or make a new IP with a similar type of gameplay, I would like to see if my criticisms of the previous game from this developer's catalogue was improved on.

No one wants to play jank all the time. I certainly don't, despite playing a lot of jank. What I like to do is just increase my repertoire of games so I know exactly what I'm talking about and so I can hold a decent discussion about these games and outline what issues these games have. No, I cannot turn my brain off and enjoy a game for what it is. If a game has issues that irritate me and take away from my enjoyment of a game, I'm not just going to overlook it and say that, "well, it's okay, because I'm in this for the ____." No. It's a credible criticism and should not be overlooked. I've played a lot of games, and because of that, I've played a lot of jank. I should expect more the next time around.

Some developers like Idea Factory, Dimps, Compile Heart, etc. consistently make a lot of game design mistakes throughout their entire games libraries that it's hard to ignore the niggling feeling in the back of my head that's ready to criticize the fact that they never learned from their previous mistakes. I should expect better after a while with a game or from companies who've been developing a certain genre for a while because they've had other games to learn from or they've had more games in their back-catalogue to build upon. To just keep pumping out the same things over and over because there's a lack of criticism on behalf of players and reviewers not saying anything about it is just disappointing to me.

And if a company whose catalogue impressed me in the past, and are just developing games that are incredibly lacklustre in comparison in terms of balancing and game design at present, yes, I should be able to criticize that. And if a company's just adds certain things to appeal to the lowest denominator in favour of sales even though I know that in the past they've done better and are better than this, I should have a right to criticize that sort of thing too because it's incredibly unnecessary. If you have the essentials of game design, balancing, and maybe even narrative on your hands, it shouldn't even be necessary to implement certain features like that. It's silly.

In short, it shouldn't be a bad thing to just expect something better because you've experienced better from the same developer (or within the same genre). Obviously there are exceptions to the rule of course. Otherwise, I don't like it when games strip or streamline essential elements that were features in previous instalments in order to appeal to a wider base (I don't even like it when games completely ruin their balancing and make the game too easy in order to appeal to a wider base as well), and I don't like it when games add in certain things in order to act as a "feature" for certain audiences to purchase it when it's completely unnecessary to do so.

Oh, and another confession:

Throughout high school in its entirety, I stopped playing new video games for a while to concentrate on my studies (because I had to maintain my A+ streak). So, I ended up only getting a PS2 and a $32 Dreamcast then. Even then, though, I only played the bigger games for each system or borrowed games from my cousins. I did have a GBA, but I never really played it because I thought the library was lacklustre and I didn't think much of the hardware (mind you, I had a launch GBA). So, instead, I ended up starting to learn Japanese on my own and played SFC and FC games to practice reading. In some ways, it was more productive because I was actively learning something.

The GameCube never ever interested me in the slightest so I never bothered with one. Again, I'd never played Mario 64 until this year, so Mario games stopped being interesting to me in general. Many of Nintendo's IPs just didn't appeal to me anymore, so I just didn't pay attention to the company at all at that point. It wasn't until with the Wii I got back into it (shoot, I didn't even buy a GameCube for The Wind Waker or Path of Radiance, and I love both of those IPs), but I still don't have a large attachment to Nintendo's IPs at all because of the mere fact that I never had an N64 when all of the bigger games for it came out (until Majora's Mask, anyway).

Back then, I was a huge Squaresoft fangirl. I bought almost every game they made, bought some figures, bought posters, bought all the OSTs I could find, etc. Shit, I even asked my music teachers to help me out in learning various Squaresoft games' music, so I really liked their games output back then. Looking back on it, it's kind of laughable because I mock SQEX all the time now. So Squaresoft games, for the most part, were what I played then, and owning a PS2 was necessary for me because of that. In fact, to be honest, I'm kind of happy that their hubris is biting them in the ass at the moment. Part of me thinks they deserve it for completely crashing and burning in terms of miscommunication between departments, lengthy development processes/announcing games before they should be announced, and for releasing games with stripped down features that don't appeal to me in the slightest. FF13 turned me off of RPGs for a year, and that's because I completely disliked its game design direction. That is not the sort of game design I want in an RPG.

