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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Edit: Oh god first post on new page, how embarassing

best game per platform huh. Why not, though I'll cheat and pick two cause I have a hard time picking THE BEST.



NES: Final Fantasy/Metal Storm

The original FF has always scratched a bit of an itch with me, despite tons of people labeling it the most obsolete cause it was the first. I think it's waaaaay better than the original Dragon Quest, gives you tons of creative liberty in how to tackle the game (including the party arrangement at the beginning), and even sets itself up for some pretty damn good challenge runs.

This is Metal Storm. It's fast, it's super smooth, the music's great and it did VVVVV's gravity shift mechanic before it was cool. (It's also pretty hard, but you'll find that to be a running theme with me.)

SNES: Mega Man X / Tie between the two Mario platformers

It's Mega Man X. Plenty of people gush about it already, I don't think I need to repeat why. The first one retained the best balance between difficulty and ease of play, where X2 and X3 tend to veer off in either direction too often.

I can't pick between World and Yoshi's Island because I love them both to death. While it's easier for me to pick up and play World, it's hard to deny how good Island is as well. So I say FUCK THE SYSTEM and pick both.

TG-16: This is technically cheating cause I never actually played on it and the only thing I've played is Ys Book 1&2, but whatever, Ys Book 1&2 were rockin'.

N64: Star Fox 64 / Banjo Tooie

I can still pop in Stat Fox and do a whole run without getting tired of it cause of all the choices you have in how to play through the game, it's a game ahead of it's time and my only wish is that the N64 controller wasn't awful.

Most people tend to prefer Kazooie over Tooie, but I played Tooie first so going back to the first one felt weird for me due to the lack of stuff you could do in comparison. While not without it's faults (CANARY MARY GO FUCK YOURSELF) I still remember the game being really good without going completely overboard on the collectathon aspect like DK64 did. I haven't played this one in years though, so it may be the lovely rose-tinted glasses speaking.

PS1: Brave Fencer Musashi

There's a few PS1 games that fight for my love but Musashi always comes out victorious. Favorite game over, GOTY all years, etc etc. I can't sum up how much I love this game in one short paragraph so I'll just say if you haven't played it you should and SE lose points every year for not putting it up on PSN.

PS2: Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

The flinch in your eyes calls your bluff
Feel free to die when you've had enough
Useless cause is breaking your back
Your life will end when you attack

Make your move
Make your stand
Make the win
Like you can

See the war
See me rule
See the mirror
You'll see a fool

(da best action game)

GCN: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Probably the most baby mode difficulty game I actually like, there's yet to be a Zelda that matches the scale of WW for me to love. Skyward Sword looked to fulfill that but it was just full of broken dreams and shattered promises. Sailing forever.

(I don't actually have that many favorite in the GCN library, I like a few but none that pop out and go PICK ME PICK ME.)

Xbox: (for all of 2 months that I owned one) Ninja Gaiden

Wii: Trauma Team

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Trauma series, I've played all the games but always come out overall disliking them due to the inevitable bullshit scenarios they like to toss at the player. Trauma Team is the first in the series that I genuinely loved, and it's probably one of the few games on the Wii I'll miss when I sell it.

PS3: Demon's Souls

I've played a looooooooooot of PS3 games, but Demon's Souls will always continue to be my jam. Every time Atlus announce a deadline for the servers closing is another excuse for me to dust it off and do at least two full runs through the game, helping others occasionally or just being a jerk and invading.


Game Boy/Color: THE POKEMON MACHINE (i don't really have a favorite here)

Game Boy Advance: Final Fantasy V Advance / Fire Emblem 7

The definitive version of FF5 that SE will continue to not make easily accessible. A moment of silence for the best FF that will continue to be snubbed like the red-headed stepchild.

FE7 is the best Fire Emblem, no iffs or butts about it. The Ike saga reaches the same highs as it at times, but it's nowhere near as perfectly balanced with nothing overlooked or out of place in it. Plus Ike has nothing on HECTOR.

PSP: Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy

I've dumped waaaaaaaaaay too much time into both Dissidias to not say that they're my favorite PSP games, as hilariously unbalanced as they can be at times. My only regret in this earth is that SE will never graces us peons with an HD version with reliable online play.

DS: Rune Waifu Factory 3

This series is my dirty guilty pleasure and I have no need to explain myself, HMMPH.

3DS: lol

PS Vita: Gravity Rush / LittleBigPlanet Vita / Dokuro

The only 3 way tie, but they're all worthwhile and I'd have a hard time picking between the three since they all do different things really well.

PSN: (I own over 100 games on PSN and you want me to pick one aefkwfssfd) Guacamelee!

A relative newcomer, Guacamelee! bodies most of the stuff on PSN free. After beating it on normal and then on hard and then getting 100% and doing a speedrun for the hell of it I wanted a sequel yesterday.


The day I can play the whole BIT. TRIP saga outside a Nintendo system I can die happy. Some of my favorite rhythm games ever made, though none never quite managed to top BEAT for me, even though FLUX is the same but reversed, technically speaking.

PC: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism

SURPRISE BITCHES I used to play the games with shooting girls in frilly hats. I don't keep up with them as of late but I liked this one the best and this is why.

Schala didn't write up a tome about this so of course I had to pick up the slack.


