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Sony could be stopping/changing the PC port strategy?


This is a higher profit today, which will crash the brand tomorrow.
It's honestly debatable tbh. None of us truly know the future.

Why do people still go for Macs even though Windows PCs offer far greater flexibility and "benefits" including vastly better gaming support? The experience is the answer. Some people just won't ever go for a Windows, no matter what.

Similarly, there are people (entire regions of them in fact!) who won't ever go for PC for various reasons, even the SteamOS solution isn't as satisfactory to them because then you have to figure out which one of your games works with Proton, or has Linux-compatible anti-cheat etc.

But if you ask me, it all really depends on how they approach the PS6/new PS portable and what they see.

Certainly won’t help when you axe multiple investments in GAAS that don’t get a dime back. They need to amplify ROI stat and PC is the way to do it.
People have (imo) overstated the financial impact of these moves, we don't know which phase each project was when it got canned.


Certainly won’t help when you axe multiple investments in GAAS that don’t get a dime back. They need to amplify ROI stat and PC is the way to do it.
100% yeah, and imo it was a mistake to axe last of us online (assuming there was an actual compelling game there). I still wish Sony/ND would hand it off to another team to maintain. Even Concord, I would say go back to the drawing board and rework it rather than flush it down the toilet. People forget that Fortnite started out as a dopey Tower Defense game before they converted it into a PUBG clone. If you built a mechanically sound game, functional enough to release, it's way easier to tweak that into a better game than start over from scratch.
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People are so wild with this shit. If it's that big of a deal just move to PC and then you can talk shit to every console owner. I can't stand PC gaming so I stick to PS but I don't get any of this war shit.
you hate *windows*. you're indifferent to x86 + dx12 gaming, which is invisible to you whether it's a pc or a playstation.

if somebody sold you a pc that looks like this:

boots to a full screen gamepad ui (steamos), and plays all your games without windows PC hassles, it just is a console by every relevant standard. plus you can save $80/year playing online for free. plus you can use any controller you want. plus lots more competition on game prices. plus when you want to upgrade, it's still useful as a PC, unlike a console that becomes junk.
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While reading this I wondered how much of those crazy numbers were Helldivers II, glad we got a hint at the end of the post.
The numbers I posted are the closest thing we have to know the amount of money made by Helldivers 2. We also know is the fastest selling Sony game ever, that sold over 12M units very quickly (and more millions since then, plus microtransactions) and that it was one of the top 10 grossing games of the year in Steam, top 3 in the NA PS5 PSN store.

I think the strategy of select multiplats is sound. I wouldn't buy Bungie and then pull everything they have from PC. That would be insane especially as a FPS company.

But I don't think increased PC numbers from buying Bungie and financing a game that wasn't a Sony property (Helldivers II) necessarily means any and all games should walk away from the console, like Last of Us, Ghost and Horizon.
Helldivers 2 always has been a Sony property: Helldivers is an IP owned by Sony. Not only in Helldivers 2, also was in Helldivers 1. As happens in basically all AAA games, Arrowhead represents only around 10% of the people who worked in Helldivers 2. The rest are Sony staff or -like Arrowhead- external teams hired and managed by Sony. As of now if Sony wants so, Sony can make Helldivers 3 without Arrowhead, but Arrowhead can't make Helldivers 3 without Sony.

The reason of Sony SP AAA games being outside PS isn't the Bungie or Helldivers 2 success. That plan started way before (around 2017/2018) because of their own cost: AAA games get way more expensive every generation and their price and sales in console don't grow in the same proportion at all. It reached a point where big AAA titles being released nowadays cost over $250M-$300M and need to sell around 8M-10M copies to be profitable.

This means most AAA games released in PS4 or previous generations wouldn't be profitable being released only in PS5 or only in PS6, specially if don't have meaty DLC stuff. And even less in the next generation, where costs will increase again. Meaning, games like Death Stranding, Bloodborne, Days Gone, Dreams, Detroit, Ratchet, Returnal wouldn't be profitable, so they wouldn't make them and would only their super selling IPs: Spider-Man, GoW, GoT, TLOU, Uncharted, GT and Horizon.

