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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

Anyone have a sneaking suspicion the 60GB package will be availible moreso than the 20GB one?

That way Sony can force more people to pay the full $600 price tag or go home with no unit.

There's no way a 40GB upgrade in storage should add an additional $100 to the price ... I really think Sony will only make the 20GB model in limited quantities.

If you want a $500 PS3, be ready to camp out for a loooooooong time.


Suerte said:
Europe am shafted.

20GB version = 499
60GB version = 699

UK am shafted.

20GB version = £340
60GB version = £410

We know it won't work out like that for the UK though.

FYI, you think America has it bad? Those prices mean the 60GB pack is going to sell in Europe for $760
60GB is 599 not 699

Its still too close. Even though it hasnt been announced. Even if it were £340 against £290, still makes PS3 a bargain. It wont have any trouble in the UK outselling Xbox 360.

Also bear in mind most of the people complaining here probably spent far more than any of this to get the xbox 360 package with everything given the stupid bundling that was going on. The PS3 has more value.


On second thought, $500 seems expensive, but the Wii price point should put it all in perspective.


Scary Euro Man
Sony conference gets two 'Meh's up from me. Seemed like they just weren't ready for it - the playable games shown were underwhelming (no big jump over X360, and a big jump backwards in some cases *cough*Genji*cough*). Some of the video footage was kind of neat, but only some - FFXIII, MGS4, Eight Days, Resistance were the high points. The new controller annoys me mostly because I'm going to actually have to start punching Nintendo fanboys now to get them to shut up. The price is going to annoy people and lose Sony some customers, but like people have already said, it's not going to stop them selling every unit they can produce for a good while - if they can get an early price drop in they should be able to bring it down to a price range that more people feel comfortable with by the time supply catches up with demand. We'll see.

The battle for the best E3 console manufacturer conference is wide open now, though, with Nintendo clear favourites.

Edit: My bad - completely forgot Heavenly Sword. The one playable that didn't have me yawning.
EviLore said:
At $500 though, you're getting wifi, bluray, and a 20gb hard drive. That's a better value than Xbox 360. Of course, X360 may have a price drop by the time PS3 hits.

You're also getting a free online gaming service included in that price, instead of paying a yearly fee.


alr1ghtstart said:

they screwed themselves hard.
QFT. That's the first thing that came to my mind with the $600 pricetag.

I'm really in disbelief right now. Maybe they will take the rest of the summer to regroup and think about this, before making such a huge mistake
Sony's gonna lose their fanbase, cause half the people who have a ps2 can't afford rent. How are they supposed to fork over half a grand for a system, and THEN games!?

Drugs :( Everyone will start hustlin, see?

So then Sony destroys inner-city earth, taking the world down with them.

In order, and the grand scheme of things, it seems like sony has done nothing but increase the selling and consuming of illegal substances wtf!?

Reality: Sony drops to Microsoft's position (3), and Nintendo's competition changes to Bill Gates. Interestingly enough, Bill Gates is the only person who buys a PS3, because he can afford it.


Public Health Threat
So Sony steals bits and pieces form Nintendo and MS, and then announces to sell it at the price of the other two consoles combined. And people will buy it?

Brilliant Sony! Brilliant! NEXT GEN AM HERE :lol



Sony just fucked themselves ROYALLY!!!!!

$600 for a system... are they fucking nuts...

ohhh our secret is you can tilt the controller with no external sensors.. PLEASE!!! with the wii u can move the controller toward or away from the tv and it will measure distance...

I mean as much as I hate this pricing structure, I am sure Iwill be one of the first to order it, but they seriously just shot themselves in the foot.


Shorty said:
Sony, I hate you :)
I hope Reggie is gonna kick Phil and Kens damn ASSES!

Sorry but that is just cowardly.
Yeah, I couldn't believe how blatant they were at copying the Wiimote. Didn't they get the memo that Nintendo invented "Innovation"? :lol


Which was crazier tonight?

Jack and the co-pilot landing that plane on the freeway or Sony announcing a $499/$599 pricing for their new PlayStation 3.

I think Sony won this round.


I hate the way they rolled out those CG movies again ala Killzone last year. Thankfully, judging by the crowd's reaction, no-one will be fooled by these kind of smoke and mirrors stunts again. Resistance looked awesome, no denying that. But Sony, stop with the BS FMV, please.

Seth C

EviLore said:
they shouldn't have released a $600 price point. That's just terrible for perception.

At $500 though, you're getting wifi, bluray, and a 20gb hard drive. That's a better value than Xbox 360. Of course, X360 may have a price drop by the time PS3 hits.

I was hoping for $400, but I also wasn't expecting a built in HDD. It's expensive but count me in.