NES: Super Mario Bros
SNES: Megaman X
Genesis: Sonic 2
Sega Saturn: NiGHTS
N64: Super Mario 64
PS1: Metal Gear Solid
PS2: Kingdom Hearts II
Gamecube: Super Smash Brothers Melee/Metroid Prime
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure
Xbox: Conker's Bad Fur Day
Wii: Galaxy 2
PS3: Super Street Fighter IV AE
Game Boy: Pokemon Crystal
PSP: Dissidia 012 Duodecim
DS: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
3DS: Fire Emblem Awakening (Soon to be Shin Megami Tensei IV)
PC: Team Fortress 2

This was kind of hard actually.


Man that game was so unique.

We're never gonna see that system exapanded upon ever.

Combining fighting game mechanics with the JRPG formula. Brilliant.

PS1 had so many JRPGs. Great time to be a fan of the genre.

Man, what's with PS1 RPGs getting the shaft in PS2 sequels. All I wanted out of Legaia 2 was more of that, but they instead decided to change everything that made it good.


NES: Megaman 2
SNES: Super Mario World
N64: Majora's Mask
GC: Super Smash Bros Melee
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Wii U: N/A

Gameboy: Pokemon RBY
Gameboy Color: Wario Land 3, Pokemon Crystal
Gameboy Advance: This one is actually hard. Nothing stands out as undisputed best game on the console. Between Metroid Fusion, Minish Cap, Wario Ware, Pokemon Emerald.
DS: Tetris DS
DS is overrated
3DS: Super Mario 3D Land

Genesis: Sonic 2

Playstation: Metal Gear Solid
Playstation 2: GTA Vice City
Playstation 3: Dark Souls

Xbox: Halo CE
Xbox 360: Dark Souls

PC: Age of Empires II


NES: Mega Man 2, Kirby's Adventure
SNES: Kirby Super Star
N64: Sin&Punishment
NGC: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Wii: No More Heroes
Wii U: Nintendoland (asynchronous multiplayer with 5 people is the absolute best)
Mega Drive: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Dreamcast: Jet Set Radio
PS1: Ape Escape
PS2: GitarooMan
PS3: Metal Gear Rising
XBox: Jet Set Radio Future
XBox360: Sonic Generations
PC: Grim Fandango

GB: Pokémon RBY, Trip World
GBC: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
GBA: Mother 3, Drill Dozer
NDS: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
3DS: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
GameGear: Sonic Triple Trouble
PSP: GitarooMan Lives!
Vita: Persona 4 Golden
NeoGeo Pocket Colour: SNK vs Capcom: Match of the Millenium

XBLA: Spelunky
PSN: Journey
WiiWare: Mega Man 9
3DS eShop: Sakura Samurai
iOS: superbrothers: sword&sworcery ep
Well...maybe! Well I do have a rep for liking them too but still!

I know Mother 3 is considered a Masterpiece so I guess I can accept that over Sonic!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Try harder with 3DS, dicks.
Nothing jumps out at me, though. That's the problem. Briefly:

NSMB2 - Better than NSMB but I really don't get the premise behind the coins concept.
Paper Mario: Sticker Star - Yawnfest.
Super Mario 3D Land - It's alright, but didn't wow me. Again, not a big Mario fan, here.
Fire Emblem - Okay balancing, but I feel like some of the elements, narrative elements, and other aspects take away from it
Rhythm Thief - Nice Sega throwbacks, but incredibly flawed control/narrative/repetition-wise
Sonic Generations - Structured in this type of parabola. Play coin unlocks are silly.
Devil Survivor: Overclocked - I've played the original on DS anyway. Ah, Spike Spencer. :/
Professor Layton & The Miracle Mask - Good! Though my favourite continues to be Unwound Future. More emphasis on story and characters.
Shinobi - Good challenge, cheapshot level design in some places. Unlockables. Probably one of the better games on the platform, to be honest.
Tales of the Abyss -

Samurai Warriors: Chronicles - Not the best musou game I've played. Camera issues. Lack of new content.
Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars - Good. Best launch game.
Bust-a-Move Universe - I had this game passed onto me for a reason. I learned the reason while playing it. Cut corners everywhere. No online MP. Short.
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition - Don't buy fighters on the 3DS, I've learned. Also, Auto-block.
Pilotwings Resort - Good ideas, lacks depth; short. Also, I can't see 3D well, so I don't get much out of it.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - The best.
Kid Icarus: Uprising - I'm left-handed, and it's weird to go back to this game and relearn how to hold the thing.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy - Has a multitude of issues that ended up adding up and pulling the game down for me. Repetitive if you choose to not buy the DLC.
Style Savvy: Trendsetters - Good, but repetitive. Tends not to give a drive to keep playing it for lengthier periods.
HarmoKnight - Music's good. Looks good. Some of the controls are off and bosses look great, but the boss fights feel poorly designed in some areas.

Still need to get through:
Code of Princess, Etrian Odyssey IV, Soul Hackers, Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!

Hey. I gave the platform a chance. >.>

PC: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism

SURPRISE BITCHES I used to play the games with shooting girls in frilly hats. I don't keep up with them as of late but I liked this one the best and this is why.