To avoid this and keep the non-GaaS SP AAA titles profitable and more sustainable without having them being a money pit during this or the next generation, they needed more revenue and profit. The growth of console market has been tiny for decades, so they only could keep eating market share inside the console market (what they did, are almost killing MS) but still considering that they needed more: so needed money from some GaaS and on top of that to find new users elsewhere, both to milk them outside and inside PS.

And this is why they expand to PC, mobile, movies and tv show adaptations: to attract new fans to their console but also to monetize other ones outside it who are in other markets and never would buy a console. Or are in countries where consoles are a tiny part of the business so to make gaming IPs popular there must be in other platforms, particularly PC and mobile, markets that are way bigger than PS so there's potential of making a shit ton of money there.

And it isn't only the cost of each single specific game: each generation the big AAA games not only get more expensive: they also require more time to be made. Meaning, each team takes longer to release a game. Which means they need to have more teams working at the same time to keep a similar output pace. Meaning, the total yearly costs spent in development as a whole gets even higher.

Example: let's say before they made at the same time a dozen games of around $150M each (spent across 4 years on average each) and now have two dozen games of around $300M each (spent across 6 years on average each). This means with this example before they spent $450M/year on development and now $1200M.

And in my post above you can see what they generate now they also have the GaaS and PC. A generation ago made way less from first party games.

It's like Nintendo financing a sequel to a GAAS title with a PC audience, seeing the numbers, and going "oh wow. We should put DK, Mario and Zelda on PC too." Except they already have the highest operating margins and doing so would deconstruct their money machine after one generation.
No, because the cost of Nintendo games is way smaller than the Sony games, so they have enough with the sales on their own console. The only big AAA games that Nintendo made are Zelda BoW and TotK, and sold like bonkers, plus they also have the profit from the hardware to compensate.

Revenue from first party titles is not the whole story. If you are receiving maximum revenue from software by spamming it everywhere, there must be a correlation of a weaker console business. The first party titles exist to make people buy the console so that more money is made passively from everything else you do with it.
The thing is that game subs, accesories and 3rd party gave them some profitability to compensate loses from selling hardware at a loss, and eventually maybe loses from 1st party too.

During these years Jimbo highly increased to record levels the revenue from game subs, accesories and 3rd party. But due to inflation and component costs the loses from selling hardware increased.

They have been trying to adress the hardware profitability, but first party games can't be a black hole money pit: they have to be sustainable for themselves too.

When Nintendo coerces you to buy a system for Zelda they get 30% of any other third party game you buy there after that event, passively. When they put Zelda on PC you just buy it there, and then Nintendo must immediately get back to work to make another sale.
PS too, with the difference that PS sells way more 3rd party games.

Sony is sacrificing their leverage in consoles for short term profits, wanting both the platform holder money and third party publisher money. This will hurt their operating margins in the end, even if they have boosted sales for those 1p games. I'd rather have first party games that make my console essential, so that it's already in the living room when it's time to buy Vbucks or a Resident Evil title comes out. Right now they are coasting because 1) Xbox tanked hard and 2) The gen started expecting more of PS4 strategy, now the cat is out of the bag for PS6.
The opposite: Sony's GaaS+PC+mobile+movies helps to continue having non-GaaS AAA games for the medium and long term. Without them, in the medium term there would be only non-GaaS AAA games of the few top selling IPs and in the long term there wouldn't be (or there would be way less) AAA games.

Even more considering that revenue from game sales keeps being replaced by revenue from addons more and more every year, and that playtime keeps getting focusing more and more in GaaS games. The space for non-GaaS keeps getting smaller particularly if limited to a single console.