That was the point when I'd fallen out of love with platformers and fell deeply in love with RPGs, even more than I was from when I was little. RPGs were my bread and butter. They taught me vocabulary (and thus by 8th grade, I knew words that weren't "suited" to my grade level), they improved my math skills (and I shouldn't have to link that Mystic Quest post where I literally did the calculations for damage output due to an overflow error), and they helped me with my problem-solving and puzzle skills. If anyone said that I never learned a single thing from video games at all, I'd say that they're lying. If it weren't for RPGs, I wouldn't have tried to learn another language for myself. I wouldn't have looked for academic articles with respect to games localization. So the genre is a huge deal for me.

Platformers, on the other hand, made me nauseous when I played them. 3D platformers and I never fit together very well. So even with Sonic, I was starting to lose interest in it more and more because the subgenre and I didn't fit well together. I could go back and play 2D platformers no problem (though my skills had degenerated over the years because playing an RPG is markedly different and less-involved than playing a platformer), but despite being introduced to video games with platformers, I just didn't have the big attachment to them as I did when I was younger.

So... there you go. It wasn't until this generation that I decided to play catch-up, and I'm glad I did.

...Y'all missed my tomes. There's one.

Hey guise, I want to buy one of the 3 Sonic games on 3DS, which one should I get? I think the first Sonic Rush would be the more "vanilla" experience, but then Colors doesn't look bad either.
Sciz, as usual, is right on the money with the answer. On a personal front, I'd go with Rush Adventure or Colours. The level designs in both games are worth it, and if you want to play it safe and go with something more familiar, I'd go with Colours.

Whoops, I wrote a blog about the Xbox One and 2200 words spilled out
This is incredibly on-point, and it's a point that many journalists are failing to realize (some even going out of their way to mock people who are penny-pinchers, but alas...). Though, I think you could have added something in about lending and borrowing games since that's what I did a lot during my undergraduate studies. That is certainly going to be affected by these sort of practices as well.

Considering the fact that this device is targetting millenials and people in my age bracket, they're doing a poor job in terms of facilitating the demographic that has issues finding employment after university (especially this demographic who has a lot of debt in the first place--especially after the Great Recession). Focusing your product that doesn't even allow for people to budget accordingly for the mere sake of creating an AppleTV or GoogleTV or whatever competitor despite the fact that people use DVRs/Netflix/VOD services liberally or they don't even watch TV as much since they use the Internet more often for entertainment, and creating this weird and expensive work-around for lending games or buying used seems like a deterrent to me.

The only JRPGS I've played are Pokemon and Final Fantasy
This is disappointing to me and I know so many people in this position. These people tend to be incredibly hesitant to increase their repertoire of RPGs and deem new ones as either "bad" or "too hard". I... honestly it rather irksome, because I just don't like it when people are incredibly dismissive of things they've never tried before. I'm not saying that you specifically do that because I don't know that you do, but it's a generalization based on anecdotal evidence.

At least when I dismiss something, I've tried it before.


This is disappointing to me and I know so many people in this position. These people tend to be incredibly hesitant to increase their repertoire of RPGs and deem new ones as either "bad" or "too hard". I... honestly it rather irksome, because I just don't like it when people are incredibly dismissive of things they've never tried before. I'm not saying that you specifically do that because I don't know that you do, but it's a generalization based on anecdotal evidence.

At least when I dismiss something, I've tried it before.
I have a couple series in my backlog like Dragon Quest, SMT, Persona, and Lufia but I don't have the money right now to get into those. Last gen I was mainly a 360 player but I have the other consoles and most if not all JRPGs are niche so I wasn't really aware of their existence until I discovered GAF. SNES and PSone/PS2 JRPGs are on my highest priority, especially Squaresoft's stuff. I don't even think I'll live long enough to complete my backlog. :p
I don't know, there are certain things that I'm dismissive of because I know I won't get into them. Like sports games outside of tennis or golf, or wrestling games, or X4/strategy games, or ...

I think it matters more why you're being dismissive, rather than just being dismissive or not.


The only genres I'm really dismissive of are strategy games/RTSs, mainly because they aren't my thing and PC gaming is a territory I won't be able to explore until later this year. I'll play anything else though; Shooters, RPGs, Stealth, Platforming, doesn't matter to me what it is. Certain sports games I'll play, like racing or golf.


Sports games that aren't NBA/NFL street make me turn right around and walk away. Cant stand em.
I guess its cuz I played videogames whenever I couldn't play a sport with others, so I consciously wanted to separate the two things.
Can't stand Strategy RPG's but I just find the combat very boring and just not fun to play.

Sports games, I'd rather be outside playing them

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Best game per platform you've played and/or owned. Go. And this is the rare time I'm gonna make a list post without elaboration because I wrote a tome above.