Schala didn't write up a tome about this so of course I had to pick up the slack.
Ahaha, thanks for picking up the slack. I would've done it, but I wanted to get that up quick. I mean, if you want me to expand on some of it, I will. I had issues with picking SNES/SFC, PS2, DS, and PSP games, just because there were so many on each platform that I liked. Also, shoot, I forgot about Dokurooooo despite typing a long post about it in the past.

Anyway, you liking SA doesn't come as a surprise to me! I know your tastes just like you know mine. Man, I used to play a lot of shmups back in the day, too. Those bosses.

This was kind of hard actually.
That's why I cheated in many places, heh.

Man that game was so unique.

We're never gonna see that system exapanded upon ever.

Combining fighting game mechanics with the JRPG formula. Brilliant.
I know! It's so disappointing because like Noi, I truly wanted those mechanics to be expanded upon in a SH:Covenant sort of way by creating party combos with knockdowns, juggling, etc. You could have done so much with that system, and then you ended up making Duel Saga. For shame.

LAPIS, fool.

The music was really good.
That's cuz it had Mitsuda, Sakimoto, and Oshima on that soundtrack.

iOS: superbrothers: sword&sworcery ep
I was thinking of picking sword&sworcery up. What did you think of it?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
You didn't even TRY Mario Kart 7? And you said you tried the 3DS...
I don't even have Mario Kart DS because it's still $45 here.

Here's my Mario Kart history:
Super Mario Kart
Mario Kart Wii
Those three times I played Mario Kart DS multiplayer in a chemistry lecture with a bunch of other people.
Edit: I played Mario Kart 64 once at my cousin's place. I don't remember much of it.

Not really a fan of the series, I think.

3D Land is eh. It's alright, I guess. Again, I'm not the biggest Mario fan, here.


I was thinking of picking sword&sworcery up. What did you think of it?

Stunning audiovisual game. It's not very hard, but an amazing experience nonetheless.
If you pick it up: play it without cheating in the Grotto. You'll get what that means when you get there. I played with and without the Grotto, and it was a much cooler experience without.

Also it's worth it just to support Capy, Craig and Jim. Lovely fellows <3


Sonic Generations - Structured in this type of parabola. Play coin unlocks are silly.
Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars - Good. Best launch game.
Kid Icarus: Uprising - I'm left-handed, and it's weird to go back to this game and relearn how to hold the thing.
Sonic has play coin unlocks? Funny thing about Ghost Recon, my mom originally got me that game when the 3DS launched but I told her to take it back and I got Steel Diver and Splinter Cell 3D lol. I'm a lefty too, Kid Icarus doesn't really bother me with the controls but the circle pad pro does make it better though.
I don't even have Mario Kart DS because it's still $45 here.

Here's my Mario Kart history:
Super Mario Kart
Mario Kart Wii
Those three times I played Mario Kart DS multiplayer in a chemistry lecture with a bunch of other people.
Edit: I played Mario Kart 64 once at my cousin's place. I don't remember much of it.

Not really a fan of the series, I think.

3D Land is eh. It's alright, I guess. Again, I'm not the biggest Mario fan, here.

Why aren't you a fan of the Italian plumber?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Stunning audiovisual game. It's not very hard, but an amazing experience nonetheless.
If you pick it up: play it without cheating in the Grotto. You'll get what that means when you get there. I played with and without the Grotto, and it was a much cooler experience without.

Also it's worth it just to support Capy, Craig and Jim. Lovely fellows <3
Awesome. Bought just now, thanks! I loved what I heard from the soundtrack so far, and I've wanted to experience it firsthand somehow.

I'll keep what you said in mind.

Sonic has play coin unlocks? Funny thing about Ghost Recon, my mom originally got me that game when the 3DS launched but I told her to take it back and I got Steel Diver and Splinter Cell 3D lol. I'm a lefty too, Kid Icarus doesn't really bother me with the controls but the circle pad pro does make it better though.
I don't want to hunt down a Circle Pad Pro which is apparently poorly designed just to play one game on a system that I carry around in my purse/backpack or a system I play around different areas of the house/on exercise machines. It wipes away any notion of portability of the platform.

And in Sonic Generations 3DS, you unlock new missions via either using 5 play coins, streetpassing people, play some stages x amount of times (apparently), do stages in time attack, etc. Using the play coins was the best thing to do at the time because barely anyone had a 3DS around here. Recall that I got the game the day it came out, you see. Haha. The missions serve as a bulk of the game as the main game itself is very short.

Why aren't you a fan of the Italian plumber?
Because after SMB3, some of the GB handheld games, and Yoshi's Island/SMW (I played SMW after Yoshi's Island), I didn't play another Mario game until the Wii/DS? I had very little attachment to the series as a result of having not spent a lot of time with it.
I still fail to get it...I've kind of had the same loose attachment to Mario, I didn't spend a lot of my childhood with it until much later and there were often large gaps in time where I didn't experience a new entry...yet my attachment to the series didn't really fade. It was never ever as strong as my love for the Sonic series obviously but still...
Oooh, list time. This should help me wind down for the evening.

Gonna take a page out of Noi's book and list two per platform, because I don't think I'd be able to choose just one for each.