Since they can't stop the budget and development length from growing every generation, looking at the long term they must expand their revenue sources getting new fans elsewhere and monetizing them there (other gaming platforms, tv, cinema) in addition to bringing part of these new fanse -as they are doing- to their console.

And since the growth in console is limited, they also have to bring their platform, PlayStation/PSN to other places like PC and mobile to not only monetize there 1st party games, but also 3rd party games. And also have to secure a safe place in the GaaS market that already has the majority (and growing) of the userbase, revenue and playtime of gaming.


It's honestly debatable tbh. None of us truly know the future.

Why do people still go for Macs even though Windows PCs offer far greater flexibility and "benefits" including vastly better gaming support? The experience is the answer. Some people just won't ever go for a Windows, no matter what.

Similarly, there are people (entire regions of them in fact!) who won't ever go for PC for various reasons, even the SteamOS solution isn't as satisfactory to them because then you have to figure out which one of your games works with Proton, or has Linux-compatible anti-cheat etc.

But if you ask me, it all really depends on how they approach the PS6/new PS portable and what they see.

People have (imo) overstated the financial impact of these moves, we don't know which phase each project was when it got canned.
Concord alone was estimated at $400million. $0 return.

The others- who know. But one game alone is a massive hole. The others just add to it.


I'm just relaying what Sony is saying. Profit margins are "not in a wonderful situation". They're less interested in "popularizing the console" and more interested in building strong first party content, where the profits are greater. We all know what the problem is. A Naughty Dog game costs > 400M now. PS5, while doing good overall, still doesn't reach enough people to comfortably make back the budget on massive AAA exclusives. In the big picture, the console pie is not growing cycle-to-cycle. It's no longer sustainable to reset the whole audience every 6-8 years.

Shawn Layden has more detail:

PC offers a number of solutions to Playstation's problems, and it's growing rapidly among gamers. This is a win for everyone.

Interesting read on Sonys Standpoint on releasing their games on pc
So releasing for pc is bolstering their funds to make more games on console where their main audiences are very clever


Interesting read on Sonys Standpoint on releasing their games on pc
So releasing for pc is bolstering their funds to make more games on console where their main audiences are very clever
What comes through looking at recent corporate/investor statements is that Sony values their IP above all. There's a lot of stuff about turning game properties into movies/shows. There's a lot about using Unreal Engine for video content, which dovetails with game work.

People in here are saying that Sony killing Xbox means they should revert to being more protective/exclusive, but I think it's the opposite: killing Xbox frees them to expand their IP reach onto other platforms.

If literally everyone flocked to PC and abandoned Playstation, there are still upsides for Sony in that. It's a bigger global audience to sell their franchises to. It's less risk and less hassle associated with selling cutting-edge hardware at a loss. Yea they would lose the subscription and store revenue, but that's not Sony's core competitive advantage. They want to make money primarily from their content. They're not mad at me buying their games on Steam, contrary to certain beliefs on this forum.
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Concord alone was estimated at $400million. $0 return.

The others- who know. But one game alone is a massive hole. The others just add to it.
Yeah keep in mind that Concord was completely finished. QA was done, sound graphics localization etc all finished.

But if you cancel a title at the conception stage or prototyping stage, how much was lost there exactly?


Yeah keep in mind that Concord was completely finished. QA was done, sound graphics localization etc all finished.

But if you cancel a title at the conception stage or prototyping stage, how much was lost there exactly?
No disagreement. The lost investment amount only Sony would know. May come out in a future leak, but that $400m number will only continue to rise.


No disagreement. The lost investment amount only Sony would know. May come out in a future leak, but that $400m number will only continue to rise.
It will rise because people want it to rise for various reasons.

I honestly don't even blame the youtubers who got clicks off it, we don't have an honest and hardworking gaming journalism scene, and we may never get one for a lot of reasons.


Sony makin peanuts on pc they be better off portin to switch 2

According to an industry insider, PC gamers contributed over half of Helldivers 2's US sales, making it Sony's 7th highest-grossing game in the US market.