Atari 2600: Solaris (advanced chipseeeettttsssss)
NES: Super Mario Bros. 3
SMS: Phantasy Star
SNES: Chrono Trigger (Rudora no Hihou, Terranigma, Yoshi's Island, Super Metroid, and Lufia II would fall here, too)
Genesis: Sonic 3&K
Sega CD: Sonic CD
Sega Saturn: Panzer Dragoon Saga
TG-16: Bonk's Adventure
PCE: Akumajo Dracula: Chi no Rondo
N64: Majora's Mask
Neo Geo: Last Blade 2
PS1: Genso Suikoden II
PS2: Tales of Destiny R, Devil May Cry 3 SE, Shadow Hearts: Covenant (battle mechanics), or Final Fantasy X-2
(GCN:The Wind Waker
Dreamcast: Skies of Arcadia
Xbox: Ninja Gaiden Black
Wii: Skyward Sword
PS3: Probably Tales of Graces f considering how many hours I've poured into that game alone. Too bad it's an enhanced port. Or Valkyria Chronicles.

Game Gear: Sonic Triple Trouble
Game Boy: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Game Boy Colour: Link's Awakening DX
Wonderswan: Namco Super Wars
Game Boy Advance: Mother 3
PSP: Sora no Kiseki: The 3rd, Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, or Ys: The Oath in Felghana
DS: Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan 2 and 999
3DS: I dunno. Ocarina of Time 3D, I guess.
Vita: DJ Max Technika Tune, Time Travelers, or Dokuro

PSN: Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
WiiWare: Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, I guess.

Most of my cousins are older than I am (they're in their 30s/40s at present), so that's how I ended up playing a lot of old stuff despite not owning the console itself.

I don't know, there are certain things that I'm dismissive of because I know I won't get into them. Like sports games outside of tennis or golf, or wrestling games, or X4/strategy games, or ...

I think it matters more why you're being dismissive, rather than just being dismissive or not.
Yes, absolutely. That certainly matters as well, and it's something I'd regrettably neglected to mention. For example, I used to play sports games on older systems, but not so much anymore. I don't think I can get into the realism, to be honest! When my friends from uni who used to be super-into RPGs but said they wouldn't try anything out of their comfort zone and just dismissed it, that's what led to what I said... and it was a bit of a harsh generalization.

GAMERG0D said:
SNES and PSone/PS2 JRPGs are on my highest priority, especially Squaresoft's stuff. I don't even think I'll live long enough to complete my backlog. :p
Well, keep in mind that Squaresoft isn't the be-all-and-end-all of the genre, of course! I may not be as knowledgeable as some other people on the board, but if you need suggestions and/or impressions, let me know.
B-But FFT and Tactics Ogre are fun...

B-But NBA Street Vol.2 is one of the best games ever made...

No they aren't, they're terribly boring. I hear the story is good but if I can't stand the combat, I'm not gonna wade through a game just for that, I'll just read a story summary or something.

NBA Street was good I guess but again, I'd rather be outside and playing it. I may not be able to replicate some of the moves they do but it's so much more fun playing them outside. Playing them on a system is the ultimate frustrating tease.


Blah, whatever, I guess I'll go

Atari 2600: Pac-Man
NES: Super Mario Bros. 3
SMS: ??
SNES: Donkey Kong Country 2/Super Mario World
Genesis: Sonic 3&K
Sega CD: Not a darn thing
Sega Saturn: Sonic Jam
TG-16: Not a bloody thing
PCE: ??
N64: Super Smash Brothers
Neo Geo: King of Fighters 97
PS1: Star Ocean: The Second Story
PS2: Final Fantasy X
Gamecube: Super Smash Brothers Melee
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure
Xbox: Not a darn thing
Wii: I hated the Wii
PS3: Ratchet and Clank HD Collection

Game Gear: Not a darn thing
Game Boy: Link's Awakening
Game Boy Colour: Pokemon Crystal
Wonderswan: ??
Game Boy Advance: Sonic Advance 3
PSP: Dissidia Duodecum
DS: Rune Factory 3
3DS: Mario Kart 7
Vita: Nothing