DuckTales & Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

The two NES games I spent the most time with as a kid, and as such, the ones I'm most intimately familiar with as an adult today. Castlevania III takes the arcade game like structure of CV1, and adds a bunch of bells and whistles: Branching paths, alternate bosses, multiple characters, and it's all tied together by one of the NES' very best soundtracks. Duckales was one of the first NES games I remember playing, and it was probably the first game I remember playing where I actually attempted to master the game's mechanics (Namely the pogo jump) It takes a page from the Mega Man games and lets you tackle stages in whatever order you want (though there is a bit of backtracking to one stage in particular) It's a really fun game to sit down and blow through in an afternoon.


Super Metroid & Chrono Trigger

...I really don't think I have to say much about these two games. They're some of the best stuff to ever come from the medium.

Master System

Phantasy Star & Castle of Illusion: Starring Mickey Mouse

To be fair, the above two games are the only things I've ever played on Master System, aside from OutRun. The Master System version of CoI in particular is noticeably tougher than the Genesis version. It's still not a very tough game overall, but it's definitely something of a challenge, and the level design is arguably superior to it's 16-Bit counterpart.


Sonic 3 & Knuckles & Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

The two best platformers on the system.

Game Boy

Pokemon Red & Blue & Kirby's Dream Land 2

Yeah, it may be busted competitively, and it may be glitchy as hell, but finding my way through the world of Kanto in the first gen Pokemon games is an experience I wouldn't trade for the world. Kirby's Dream Land 2 is probably the GB game I've played the most after Pokemon. As a kid that didn't play Adventure on NES, the jump from the first Kirby game to Dream Land 2 was mind blowing. Copy abilities, animal friends, hidden bosses... it really makes KDL1 look like a tech demo in comparison.


Panzer Dragoon II Zwei & NiGHTS Into Dreams

Panzer Dragoon II is easily the best PD game I've played. (Though I haven't played Saga, and envy each and every person that owns a copy of that) It's faster, harder, and smoother than the first game, the dragon evolution system is pretty great, and serves as a pretty good way to gauge your performance throughout the game, and Pandora's Box is one of the most well implemented Cheat Menus ever. And for a 3D Saturn game from 96, it doesn't actually look all that bad these days, either. NiGHTS, on the other hand, is one of the most addicting score attack games I've ever played. I can't remember who it was on GAF that said it, but even though it definitely feels like a vintage Sonic Team game, it has some of the design sensibilities of an AM2 game: Easy to learn, hard as hell to master.


Banjo Kazooie and Super Smash Bros

By far the two N64 games I played the most. Banjo Kazooie is a standard Rare collect-a-thon, but it has some pretty varied environments, and a great overworld to tie them all together. Smash Bros is just fun as hell all around, especially considering I'm a huge fan of crossover fighters.


Castlevania: SoTN & Breath of Fire III

I'll be honest here: I'm completely biased towards the latter game. I was going to put BoFIII or FFVII in the second spot, but BoFIII's the one that left the biggest impact on me, and arguably the game that shaped a lot of my taste in RPGs since then. I don't think I have to explain Symphony of the Night. Man, this was a really, really great time to be a JRPG player.

Game Boy Color

Pokemon Gold & Silver

There's really no contest here. That's all I'll say about that.


Skies of Arcadia & Power Stone 2

There's not many JRPGs out there as upbeat and with the sense of adventure as Skies of Arcadia. Great cast, fantastic setting, pretty cool mechanics (airsphip battles!), terrible encounter rate. That aside, it's a really fantastic game. Power Stone 2 is pretty much the first game on crack. The action is more frenetic, the transformations are bigger and better, and after playing PS2, there's no reason to go back to the first game. I really wish more party fighters took a page from this series.


Panzer Dragoon Orta & Outrun 2006

While I ended up buying a good amount of stuff for Xbox, there was one main reason I bought it in the first place: Smilebit. PD Orta made for a fantastic swan song in the series. It may not be as complex or non-linear a game as Zwei, but what it does, it does damn well. The visuals hold up amazingly well, too. Outrun 2006 is the best arcade racer ever made. 'Nuff said.

Playstation 2

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition & GTA: San Andreas

Bayonetta has the crazy action backed by the even crazier setpieces, Ninja Gaiden Black is all mastering the controls first and the fighting mechanics second and DMC3 is all about pulling off as many swag combos as humanly possible. Just learning the intricacies of the game is a blast. San Andreas probably has my favorite map in any open world game, even if a good chunk of it is open road. But damn, taking acmotorcycle, headed towards the countryside and blasting music on Radio Los Santos never gets old. Hopefully GTA V provides a comparable experience.


Resident Evil 4 & Super Smash Bros Melee

Slightly embarrassing story time: When I bought RE4 for the first time, I sat in my room and played it for 6 hours straight, and according to my relatives, the only words that could be heard coming from my room were "WHY IS THIS GAME SO GOOD". That tells you all you need to know about how I feel about RE4. Melee's an obvious choice, too. Even with Brawl out, I still break this out at get-togethers with friends & family.

Uh... I'll get around to the rest some other time. I didn't intend for this to come out as lengthy as it did.
NES: Super Mario Bros. 3
One of the many 2D Mario titles locked in the ever switching battle for first place, I just wish the levels were less bite sized at times. Frog Suit is a pleasure.

SMS: Sonic 1
You know me, I like this a lot lot more than the actual Sonic 1, nice platforming, catchy music.

