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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

Bad show for Sony.

Aside from MGS4/FFXIII which are supposed to be great.

WTF with the controller? Going back the shitty dated Dual Shock design, and then half-assing a tilt sensor into it?

If you're going to copy Nintendo at least get a true 3D space controller ... you can't do anything with that controller really ... you won't be able to use it in FPS games for instance like the Wii can.

And the price tag ... argh. Man, shit, I dunno.

I will get the $500 config, but mainly because of the Blu-Ray functionality. The $600 is a total rip off though.

Tekken 6 looked like ass btw.


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
God I wish that search feature was working so I can find all those people that were riding my dick because of what I said about the PS3's price.

You should, i always said PS3 will cost $500

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
:lol Holy shit! Sony just redefined shameless! Steal from MS and Nintendo and pass it off as your own ideas all at once! ROCK ON!
Eh with only 2 million at launch worldwide, they might as well recoup as much money as they can. Microsoft can only be happy about this.


Persecution Complex
MadOdorMachine said:
I guess Kutaragi wasn't kidding when he said it would be expensive. I thought it would be $500, but hoped for $400. It was a good conference overall. I'm glad they kept the same form factor for the controller, but added in tilt functionality. Coupled w/the Eye Toy they pretty much ruined Nintendo. They really hold grudges for a long time over there in Japan.

How is Nintendo ruined? Nintendo is gonna have more then two worthwhile games to show at there press conference tommorow. If anyone is ruined after this press conference, its Sony. They just lost a whole lot of marketshare to MS and Nintendo.


That guy couldnt even aim normaly in Warhawk lol. And the pricetag? 499 euro..omfg :D

MGS4 is cool btw..I shed a tear when I heard the music..amazing trailer.


ok that was a weird ass conference :lol

horrible start

eye toy thing was neat

heavenly sword, eight days, naughty dog game, resistance looked awesome
MGS4, FFXIII = omfg

the new controller with tilt sensor :lol

the price, wtf


ahahahaha oh man

This conference went from zzzzzzzz to pure comedy in a matter of minutes!

Well played Ken "4D" Kuteragi


$500 was expected for Blu-Ray. Price will come down once cheaper methods of producing the technology comes out. I love the FFXIII stuff and I'll probabyl wait for that to come out before shelling out for the PS3. Currently enjoying my PS2 enough right now, can wait a bit for next gen.


Damn wish it could be cheaper, but whatever I'm still getting it day 1. :D The downside is we get to hear the bitching and moaning for months now from ppl who never were going to get a Playstation complaining about the price of a console they don't want anyway.

Not sure 40 extra gigs is worth $100 us, unless there's more to it the 20gig pack sounds fine to me!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I was actually really impressed with a lot of the PS3 stuff. The controller is great, even if it's not quite as good as Nintendo's for me. It's still much better than just a boring old controller anyway. Picking the black console is exactly what I wanted. Packed in HDD...excellent. The Sony published games were all amazing looking (from Heavenly Sword onwards), aside from Resistance (which I suppose had good graphics, but zzzzzzzz) . Some of the third party games really wowed me, MGS4 being the main one of course, while others were very average looking. Still, I was excited.

Then the price...oh god the price. What a kick in the nuts. There's no way I can afford that, and it'll take ages to drop down to a level I can. I doubt I could buy beyond $250...it'll be years before it reaches there :(


No pride assholes. "Incredible innovation".
I'll so punch every mainstream gamer in the face who argues that PS3 controller has the same function as the Wiimote.

Sony needs to fail this gen. Good start with a 500 to 600 price tag.


Europe am shafted.

20GB version = 499
60GB version = 699

UK am shafted.

20GB version = £340
60GB version = £410

We know it won't work out like that for the UK though.

FYI, you think America has it bad? Those prices mean the 60GB pack is going to sell in Europe for $760


The new Dual Shock is not only not as cool / versatile as the Wiimote. The price tag is just lunacy.

I was going to buy a Wii and a PS3, but now, after that disgusting E3 showing, I'm not so sure MGS and new FF games are enough.

I think I'll get a used PS3 years upon years later and just buy the greatest hits versions of the FF and MGS games. :lol


Yeah I'll be waiting until Fall 2007 to get a PS3 now.

I want hi def movies, and that gyro controller is shit hot, but $499.99 for the basic pack and $599.99 for the big pack? Oi.


my thoughts before going to bed (4am in the morning here in Spain)

-thought #1- 500-600 Euros is TOO EXPENSIVE here in my country, TOO MUCH

-thought #2 - MGS4 is worth those damn Euros

-thought #3 - appart from MGS4 and FFXIII, UNDERWHELMED TOTAL

Nintendo knew/anticipated that Sony would pilfer some ideas from the Wiimote. They are ready for this. Tomorrow will be exciting.

Sony will try to use this tacked on tilt to confuse the market, and will likely succeed to some degree.

Sony will also have a really hard time selling their machine at that price. Good luck with that.


Man...I'm starting to think X360 now chill with that till Wii comes out then wait a year or two for PS3

Fuck that is some expensive shit.


Wow. $500-600 means I'm not buying one for a long time.

And everyone's thinking about Nintendo, but MS is the one that's most fucked from this announcement. They're the ones that are going to be seen as working with last gen philosophies.

The wiimote still has a bunch of advantages over the PS3 controller, but MS is stuck with what amounts to a very comfortable, functional, legacy controller.
You know, I thought I was OK with the $499 price point, but now that it's real...

I need to sleep on it, but I may be buying a 360.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Hi, we're Sony, we've decided to GIVE away the #1 position in the VG industry... because we've lost our damn minds.... Have a nice day!



Total Ripoff

Seeing that guy playing that Warhawk game with the controller shows me how much IT SUCKS. and that was proven by the HORRIBLE landing

Also, the MGS4 was not up to the standards. But did Snake kill himself??


overall this was a horrible conference.

the games that they showed (meaning gameplay) didn't come close to crushing anything on 360. 4D gaming = waving your arms around like a dick & not even being accurate. and then the price. awful just awful.


This wouldn't be as big a deal if they had actually brought a strong content pipeline with them, but to charge so much after showing almost nothing? Sorry Sony. I'll wait for the content to ship before I even consider spending that much money. I like you and all, but Nintendo has burned all my good will with buying consoles without content.

If Sony doesn't deliver on a VERY strong launch, they will still be able to claim that it sold out... but not from people falling over themselves to get one. More to the point, why in the fuck would it cost $100 for another 40 gig drive? Anyone with a brain in their head will just get the tard pack and upgrade the drive later with a 300GB Best Buy special :)

What in the hell were you thinking?
DCharlie said:
so what happened to kenny boys cunning trick with pricing?



Doube D

Who is willing to bet AGAINST the fact that every single ps3 unitl released will sellout almost instantly (both 500 AND 600 dollar units)??

Why on earth should sony price it lower when they know they will sell em at that price? If you can't afford it, either get a job with better pay or miss out.


oh sh!*

-20 GB for $499 USD/$550 CAN
-Duel Shock 3 = Duel Shock 2 with motion sensor in it
-Eight Days/new Naughty Dog game (looked like remake of Flashback but even better)

jeese they litterally annouced everything. Only think missing was Killzone!!!!!!!!!!!!
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