If literally everyone flocked to PC and abandoned Playstation, there are still upsides for Sony in that. It's a bigger global audience to sell their franchises to. It's less risk and less hassle associated with selling cutting-edge hardware at a loss. Yea they would lose the subscription and store revenue, but that's not Sony's core competitive advantage. They want to make money primarily from their content. They're not mad at me buying their games on Steam, contrary to certain beliefs on this forum.
It's fanboish stretching the truth. Subscription and store revenue IS Sony core advantage.
They will loose A LOT if players abandon playstation as hardware and no revenue from first party will offset this even if they all go transmedia. They earn like x10 on other stuff that they earn on 1st party franchises.
Playstation is an ecosystem and Sony earn by far the most money of ability to lock-in players in this ecosystem, and 1st party play a role in that, among other stuff.
Earning money is important, even diversification to other platforms, but they don't forget that selling playstation is their priority, so this diversification will not come at the extensive expense of playstation playerbase..
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It's fanboish stretching the truth. Subscription and store revenue IS Sony core advantage.
They will loose A LOT if players abandon playstation as hardware and no revenue from first party will offset this even if they all go transmedia. They earn like x10 on other stuff that they earn on 1st party franchises.
Playstation is an ecosystem and Sony earn by far the most money of ability to lock-in players in this ecosystem, and 1st party play a role in that, among other stuff.
Earning money is important, even diversification to other platforms, but they don't forget that selling playstation is their priority, so this diversification will not come at the extensive expense of playstation playerbase..

In terms of losing users to PCs, we have neither confirmed that any such trend is underway, nor do we see it as a major risk, so far.



Delayed releases pose no risk for them. They know it, they continue to do it. It's their modus operandi - put game to PC when interest on Playstation dried out - it both bring money and userbase and keep your platform safe.

"Live service games will come day and date on PS5 and PC, but single player narrative games on PC are designed to then entice PC owners to play sequels on a PlayStation console" (c) Hulst, May 29, 2024

We can actually compare results of strategies of MS and Sony:
- There is no proof that delayed releases harms playstation platform in any way, including Sony own internal statistics
- There are obvious effect on xbox platform sales with widespread day1 releases (and now multiplat releases on a short window), when even big, critically acclaimed games like Indiana have no visible impact on sales of hardware (those somewhere in a drain).

FOMO/trends/whatever is a thing, so locking out game in a "hot" period helps your platform, and after that it's not that much important whether game appear on other platforms or not
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Weeb Underling
Guys, they ain't stopping, so why have you been hoping for years that they will? Have you seen the budget of those AAA games? $200M+ and HFW only managed 8.4M in its first year. I'm not even sure its made enough to recoup the development + marketing cost.
Horizon definitely made its money back.
In any case, aren't you kinda displaying that PC sales didn't help it? We know about the PS+ dumbassery, but the PC sales should've helped, presumably, as the PS4 cross gen port should've?

As it turns out, exclusivity has its own value. I genuinely believe that holding the game back with a PS4 version, and losing the exclusivity factor by a telegraphed PC port lost them sales as opposed to gained.

Either you hope that Sony tries to make smaller budget games so they won't need to sell 15M+ copies or you start buying them in droves so they can reach 25M+ on PlayStation alone so ports won't be necessary like Nintendo. There's no reality in which you get your $200M AAA games that sell 8M in 1 year but don't get ported to PC.
Last gen, they were hitting between 15-20 million without PC at all. What ports they are doing aren't doing shit in sales (-30%) and are definitely cutting into PS5 units in the wild.

What I hope is that Sony gets their spending in check. There's no reason why these games should be taking so long and costing that much, and even the dev studios know it.