SNES: Donkey Kong Country 2
Best Platformer, Best music

Genesis: Sonic 3&K
Alone they're pretty good, together they're mighty.
And if it really counts, Sega CD: Sonic CD (Actually I haven't played anything else on here, do I want to? no, I doubt it)

N64: Ocarina of Time
I feel so boring having this as my favourite game of all time but it is what it is.

PS1: Castlevania Symphony of the Night
An atmospheric master class from visual design to music.

PS2: Resident Evil 4/Shadow of the Colossus for exclusive
Resi 4 still stomps all modern shooters with ease, Colossus is like an art game done right since they actually went an included a gaming element, the ultimate boss rush.

GCN: Metroid Prime
Shooting is second to scanning, never thought i'd be saying that! (well maybe it isn't but its' still pretty neat)

Dreamcast: err....this had the best version of Rayman 2 right? The precipice was a sweet level!

Xbox: Ninja Gaiden Black
It makes me a ninja dog but that's part of the fun.

Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
3D platforming at its highest point yet.

360: Super Street Fighter 4
Here's a sort of cop out Multiplatform choice, though SF4 was one of my earliest 360 games, it dragged me into the genre back when I couldn't even make heads nor tails of the shoryuken input.

PS3: Valkyria Chronicles
Simplified enough that I can play it without getting bamboozled and great fun as well with a lot of heart.

PC: Rollercoaster Tycoon
Addictive as fuck!

Game Gear: Sonic Triple Trouble (or maybe Sonic 1 yet again!)

Game Boy: Pokemon Red
The beginning of the fad, heh, FAD they said, also the home of Primeape.

Game Boy Colour: Link's Awakening DX
Best 2D Zelda with a dense overworld itching to be traversed, most terrifying vases in Zelda history because no one likes that damn message popping up all the time.

Game Boy Advance: Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
It's like they made an RPG just for me, how lovely. Sequels can't seem to get it right.

PSP: Valkyria Chronicles 2
Kind of crappy choice I know but I still enjoyed it, had both steps forwards and back, Avan's laugh is the stuff of annoying nightmares.

DS: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
I never ever thought i'd enjoy this as much as I did, no objections here.

3DS: Kid Icarus Uprising
Fortunately games like Monster Hunter and Metroid Prime Hunters had moulded my hands into the perfect form for Sakurai's Smash...no not that smash.

Vita: Well it has some nice ports of games I do like...give it a couple of years

XBLA: Mark of the Ninja
someone tell the rest of the gaming industry that this is how you handle stealth correctly and enjoyably, I forgot that it didn't have to be a chore.

PSN and Wii Ware: Mega Man 9
I actually have it on Wii but I couldn't think of anything else to put here when i'd rather put Castlevania Rebirth for Wii Ware as opposed to one of my other PSN titles.

I'm pretty sure the only games i've played on the PC engine and Neo Geo were emulations and are Rondo of Blood and Last Blade 2 (It was an odd point splurge on the VC like a few months ago, blame those fighting background threads) so they sort of default those options which in turn makes my list start getting pretty close to another here, oh and Wii U is NSMBU by default right now.
Poor old Saturn is out in the cold.


Anyway, you liking SA doesn't come as a surprise to me! I know your tastes just like you know mine. Man, I used to play a lot of shmups back in the day, too. Those bosses.

The kick-ass music helped! I also had some friends locally who I introduced to the series and we used to compete as to who could last longer playing on Lunatic and the like, and we even had Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Hisoutensoku sessions every week. Tons of fun.

Why aren't you a fan of the Italian plumber?

I'm the opposite of Schala. After playing Mario everything for 20+ years, the love between us ran out. The past few games with Mario in the name being incredibly vanilla didn't help.


And in Sonic Generations 3DS, you unlock new missions via either using 5 play coins, streetpassing people, play some stages x amount of times (apparently), do stages in time attack, etc. Using the play coins was the best thing to do at the time because barely anyone had a 3DS around here. Recall that I got the game the day it came out, you see. Haha. The missions serve as a bulk of the game as the main game itself is very short.
Maybe I won't get it for a while then. I hope they come out with a 3DS game along with Lost World that is decent.

On another note, I prefer Super Mario Bros. 3 to Super Mario World. World is good and all but 3 is perfection.
The kick-ass music helped! I also had some friends locally who I introduced to the series and we used to compete as to who could last longer playing on Lunatic and the like, and we even had Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Hisoutensoku sessions every week. Tons of fun.

I'm the opposite of Schala. After playing Mario everything for 20+ years, the love between us ran out. The past few games with Mario in the name being incredibly vanilla didn't help.

Another hater of the Bah! Bah! I see...No fun league indeed

qq more

To be fair, I myself feel that the 3DS is just honestly starting to pick up. 2012 was such a slow year.

I want that Animal Crossing so badly...

And I'll work on that list soon.


To be fair, I myself feel that the 3DS is just honestly starting to pick up. 2012 was such a slow year.

I want that Animal Crossing so badly...

And I'll work on that list soon.
There are several eShop titles I want to get but there's so many games! Animal Crossing will consume my summer until GTA V and Pokemon Y.

qq more

There are several eShop titles I want to get but there's so many games! Animal Crossing will consume my summer until GTA V and Pokemon Y.

