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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

Wow. Why couldnt the Nintendo conference have been before the Sony one? Just to accentuate the shameless ripoff. Incredible.

Im not saying the gyro in that controller compares to the revmote at all, for for alot of people, it will indeed lessen the impressiveness, novelty, and impact of Nintendos showing tomorrow.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I don't know what you guys are talking about, this has been the most entertaining conference in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD!!!!!!

Anyone wanna do a photoshop of that ugly n-gage girl with the $299 on her stomach, but with Sony's price instead? That would make my day even better.



No wonder the timing and presentation seemed so off. They had that hanging over their head the whole time and knew what the reception to it would be.

Agent X

I was really quite excited about this conference and what they announced and showed for PlayStation 3, but honestly, the announcement of the price at the end took the wind right out of it. I was hoping for $400 or lower myself, but $499 for the "lower" version of the system is kind of steep.

Also, I don't even know why they're bothering with having two different packages for this system. They'll probably still sell out of the $599 package anyway due to launch hype, but that's really expensive and I can't see it sustaining them in the long run.


I will pay that price with a fucking smile. Especially considering I can pay the same price for an HDDVD or Blu Ray Player alone.


I would bang a hot farmer!
android said:
I bet Microsoft drops the 360 price tomorrow, just to make the difference even greater.
Why drop the price tomorrow? They should wait until just before the PS3 is released.


"He's put the pad down. A pad is on screen. He picks it up, the one on screen flies. Has six degrees or freedom built in as standard with no external sensor required, says Harrison."

BOLDED FOR EMPHASIS. This isn't just a gyromote. It has six degrees of freedom. As in the three axis of 3-d space in both directions= 6 deegrees of freedom.

The guy playing Warhawk did look retarded though.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Slow PSP launch all over again.... the hardcore will snap this up, but the mainstream consumer(adults buying for their children) are gonna be like NO CHANCE IN HELL!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Thats it I dont care who reads this E3 people, But dont let me near the Sony Booth its GOING DOWN


My G/F is going to kick my ass if I get this thing at $600.....

but she said she'll go half on it with me.....

damnit. decisions.
WOW, that conference was a bi-polar roller-coaster of amazement and disappointment. Some stuff looked brilliant in trailers, lots of stuff looked average in game-play, many downgrades from cg, but some sweet looking new ips. And the MGS4 gun in the mouth? All the nerds working here did a collective "oooh shit!" when that happened, and when they dropped that tilt sensitive controller bit. $600 bucks though, I'll get one after a price drop and they've got 5 games I'm dying to play that I can't get on my 360. looks like I'll pick up a sony jacket around summer 2008.


Doube D said:
Who is willing to bet AGAINST the fact that every single ps3 unitl released will sellout almost instantly (both 500 AND 600 dollar units)??

Why on earth should sony price it lower when they know they will sell em at that price? If you can't afford it, either get a job with better pay or miss out.

Yeah it's going to be a hot item on ebay :lol

Master Z

Wow the PS3 really is expensive as hell. Atleast they revealed the price now so those who really want one can start saving up. Personally I'll have to see a definate launch list before committing.


I predict that the PS3 will retail here for the $900 mark here in Australia then.

It's not a direct USD>AUD conversion, but I tacked on the usual extra amount that we pay here.
calder said:
Damn wish it could be cheaper, but whatever I'm still getting it day 1. :D The downside is we get to hear the bitching and moaning for months now from ppl who never were going to get a Playstation complaining about the price of a console they don't want anyway.

Not sure 40 extra gigs is worth $100 us, unless there's more to it the 20gig pack sounds fine to me!

I had a PS2 and GC last generation and was fully prepared to get a PS3 and Wii this generation as well(and was thinking about adding 360 to it), but this price is just insane. I cant afford it. But more importantly, I feel angered and upset that Sony would essentially cut millions of people off from buying a console they cant afford. You see people smoking cigarettes after picking up a 360 Premium in stores, watch their reactions here. If they're at the stores at all.


hyperbolically metafictive
between the tilt function and the price, i've decided to become an xbot. i don't want to flail around while i play mgs4. and while i can spend $500 or $600 on a ps3, most people won't think of it, and sony's going to bleed third party support along with their marketshare. what a fuck up.


$500/$600? I'll still buy one eventually but I don't think I'll make launch anymore. That price is really going to open things up for MS (US) and Nintendo (Japan).


This went from the worst conference to best conference ever....

They fucked Nintendo over by stealing there wiimote idea (thus now they dont have that to there advantage), and the fact that they can use this advantage to fuck over microsoft. SOny could add use to there gyro controller and use this in games like final fantasy 13 or metal gear solid 4 (if micdosrft gets version fo these games they wont be able to add it), and have alot of awesome added content. All the PS3 games will look miles better than Revolution games...

Ken is a fucking genius!

wonder how long until the guys over at microsoft have there own wiimote controller?



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
they shouldn't have released a $600 price point. That's just terrible for perception.

At $500 though, you're getting wifi, bluray, and a 20gb hard drive. That's a better value than Xbox 360. Of course, X360 may have a price drop by the time PS3 hits.

I was hoping for $400, but I also wasn't expecting a built in HDD. It's expensive but count me in.


It's a pretty simple strategy, while production costs are high and production is limited in numbers, charge more. As production ramps up and costs lower, lower price.

They're just starting at a price point that hasn't been seen it a pretty long time, but the technology market supports it really, the early adopters will be willing to pay that price, the mainstream will be there when the price comes down.


This doesn't surprise me one bit. :lol

I still don't see why everyone is bitching. Most people aren't early adopters anyway, the majority of this forum included.


I would bang a hot farmer!
sonycowboy said:
How the FUCK do you end a conference like that?

Bend over.

And, did they just lower the expected shipments by a million?

