@Blaze/Sega1991: Hahaha, well, you
did sound frustrated at points, you know! It's ice cream weather. Get some ice cream. Or a drink. Probably a drink.
Also, Sonic 3&K makes you sound happier in general.

Edit: Carnival Night apparently invokes your anger.
Sometimes, I guess, stagnation is a fate worse than death for a game musician. Mori's stuff is simply amazing.
You make me want to listen to the Mystic Ark OST again. I
love that stuff. I feel as though Mori's rather underrated--he didn't seem to be afraid of adding interesting stuff to the BGM in general even if it displaced the catchiness of it in general (ex: Mystic Ark's Climb! Climb!).
Also, the stuff Enix published back then was so creative in general-- Wonder Project J, the Soul Blazer series, EVO, etc.
I suppose an RPG can work since it can tackle a ton of characters at once. I have no issue with Solo Sonica, but I think there are enough fans that could do to see some of their favorites in the lime light.
I'm thinking that maybe Sonic shouldn't be a part of the main story, although i'm not entirely sure. Mario RPGs work for different reasons then what a Sonic RPG would.
Well, without Sonic, I wonder what the catalyst for the adventure would be. I'd like for it to be contained in the series in general as opposed to introducing a new threat. It doesn't necessarily have to be as carefree as the Mario RPGs.
I would think that Sonic would be an initial draw for a Sonic RPG, but I guess focus could be placed on a different character and he'd be an extra character or something. Plus I want an interesting artstyle out of this. >.>
OMG Aero said:
And let's all take a moment to remember what a fucking great song
Reach for the Stars is.
love Reach for the Stars. Best kind of cheese.