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Sony Cutting-Back on Recordable Media (incl. Blu Ray Discs), Outsourcing production, maintaining Replication.


Sad, we'll never get a recordable format that can safely store memories for a century paper or film. (Granted, everything goes away eventually, but it'd be crazy if we went back to the digital masters of SW TFM and went, Oops, can;'t use the originals anymore. And that's already happened iwith a lot of digital projects even with backkups available.)
Not even remotely surprised unfortunately. They are shoving a digital only future down our throats. Scary part is, there are and will be people embracing and celebrating the death of physical media with no clue of the horrors in store for the entertainment industries in the future.
You are correct and the sad part is so many people today just do whatever they are told. No pushback or asking questions. Sheep and mindless zombies who believe others know what’s best for them and they willingly go along.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
It's weird I read through that exactly how it is yet everyone else jumped to the "No More Physical Media" train.
I think the Recordable Media gave it away 🤔
Did you know that CD's account for 70's of revenue in Japan.
They actually still release TV Shows, new and old in 1080p on Blu-ray there that never got a western release or even aired on streaming platforms in HD
despite being American TV Shows.
And it not that they don't use streaming services, they do but it no where near as popular


Writes a lot, says very little


After reading this whole thing, updates mods, this is basically nothing.

It's weird I read through that exactly how it is yet everyone else jumped to the "No More Physical Media" train.
I think the Recordable Media gave it away 🤔
Did you know that CD's account for 70's of revenue in Japan.
They actually still release TV Shows, new and old in 1080p on Blu-ray there that never got a western release or even aired on streaming platforms in HD
despite being American TV Shows.
And it not that they don't use streaming services, they do but it no where near as popular

^ This.

I don't think I know anyone who uses DVD-R tbh.

semi-OT making a media server with PLEX as the UI and burning tons of DVD and Bluray lol So like Japan, I still buy lots of physical media, I just want to start viewing them digitally when I'm on the go or at a friends house or wish to share with family easier etc
That's understandable as the physical disks are on the decline as its mainly being used for games pretty only a lucky few will bring out physical for home movies etc etc


I never liked optical discs, tbh. I always liked cartridges and similar forms of solid state memory media better.

The only cool thing about optical discs is that if you spin them fast enough, you might be able to decapitate people.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
What did this have to do with PlayStation going digital like Microsoft? Like, damn, the post is still there lol.

Yes, how could a decision made by Sony possibly effect the Sony PlayStation. 🤷‍♂️

Y'all keep up the good fight


Disney outsourced physical media to Sony.

Now Sony is outsourcing it to someone else.

Looks like they all want to be rid of it asap.
There are two separate things: one is to produce the raw, blank discs and the second to print the info in them making the packaging and putting the discs there etc.

What Sony is outsourcing is only the first part: to produce the original, blank raw discs. Sony continues printing them etc. internally.

This doesn't mean they'll reduce their discs production and doesn't affect's what they do for Disney: it just means they'll reduce costs by outsourcing something to a cheaper company.
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You’re tripping if you think Sony (and Nintendo) wouldn’t love to go all digital. Then they control 100% of the marketplace and completely kill the used game industry.
Physical matters a lot for ROW markets. Which is a market that's important for both Nintendo and Sony.

It should be important for Microsoft too, but that ship has sailed ages ago.
Physical matters a lot for ROW markets. Which is a market that's important for both Nintendo and Sony.

It should be important for Microsoft too, but that ship has sailed ages ago.
You’re right it should be but with Phil and Co. running Xbox into the ground nothing should surprise anyone.


I wonder if/when/how even personal HDD/SSD will be affected in our gadgets. With all the cloud storage options, even IT at work tries to get us to do our files saved in cloud servers as much as possible because if something fails on a personal HDD youre fucked. But save it in the cloud option and it's always there (or a backup).

Maybe for many products, it gets to a point there's no physical storage included.

Well we already have cloud saves, so who knows. Personally I dont think ever get into streaming though because I do like my ever growing digital library. Cloud gaming will have its place in the years to come but DIgital download will become the main way to play games as long as people are willing to buy games.
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