Oh yeah, I should actually dig into the e-shop more. Missing out on VC and the original titles. Any good recommendations for the original games? So far I just have Pushmo and Colors 3D.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I still fail to get it...I've kind of had the same loose attachment to Mario, I didn't spend a lot of my childhood with it until much later and there were often large gaps in time where I didn't experience a new entry...yet my attachment to the series didn't really fade. It was never ever as strong as my love for the Sonic series obviously but still...
Well, this is where you and I differ (as usual).

Hm. I guess it's also because I didn't really care for the level designs, nor have I ever cared for the presentation of those games after Yoshi's Island? While Mario has the most solid controls and mechanics, there's just something about the series that doesn't draw me in. I can't put my finger on it, to be honest.

Oh, I found my 3D Land impressions.
Dark Schala said:
I really like the aesthetic and throwbacks to Super Mario Bros 3. Powerup-wise, it&#8217;s really nice to see old friends from back in the day. 3D-wise, wow, the 3D works so well in this game. I&#8217;m thoroughly impressed. However, I&#8217;m not really liking how sluggish Mario moves in this game. It&#8217;s rather odd. Presentation works well to keep my mind off of it, though; it&#8217;s a very pretty game. I&#8217;m sorely disappointed that the worlds weren&#8217;t themed at all as well. I have noticed that unfortunately in comparison to NSMBWii, 3D Land doesn&#8217;t carry similar difficulty. Much of the difficulty in later levels seems to be based on item management (ex: keeping a Tanooki Leaf in stock). It&#8217;s very laid-back, and the ease of the journey is quite fitting for on-the-go play. The special worlds made me feel a lot better about the game. Why it&#8217;s down here in the honourable mentions? Aside from the issues I&#8217;ve encountered, I was just wowed by other platformers a little more this year. It certainly is a must-buy, though, for any Mario fan or platformer fan in general.

Bayonetta has the crazy action backed by the even crazier setpieces, Ninja Gaiden Black is all mastering the controls first and the fighting mechanics second and DMC3 is all about pulling off as many swag combos as humanly possible. Just learning the intricacies of the game is a blast.
Dang, now I want to amend my post. Y'all showin' me up! Hahaha. I like this, though.

I just wanted to focus on this one section because those three are like my three pillars of action games. They do everything so correctly, and I feel like if anyone wants to make an action game, they must take what these three games have implemented and use them as a blueprint for further improvement. Love 'em.

Try any eShop titles? Pushmo/Crashmo? Crimson Shroud?
I have played Pushmo, actually!
Dark Schala said:
x: Pushmo (3DS) ; I was thumbing through the Pushmo OT and decided to finally dip into this game, and I don&#8217;t really regret it. It&#8217;s colourful, charming and very fun to play around with on-the-go. It&#8217;s one of the better puzzle games of the year, because it&#8217;s pretty laid-back, and they&#8217;re genuinely fun brainteasers when you find the right puzzle. Creating puzzles is really fun too.

And Mighty Switch Force!
Dark Schala said:
x: Mighty Switch Force (3DS) ; The soundtrack is utterly amazing, and it feels so Megaman-esque (despite lacking the difficulty) in terms of the art direction. Puzzles are great, but it&#8217;s very unfortunate that it&#8217;s so short!

Didn't grab Crashmo yet. I like D&D and Matsuno, so Crimson Shroud could be neat. I had committed to not buying another eShop game after HarmoKnight, though, just because I don't like how the eShop works at all (ie: I really don't like that the game is locked to the system, to be honest).

The kick-ass music helped! I also had some friends locally who I introduced to the series and we used to compete as to who could last longer playing on Lunatic and the like, and we even had Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Hisoutensoku sessions every week. Tons of fun.
Touhou's music is usually good. And man, I'm envious! My friends weren't into shmups at all, so stuff like this couldn't be done.

PC: Rollercoaster Tycoon
Addictive as fuck!

I'm pretty sure the only games i've played on the PC engine and Neo Geo were emulations and are Rondo of Blood and Last Blade 2 (It was an odd point splurge on the VC like a few months ago, blame those fighting background threads)
Fighting game backgrounds~



Also, I used to spend entire afternoons with Rollercoaster Tycoon in my youth once. It was great.


Oh yeah, I should actually dig into the e-shop more. Missing out on VC and the original titles. Any good recommendations for the original games? So far I just have Pushmo and Colors 3D.
You should look into Gunman Clive, it's made by a Gaffer and it's only $3 I think.

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You should look into Gunman Clive, it's made by a Gaffer and it's only $3 I think.

Oh wait, how could I forgot that? I bought it and beat it last month. Really good game despite how very simple it is. I'm looking forward to more of beril's games.

EDIT: Touhou music is great, just want to put that out there.

qq more

Master System: Sonic 1
Sega Genesis: Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sega CD: Sonic CD
Sega 32x: Knuckles Chaotix (only 32x game I've played enough to judge and it wasn't honestly great)
Sega Saturn: N/A (Need to get back to playing this system)
Sega Dreamcast: Power Stone 2 (Shenmue MIGHT take over, I need to play the game more)
Sega Game Gear: Sonic Triple Trouble

NES: Mega Man 2
SNES: Super Mario World
N64: Star Fox 64
Gamecube: Paper Mario TTYD or Smash Bros Melee
Wii: Super Smash Bros Brawl
Wii U: New Super Mario Bros U (lol)

GB: Mega Man V
GBC: Pokemon Gold
GBA: Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
DS: Phoenix Wright Trials & Tribulations
3DS: Kid Icarus Uprising (despite my poor hands hurting throughout the game)

PS1: Mega Man X4
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 3
PS3: Sonic Generations (I haven't played a lot of PS3 games)
PSP: Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

WiiWare: Mega Man 10
PSN: Sonic CD 2011
iOS/Android: Sonic 1
3DS Eshop: Gunman Clive
Those delicious backgrounds, even if i'm arse at Last Blade 2 I could at least be destroyed in lovely surroundings, so picturesque.