In any case, we've done this dance with Xbox, and look where they are now. PC ports will only damage, not aid.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Horizon definitely made its money back.
In any case, aren't you kinda displaying that PC sales didn't help it? We know about the PS+ dumbassery, but the PC sales should've helped, presumably, as the PS4 cross gen port should've?
Talking about the first year.
As it turns out, exclusivity has its own value. I genuinely believe that holding the game back with a PS4 version, and losing the exclusivity factor by a telegraphed PC port lost them sales as opposed to gained.
Last gen, they were hitting between 15-20 million without PC at all. What ports they are doing aren't doing shit in sales (-30%) and are definitely cutting into PS5 units in the wild.
Only 3 games hit over 15M on PS4 last gen. Rest of the sales were on PS4+PS5+PC.
In any case, we've done this dance with Xbox, and look where they are now. PC ports will only damage, not aid.
Xbox was failing years before the PC ports. Their problem has been a consistent lack of high-quality games, not PC ports. Do you seriously think it would be in a better position if trash like Starfield or Halo Infinite were exclusives? lol.
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Gold Member
They would rather simply make their own pc launcher which i think they're working on anyways to get rid of the cut.

I don't know why people keep saying this. Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, CDPR, Rockstar and Microsoft (probably forgot a few) all have their own launchers, yet they all release their games on Steam. Probably because they don't sell that many games outside of Steam. EA and Microsoft tried for years to only sell their games trough their own launchers without luck. Many tried EGS and their own launcher, just to abandon the idea and went back on Steam. Sure Sony could launch their own launcher (they kinda have with their stupid PSN requirement), but it's only going to be considered a pain in the ass, and wouldn't be able to sell their game outside of Steam.

So this "make their own PC launcher to get rid of the cut" have been tested again and again by many. It simply doesn't work.
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you hate *windows*. you're indifferent to x86 + dx12 gaming, which is invisible to you whether it's a pc or a playstation.

if somebody sold you a pc that looks like this:

boots to a full screen gamepad ui (steamos), and plays all your games without windows PC hassles, it just is a console by every relevant standard. plus you can save $80/year playing online for free. plus you can use any controller you want. plus lots more competition on game prices. plus when you want to upgrade, it's still useful as a PC, unlike a console that becomes junk.

Nope I said PC gaming. I've tried it all man just a couple years ago so I know. I was a PC gamer when BG3 released. I had my steamdeck with upgraded 1TB SSD.

SteamOS still has issues and there were games where it would outright skip cutscenes in games but you wouldn't know if you were playing through the game like normal.

Yes if PC gaming could reach a point where it's just a console then I'd be down for that but it's not there yet. SteamOS still has issues with Anti-cheat. Windows has all kinds of issues I wont even get into. It's very close and it almost got there but it's still not quite there yet. If they eventually do reach that point maybe I'll switch over but I'm honestly very satisfied with my PS5 so I don't really see the need to switch over.


Weeb Underling
Talking about the first year.
Yeah, 8.5 million first year, you're talking at least 450 million. Forbidden West cost less in dev than TLOU2 did, and marketing is max 100 million, probably less.

Nintendo exclusives didn't always used to sell as well they are now, not even close. Over time, it got to the point where they were benchmarks enough for their system, and increased in quality enough to get to that point.

Lest we forget that God of War 2018 sold more on the PS4 than all the other GoW games combined. They were on an upward sales trajectory.

Spider-Man kinda proves the point. Here's the only modern major superhero/IP game that's exclusive, and it's the highest selling by far, outdoing literally every Spider-Man game ever combined and doubling or tripling the success of Arkham Knight, even though a lot of people believe it's an Arkham-Lite with less substance. It just so happens to be better and more successful than literally all other multiplatform superhero games; Avengers, Guardians, Midnight Suns, Suicide Squad, Gotham Knights - even Marvel Rivals has not yet generated the amount of money Sony did with the first Spider-Man game.

Bearing in mind that exclusives are not solely there to make money in and of themselves. They may need to not lose money now, but there is value in locking people into your ecosystem. That means selling consoles, even for Microsoft. If literally no one has an Xbox console, their multiplatform Gamepass hopes are kaput right then and there.