Agreed. For perception, they were much better off just leaving it at the $500 system. $100 premium for Blu-Ray? Fair enough.


Jesus Christ what's up with that price?

I had a hard enough time convincing my wife to let me get the Premium 360. No way I'm going to be able to even come close to a $500 gaming machine.

Goddamnit Sony




:lol :lol :lol

I'm feeling pretty good about my 360 purchase right now. MS is going to blow this away tomorrow.
Uhh, how is Europe getting ass-raped? PS2 came out at £300, so it's not really that different. Nothing compared to $300 --> $500 in the US.

Oh, and what an utterly underwhelming conference.


Systems_id said:
I can't fucking believe this. Sony had this generation in the bag and they HAD to blow it with the price. Jesus.

This cannot be stressed enough. Earlier today with Square's conference, Sony was poised to dominate everywhere, with X360 getting nothing from them.

Now...I'm still in shock. This is ridiculous.

Who was the guy who had to eat his hat if the PS3 debuted at more than $450? Time for the Sony-whores to eat some MAJOR crow here.

You HAD it, Sony. Ball's in Microsoft's court, where it really shouldn't be. How crazy would it be if they went ahead and dropped the X360 price later this year?


Kangu said:
Moving left and right (x-direction): 2 degrees of freedom;
Moving forward and back (y-direction) 2 degrees of freedom;
Moving up and down (z-direction) 2 degrees of freedom;

From wikipedia. Sony's controller has THE EXACT SAME FUNCTIONALITY AS THE WIIMOTE.

Good or bad...? Who knows.

In one fixed point what you described is three degrees of freedom. For every "point" add three degrees of freedom. I thought wiimote thing could sense where in the room you were? That is definitely way more than just one fixed point.

/edit, in your example there are two fixed points. yes six degrees of freedom. is this what nintendo advertises it as?


Kuroyume said:

:lol :lol :lol

Remember when MS announced the 360 launch prices there were people here who were nuts enough to suggest Sony would launch at a cheaper price to crush them? :lol

:lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol


hopefully, for the sake of the industry we love!
I haven't seen the whole video but :lol at Sony using gyroscopes. Some of the games sound interesting. The price doesn't bother me a super ton, but damn 599 for the premium, wow I can see how that would hurt for most. MS can really play the price card now, drop 360 to 349 or even keep it at 399, good advantage. I still think they'll sell the 4 million worldwide no problem though. Really want to see the video of the Naughty Dog game.


Bad Art ™
Pre-6 degree of control

GDGF said:
At least Sony has a revolutionary true 3D controller to fall back on.


After-6 degree of control


And Sony is just using a tilt like in those 5 years old GBA games


The price has turned me off completely on the PS3. I'm done with next-gen. What a truly terrible conference.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
I was expecting nintendo to finish third again regardless but I used to hope sony would kill microsoft, now its the other way round. I'm so full of hate right now.
Oh my god. The sheer comedy of this puts last E3 to total shame.

I'm not going to say anything unprovable like "ZOMG Sony loses gen!!!" but, like, this price announcement is one of the least convincing moves they've ever made.

I can't wait to see the rest of the fallout, esp. if we see a Wii price tomorrow and/or Microsoft has any aces up its sleeve.
Personally, I'm really excited about the PSP/PS3 connectivity. Sony clearly demonstrated that they know how to put CONNECTIVITY to much better use than Nintendo.

Who would've thought of using a PSP as a rear view fucking mirror? Not that pressing a button and seeing the same view on the TV screen has ever been used before or that it is way more intuitive than fumbling for your damn PSP for a look.

I say brilliant. Brilliant waste of time.


If MGS4 trailer didn't look SO AMAZING, this would have been so much easier... because now I know there are games I can't live without on a system I have to live without, 'cause I cannot afford it.

I will be poor if I try :(


The Worst thing about this is that every single PS3, at launch, will still sell. It will just encourage Sony and Microsoft to price the xbox 720 and PS4 at or above $500.

Edit: Although, I would buy the PS3 for $500 just for the blue-ray player, if I had an HDTV.


There is really nothing wrong with the price for what you are getting. It's a nice home media/gaming package kind of like the PSX was I guess...

.. but, you have to get installed base to get software sales. I guess they are hoping to sail through on past name (all the games already lined up) until the unit gets down in price far enough that more people can purchase it. Plus hopefully for Sony Blu-Ray will be a bit bigger deal then.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
This is weird as hell :lol I appear to be one of the few people who thought, aside from the price, that it was a really good PS3 showing. ME! I'm supposed to be one of the people who, at best, grudgingly admits that Sony didn't have a terrible conference.
Oh and I think the Blu-Ray is really the thing affecting the price, I wonder if going with BR was a wise decision and will be worth it in the long run. We'll see.
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