Seeing quite a few Starfox 64 Lylat Wars mentions, if JC were here i'm sure he'd mention it as well, taking this opportunity to spin off into me having finished getting the last two medals I needed to unlock Expert Mode in the 3DS version the other day (yeah I had the medals in the original as well but it had to be done again), that game is still a treat and while there's some aspects of the original version I still prefer the 3DS gave it a damn fine tune up that had more put into it than OoT 3D did, why can't they just like do what they did with that game again for Starfox? for once not mixing things ups with the core gameplay would be the way forward.


Rush: Zero padding, super fast, crummy level design, funkiest soundtrack ever
Rush Adventure: Some padding, super fast, decent level design, less funky soundtrack
Colors: Optional padding, less fast, decent level design, soundtrack is a surprisingly decent conversion of Colors Wii
Thanks! I think... I might get Colors and then Rush later. Colors seems a bit more polished, but I want the more classic-Sonic-like experience of Rush. Gladly they're very cheap now :p If I still feel like playing some Sonic games afterwards I might even buy Rush Adventure.

BTW guys, how does Generations on 3DS compare to those DS Sonic games?


Atari 2600: Uh... probably Dig Dug

NES: Super Mario Bros. 2 / Kirby's Adventure
SNES: Street Fighter 2 Turbo / Kirby's Dream Land 3 / Mega Man X
N64: Super Mario 64 / Fighters Destiny
GCN: Mario Kart DD / REmake / Super Mario Sunshine
Wii: Brawl / Kirby's Epic Yarn / Tatsunoko vs. Capcom / Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

GB: Donkey Kong '94 / Pokémon Silver
GBC: Mario Tennis / Dragon Quest Monsters
GBA: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Revival / Super Mario Advance / Pokémon Ruby
DS: Kirby Mass Attack / Dragon Quest IX / Pokémon White / Mario Kart DS / Super Princess Peach / Retro Game Challenge
3DS: Paper Mario: Sticker Star / Shinobi / Super Mario 3D Land

PS1: Final Fantasy Tactics / Tekken 2 / X-Men vs. Street Fighter
PS2: Street Fighter EX3 / Onimusha 2
PS3: 3D Dot Game Heroes / KOFXIII / Spelunker HD

PSP: Mega Man Powered Up

WonderSwan: Makaimura for WonderSwan / Rockman & Forte

N-Gage: The King of Fighters Extreme

PC: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed / Super Street Fighter IV


A Link to the Past (shout out to Mega Man X1)
Sonic & Knuckles
Sega Saturn
Uhh....Symphony of the Night
Ocarina of Time (shout out to Pokemon Stadium 2)
Final Fantasy 7
Uhh....not sure. PS2 never interested me much.
Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II
Sonic Adventure
Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi 3 (shout out to Zelda Twilight Princess)
Uhh....guess same as 360.
Xbox 360
Sonic Generations
Game Boy
Pokemon Gold Version
DBZ Tenkaichi Tag Team
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
Too early to make that decision.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
One of our more frequent lurkers, Bean, wanted to participate in this too. So I'll post his list as well!

NES: Super Mario Bros. 3
This is one of my top three favorite Mario games. It's the first one with a map, it introduced the Koopa Kids. It introduced so many elements that other games in the series would go on to showcase, including the music.​

SNES: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
I might be the Mario guy, but this game and a future Zelda title were the best titles I've played on either system. I love the music, I love the dungeons. This was the first Zelda game that I actually got into.​

N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
And this was the other one. Yes, it had the Water Temple that annoyed me, but it's also one of my all-time favorite video games. In fact, this or ALttP might very well just be my favorite. It's the ultimate 3D Zelda.​

GCN: Super Mario Sunshine
Maybe it's on here because it's so different. I thought about putting Melee on here because of the hours I played it, but Sunshine always seems to find its way into the Cube every couple of years. I loved the FLUDD for giving me some vertical platforming. Yeah, this one's probably the oddball favorite of my list.​

Wii: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
This was the first Mario game to introduce simultaneous co-op into the mix. Since I played this with just my bro, the whole crazy co-op experience was much more tame. When I think of the 2D Mario games, there's a trinity that I hold in high regard. 3, World, and this one. U doesn't have the "new" that this game does.