Only 3 games hit over 15M on PS4 last gen. Rest of the sales were on PS4+PS5+PC.
Spider-Man (20-22 million)
Uncharted 4 (16 million)
God of War (18 million)
And Horizon (20 million)
All did over 15 million.

Even the lesser games like Days Gone and Ghost did 8-10. That's more than enough.

Xbox was failing years before the PC ports. Their problem has been a consistent lack of high-quality games, not PC ports.
Their problem was a detachment from focusing on the console, which then transformed into a lack of quality games. PC porting is just a feather in that cap. It started with Kinect (PSVR, Portal, potentially a handheld peripheral). Then it was TV TV TV (Sony touting more announced film and TV projects than games). Then their rate of games got slower (slow ass dev times and tons of cancellations for PS). Then they started porting to PC. Then their games got worse (SM1 > SM2, GOW18 > Ragnarok).

Their worst years in terms of games, game sales and hardware sales has come from this gen. They have not made as high quality a game as Sunset Overdrive since the XBO, before their PC initiative. Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Gears 4, all of the pre-PC Forzas, even launch titles like Ryse are a golden age compared to what they're churning out now.

Do you seriously think it would be in a better position if trash like Starfield or Halo Infinite were exclusives? lol.
Starfield is a non-sequitur, because it's not a first party game in the truest sense; most of the development took place before Microsoft had bought Bethesda, and the game was certainly greenlit as a multiplat - Sony was even thinking about doing a 3rd party moneyhat. However, I know for a fact that at least the performative hype around that game increased by virtue of excluding PS at a time of desperate Xbox business. Bethesda had been written off by the RPG community and pundit class in general after Fallout 76, The Witcher 3 and The Outer Worlds. "We don't need Bethesda" type shit. After Microsoft announced the deal, all of a sudden Starfield was an important title again.

I believe that Halo 5 was better and more successful than Halo Infinite in large part due to being built as an Xbox One game and an Xbox One game exclusively. Even accounting for Gamepass. It is pretty well excepted that Guardians >> Infinite in most ways. It definitely had more longevity, which is astounding.
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Gold Member
Whole other level of Forrest Gump in this thread.

Thankfully the level of mental retardation seems to be only affecting the few not the many.


One of the green rats
It’s an interesting thought, one Sony fanboys in this thread are no doubt pleasuring themselves over as we speak. Regardless of whether it has any basis in reality.

The steam page came back up pretty quickly. There really was no basis for any of this. 🤷‍♂️


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Yeah, 8.5 million first year, you're talking at least 450 million. Forbidden West cost less in dev than TLOU2 did, and marketing is max 100 million, probably less.
Max $100M? You’re underestimating how much marketing costs. It's often just as much as the project.
Spider-Man (20-22 million)
Uncharted 4 (16 million)
God of War (18 million)
And Horizon (20 million)
All did over 15 million.
With additional help from PS5 and PC sales. They didn't do the totals on PS4 alone, obviously. The only ones I know for a fact did over 15M on PS4 alone are Spidey, Uncharted, and GOW. Still, that's only 3 or 4 games out of a dozen. The Switch has a whopping 13 games that did 15M or above, including two 40M sellers. PlayStation wouldn't need to port to PC with those numbers, but not only do their first-party come nowhere near Nintendo's, they also cost far more to produce.
Even the lesser games like Days Gone and Ghost did 8-10. That's more than enough.
If it was, you wouldn't see Sony port their games to PC and talk about keeping budgets under control.
Their problem was a detachment from focusing on the console, which then transformed into a lack of quality games. PC porting is just a feather in that cap. It started with Kinect (PSVR, Portal, potentially a handheld peripheral). Then it was TV TV TV (Sony touting more announced film and TV projects than games). Then their rate of games got slower (slow ass dev times and tons of cancellations for PS). Then they started porting to PC. Then their games got worse (SM1 > SM2, GOW18 > Ragnarok).