PSN: Nothing exclusive
WiiWare: Haha no
PS1: Crash Team Racing
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 3
PS3: Portal 2
GameCube: Super Smash Bros. Melee
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
GB/C: Pokemon Crystal
GBA: Minish Cap
DS: The World Ends With You
3DS: Kid Icarus Uprising
PC: Half-Life 2
NES: Contra
SNES: Megaman X
Genesis: Sonic 3&K
Sega Saturn: NiGHTS
N64: Starfox 64
PS1: I can't pick just one, so many good games on this thing, or at least good for the time
PS2: Devil May Cry 1
Gamecube: Super Smash Brothers Melee
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure
Xbox: Panzer Dragoon Orta/Shenmue 2
Wii: The Dust Collecting game
PS3: Yakuza 4 I guess
Game Boy: Pokemon Red I guess but this game confirmed I really don't like Pokemon that much
PSP: Dissidia Duodecum
DS: The World Ends With You
3DS: Kid Icarus Uprising
PC: Deus Ex AKA the best game ever made


NES: Super Mario Bros. 3
SNES: Donkey Kong Country/Kirby Super Star (I own Super Metroid on Wii and Wii U VC. I don't have FF games on SNES, have LTTP on GBA)
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
PS1: Final Fantasy VIII (I still like VII and IX)
PS2: Jak and Daxter
GCN: Metroid Prime/Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Xbox: Halo 2
Xbox 360: Halo 3/CoD 4
XBLA: Shadow Complex
Wii: Skyward Sword
PS3: MGS HD Collection (Primarily 360 Gamer last gen)
Wii U: New Super Mario Bros. U (Don't have Zombi U, Monster Hunter, or Lego City)

Gameboy: Pokemon Silver
Gameboy Color: Link's Awakening DX
Gameboy Advance: Final Fantasy VI Advance/Pokemon Sapphire
PSP: Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (Still need to explore PSP library of niche titles)
DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
3DS: Theatrythm: Final Fantasy (Don't have Fire Emblem)
Why does iOS get 'Don't be Afraid' from FF8
iOS: Final Fantasy: All The Bravest
jk but I completed it. I'm ashamed

Since I never had a SEGA I guess my favorite Sonic game is 2 or CD.
SNES: Donkey Kong Country 2 (I got all the games in this series, 2 was my favorite)
Wii: Brawl
PS3: Super Stardust HD
360: Sonic Generations
GB: Pokemon Blue
GBA: Golden Sun: The Lost Age (absolute favorite RPG ever, blah blah why Dark Dawn why)
DS: So many...too hard IMO. So I'll just go with Meteos :p
3DS: ... hmm. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is my only 200+ hour game, but I think I'll go with Etrian Odyssey 4 for now. I like MK7 too.
PSP: Ys 7, but really there were tons of quality titles here.
Vita: Super Stardust Delta

And on systems I didn't own:
Genesis: Sonic 3 + Knuckles
PS1: Star Ocean: The Second Story or Valkyrie Profile...
GC: Melee
I haven't played on that many console games, so...

Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Bomberman '94, Phantasy Star 4.
Saturn: Saturn Bomberman.

SNES: Super Bomberman (series).
N64: Bomerman 64, Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!, Bomberman Hero.
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy.
NDS: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.

PS1: Hell if I remember
PS2: Sly Cooper (series).
PS3: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, inFAMOUS (series), Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten.
PSP: Z.H.P.: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman, Ys: The Oath in Felghana, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable.

XXBOX 360: Alan Wake, Bayonetta, Sonic Unleashed.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I totally forgot about PC, too.

PC: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn or Planescape Torment. Probably leaning towards BG2, though.

PSP: Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (Still need to explore PSP library of niche titles)
You can use this thread to start!

Bebpo's post
Amir0x's post
My post
The Darkest Red's post
This post about ARPGs or something I don't remember
A post about import games ("Type-0 should be getting an English release", I said. LOL)
This post that has links to other threads

I really liked the PSP. Shame that a lot of the games I really liked for the platform are JPN-only.

3DS: ... hmm. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is my only 200+ hour game, but I think I'll go with Etrian Odyssey 4 for now. I like MK7 too.
Oh yeah, I still have a copy of that somewhere...

Wii: I hated the Wii
You and Beef should have tea.

PS1: I can't pick just one, so many good games on this thing, or at least good for the time
Despite not playing as many PSX games at the time because of lack of funds, if Genso Suikoden II was not on PSX, I would have picked Legend of Legaia instead.

And you know I love my Legend of Legaia.

More like BombermanoftheKnight, right? :p

It was a better game than XIII. But that's not saying much.

ATB doesn't even ha... I...

I'm leaving. I don't even like FFXIII and at least I can say that it has more adequate game structure and sound game design decisions than that thing.


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