Wii U: New Super Mario Bros. U
Hey, it's either this, Nintendo Land, or Trine 2. I almost thought about giving it to Nintendo Land, but we've played through U three times in six months now, and the Boost Mode stuff is sorta neat. ...Please release more games soon, Nintendo.​

PS1: Final Fantasy VIII
My favorite RPG from my teenage years. It does have issues with using the Draw system early on, but once you get the first hour or so out of the way, magic won't really be a problem for you. I like being able to customize characters to my liking, I loved the look for its time, and the music was pretty dang neat, too. I loved the setting the most, I liked the characters for the most part, the music, Triple Triad is my favorite RPG minigame... The fact that I could go through the game fighting or going out of my way to Card enemies to keep at a low level. I could play the game I wanted to every time.​

PS2: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
The king of sandbox games for me, it had the most variety without packing in too many dumb missions (although I will curse Supply Lines on this version to this day) or stripping it out like the GTA4 games did. If I wanted to do missions, I could do that. If I wanted to drive around with listening to the in-game radio, I could do that, and there was a lot of content there. Races, collectibles, it was kind of like the Banjo-Kazooie of sandbox games, and I mean that as a compliment.​

PS3: Uncharted 2
This one's easy for me due to not playing too many games on this system. It had very good pacing, fun combat situations that weren't messed over with Sixaxis controls (UC1) or dumb design decisions (UC3). This game mixes in action, non-forced stealth scenarios if you want to play it cool, puzzles, and shakeup platforming bits to get to that best paced adventure game I've played on the system. Yeah, I loved this one.​

360: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare & Saints Row 2
Of all the shooters I've played this generation, this CoD4 is the best. I think this one did things right in that the gameplay led to some neat moments rather than the story driving the gameplay. The shootout in the tv station, the Ferris wheel standoff, the rush to defuse the bomb... cranking that difficulty up to max and trying to get through these bits was just so awesome. Shame that the sequel went for cinematics over great gameplay.

As for Saints Row 2, this is the way I wish GTA would have went after San Andreas. Fun side-activities, missions, varied gameplay (You hear me GTA4?!).​

Genesis: Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Kind of almost up there by default for me, but it's still my favorite pair of Sonic titles. That I can play them together as one big adventure with three different characters? Yeah, this one is awesome. Screw that barrel, though...​

Game Boy: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
The game that gave us Wario was my favorite handheld title for a long while. It wasn't your usual tropes for levels, either. I think that helps this one stand out from a lot of other Mario games.​

Sega CD: Sonic CD
By default, but it was one of the better non-Genesis Sonic games I've played. Kind of has some weird level design and is pretty easy, but that's fine.​

GBA: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Metroid: Zero Mission, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars 2, and Sonic Advance 1.
They're all A- games for me. No descriptions here.​

DS: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
My favorite RPG of this past generation (Yes, really). Playing as Mario & Luigi in a 2D adventure/RPG inside of Bowser while the King of Awesome goes around being the lovable dope he is. It doesn't have the silly sidequest of Superstar or the inflated HP totals of Partners. I think this one did the series the best, and it's why I'm totally anticipating M&L RPG 4 now.​

3DS: Super Mario 3D Land
Close contenders for this one in NSMB2, Kingdom Hearts 3D, and Kid Icarus: Uprising in that order, but the Galaxy 2 team made a SMB3/Galaxy hybrid that also had some fun level design throughout the game.​

PSP: Mega Man Powered Up! & Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow
Okay, for the PSP, it's a tie. I loved Powered Up for having the most content of any single Mega Man game I've ever played, but Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow had such an awesome soundtrack and gameplay stuff going on for it. Both had a decent amount of replay value.​

Atari XE - Ms. Pac-Man, easily.
WiiWare - Mega Man 10
PSN - Sonic CD remake
XBLA - TMNT [1989 Arcade] (thought about Castle Crashers, but nah)
I'm sitting in a pitch black room, typing on a keyboard (physical, at least) into the tiny screen that is my cell phone's at 11:43 PM local (CT, I think? I'm in St. Louis, so)... and you want me to make lists?

Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to oblige, but it's not really gonna happen right now.

(Leaning PDSaga for Saturn, at least, although I haven't played it in years.)

Touched Earthbound for the first time in a week or two. Big mazes with moles! I chuckled when I met the third-strongest, and the background had a huge "No. 3" in it. Kinda paranoid that I'm gonna run into the Blue Paula glitch I bumped into not long ago, though, but no sign of such glitchery yet...


I'm impressed by all of these lists! It looks like I have some catching up to do...

Also, I used to spend entire afternoons with Rollercoaster Tycoon in my youth once. It was great.

Yes! I played that game intensely for like a year. I would always start out maps with elaborate plans and grand intentions before eventually just brute forcing my way through things by impulsively hiring dozens of workers and plopping things down wherever I could find space.


Best game per platform you've played and/or owned. Go. And this is the rare time I'm gonna make a list post without elaboration because I wrote a tome above.

This is going to be rough.

NES: Metal Storm or SMB
SNES: MegaMan X
N64: Starfox 64
Gamecube: Resident Evil 4
Wii: Uh... Sin and Punishment 2
GB: Tetris
GBA: MegaMan Zero
Nintendo DS: MegaMan Zero Collection or Bleach Dark Souls
Nintendo 3DS: Starfox 64 3DS (all I have)

Genesis: Ranger X
Saturn: Guardian Heroes
Dreamcast: Soul Calibur

PSX: MegaMan X4
PS2: Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (3s) or Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition
PS3: Metal Gear Rising
PSP: Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max
Vita: Street Fighter x Tekken

Xbox: Ninja Gaiden Black
360: Ninja Gaiden 2 or Bayonetta

PSN & XBLA: Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online

If I didn't list something, it's because I either didn't buy it (WiiU), play it (Atari), or refuse to purchase from it (eShop).
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