Their worst years in terms of games, game sales and hardware sales has come from this gen. They have not made as high quality a game as Sunset Overdrive since the XBO, before their PC initiative. Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Gears 4, all of the pre-PC Forzas, even launch titles like Ryse are a golden age compared to what they're churning out now.

Starfield is a non-sequitur, because it's not a first party game in the truest sense; most of the development took place before Microsoft had bought Bethesda, and the game was certainly greenlit as a multiplat - Sony was even thinking about doing a 3rd party moneyhat. However, I know for a fact that at least the performative hype around that game increased by virtue of excluding PS at a time of desperate Xbox business. Bethesda had been written off by the RPG community and pundit class in general after Fallout 76, The Witcher 3 and The Outer Worlds. "We don't need Bethesda" type shit. After Microsoft announced the deal, all of a sudden Starfield was an important title again.

I believe that Halo 5 was better and more successful than Halo Infinite in large part due to being built as an Xbox One game and an Xbox One game exclusively. Even accounting for Gamepass. It is pretty well excepted that Guardians >> Infinite in most ways. It definitely had more longevity, which is astounding.
That's a long-winded way of saying: They didn't have shit for over a decade and it sank them. PC ports or no PC ports would have made no difference as to their current situation. None. Hell, it actually allowed a bunch of games to sell much better than they would otherwise have because Xbox is damn near irrelevant
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Speaking of Spiderman 2 launch, maybe they're holding back marketing/messaging because it's launched the same day as 5090 & 5080.
Maybe the game is bundled with the 50xx, explaining why communication is thin on the ground right now.


Weeb Underling
With additional help from PS5 and PC sales. They didn't do the totals on PS4 alone, obviously.
No, these are numbers prior to the PC and PS5 sales.

Microsoft didn't have shit for a decade and still really doesn't have shit because they lost focus on the console. Simple as.

Everything else you said is hilariously dismissive, so doesn't merit response. We'll see who ends up right on this.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
No, these are numbers prior to the PC and PS5 sales.
Not for Horizon, they aren’t.
Everything else you said is hilariously dismissive, so doesn't merit response. We'll see who ends up right on this.
Because you were just rambling and disagreeing with reality. Spider-Man 2 and God of War Ragnarok are both selling at a faster rate than their predecessor, yet you say nothing about that. First-party sales are better than ever, so you can blame PC all you want, it doesn’t line up with what’s happening in the real world.


Other than hd2 pretty much everything flopped
ah yes the usual sony fanboy bs post. lmao. come on man, ports cost 4 million at most, they made their money back and profit just by selling 100k copies, easy money. its fun to enter these threads to read ignorant comments like this one, that have no idea about the PC market and how in the long run, the games will still be making money for Sony, even 20 years after release, unlike consoles.

ah yes, your salty tears are so delicious.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
ah yes the usual sony fanboy bs post. lmao. come on man, ports cost 4 million at most, they made their money back and profit just by selling 100k copies, easy money. its fun to enter these threads to read ignorant comments like this one, that have no idea about the PC market and how in the long run, the games will still be making money for Sony, even 20 years after release, unlike consoles.

ah yes, your salty tears are so delicious.

It is their coping mechanism. Meanwhile PC players will just enjoy the Playstation first party games with the best possible fidelity.
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Gold Member
Bottom line is PS ports PC are not getting big sales in pc, and alienating many PS fans and even potential fans who expects PS always have exclusives. If an exclusive will just come out to pc, it will just be pointless to buy PS. Its just a pc master race trap. Same goes with MS xbox porting games , trying to bait Sony to do the same knowing they have PC pedigree and they can beat Sony on that battle. Its also affecting the image of Sony as being well known console for exclusives. If there is even sales number in pc market, its just peanuts in terms of profit. Just focus on creating great single player exclusives especially from Japan, and stream line development and better tools to lessen development expenses. More bundle promo and discounts. That is why Nintendo is wise, they dont bite the pc and multiplatforming trap whatever there sales of there games in there own console
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