2M at launch
1M more in 2006
2M by March
I'm pretty sure he said

2M at launch
2M more in 2006
2M by March
alr1ghtstart said:

they screwed themselves hard.
Haha. I was thinking the exact same thing. Only difference is a list of great games and some gimmicky controller. Whoops.



:lol :lol :lol

Remember when MS announced the 360 launch prices there were people here who were nuts enough to suggest Sony would launch at a cheaper price to crush them? :lol

:lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol :lol
I was barely able to force myself to pay $400 for the Xbox360 premium, there's absolutely no way I'm going to pay $100-$200 more for a PS3. It just ain't happening.

Musashi Wins!

DarienA said:
Hi, we're Sony, we've decided to GIVE away the #1 position in the VG industry... because we've lost our damn minds.... Have a nice day!

I don't even know what to say. I guess it's because they figure the stock won't be there for a long, long time anyway.

When you think of the sort of games they showed, it's that much more mystifying. MGS = awesome, but not that awesome. Everything else was nice but totally boring. I was seriously debating getting rid of my 360 as it has totally underwhelmed me lately but...I guess not.

It's just peverse. A lot of us have the money but you might as well put an, "I'm a moron" sticker on your head when you get something like that at launch for that price.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I'm laughing so damn hard right now - MY GOD!!!

ALL of my predictions came true - it was so worth it watching that snore-fest till the end...

Tekken 6 turned out to be MUCH worse looking - DOA4 beats it easily... as I thought!

The controller was just going to be the DS2 but wireless AND gyros - as I thought!

PS3 was not going to go lower than $450 standard - as I thought!

There were going to be multiple SKUs - as I thought!

I'm sorry, but at 500 EUROS base, this isn't going to fly in Europe, let alone Holland, at ALL...

I'm trying to say this in the least-possible trolling way that I can, but that was the worst presentation I have seen ever for a gaming company...

MS and Nintendo are already cheaper by default - and if history is anything to go by, it will be like this forever...

The two remaining contestants just have to land the killing blow tomorrow... it's basically over...

I've been waiting more than a year for this... all the blind fanboy backing of the PS3 when there was nothing to base it on back then - I kept saying, wait till E3 2006 - look at where we are now... :)

I'm going to bed - it's 4 am here... g'night folks!!!


Deg said:
This price is cheaper than the UK Xbox 360 premium price. So its good news for Europe.

What? No....

Well, i Declare this the worse Sony conference ever.

Eight days albeit fake was cool, HS looked cool, Resitance was good enough and MGs4 is MGs4.

The rest for me, total fuck up. The controller thing...not intuitive looking unlinke WII, most of the games were fucking blah, and the price was the cherry on top of the cake.

Well, i was sold on the Ps3 before the conference, i'm not anymore, i'm gonna keep my 360, probably buy the WII and in a couple of years i will buy Ps3 because...Mgs4...oh my sweet mgs4 i will miss you.
Well Sony just saved me a bunch of money at the end of the conference cause I won't be dishing all that loot out. PS2 is just fine for awhile baby


seriously wtf

the stuff was pretty damn impressive, and what's packed in is definitely well worth the price, but it's still a shock...


$500 with included wireless and a Blue Ray movie player. Not too bad for me since I paid that much just to get my 360 on my wireless network.

Besides, I HAVE to have Heavenly Sword, FFXIII, MGS4, and Eight Days


Where's SSX when you need him?

"$299 believe!"

"Tekken 6 will match the CG, believe!"

Fuck you, Sony. Using that half-assed controller, and showing piss poor games, one after another, then getting my hopes up with Heavenly Sword and MGS4, then utterly raping me with your price tag.

Nintendo E3 2003 Conference, you've met your match. :(


SomeDude said:
This went from the worst conference to best conference ever....

They fucked Nintendo over by stealing there wiimote idea (thus now they dont have that to there advantage), and the fact that they can use this advantage to fuck over microsoft. SOny could add use to there gyro controller and use this in games like final fantasy 13 or metal gear solid 4 (if micdosrft gets version fo these games they wont be able to add it), and have alot of awesome added content. All the PS3 games will look miles better than Revolution games...

Ken is a fucking genius!

wonder how long until the guys over at microsoft have there own wiimote controller?


Learn some grammar! I don't think your viral marketing is going to work in this thread :lol



Moving left and right (x-direction): 2 degrees of freedom;
Moving forward and back (y-direction) 2 degrees of freedom;
Moving up and down (z-direction) 2 degrees of freedom;

From wikipedia. Sony's controller has THE EXACT SAME FUNCTIONALITY AS THE WIIMOTE.

Good or bad...? Who knows.


- Heavenly Sword looks cool.
- Resistance has some nice graphics... that's it though.

- controller... ROFL. It doesn't look as accurate as the revmote, and they didn't demonstrate it with a FPS but who cares? It's all about fanboys flip flopping now. :lol

- price... @_@
EviLore said:
they shouldn't have released a $600 price point. That's just terrible for perception.

At $500 though, you're getting wifi, bluray, and a 20gb hard drive. That's a better value than Xbox 360. Of course, X360 may have a price drop by the time PS3 hits.

I was hoping for $400, but I also wasn't expecting a built in HDD. It's expensive but count me in.



I was thinking the 360 would need a price drop this year later, but now, Sony just bought them another year on the house.


This is just too much, can't wait for the Neds and Chavs here in the UK to find out the price :lol

I was unlikely to get one at launch but now there is no way in hell im getting one for a few years. They can't drop such a high price over time fast without the first adopters feeling truely screwed. They probably won't be too worried about running out of units at that price :lol

Truely underwhelming apart from MGS4 but hilarious at the same time. Nintendo and Microsofts conferences will be great tomorrow.
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