Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


1080p 60fps Tearaway is going to be so awesome.



BAD ENDING! They needed to end with a show stopper! Jim Ryan can't deliver an inspirational speech like Andy House.

That's what it is. Could he have been any more unenthusiastic? Sony had a great conference, but how they closed it off was very underwhelming.

Remember to end with a bang, because the last thing people remember is the impression they will walk away with.


lel at sonys confrence being worse by not showing games for a dead handheld

implying that either MS's or Sony's were good. Both were meh bruh

would have to go with sony this time around because they showed way more interesting games than ms.


They showed tons of cool looking games but no ROTTR type announcement. But Sony doesn't really need that type of thing at this point.

Until Dawn was probably the most underwhelming thing about the conference due to how much they hyped that thing up. It looks like it could be cool, but i don't even know how it plays.

I came away a little disappointed because A.) No Guerrilla Games, B.) No secret JRPG title, C.) No Last Guardian. But i still feel that Sony has the most games i want to play.
Apart from the disappointment in regards to Vita, great conference. Lots of interesting games shown that will make me consider a PS4 sooner than expected. Wild, Rime, Tomorrow Children, to name just 3, looked so damn nice, stuff I want to play.

vita is a dead system. no point in wasting time or money on it


I'm really honestly they took a dump all over the vita. I know I shouldn't be but I am. Not only did they announce NOTHING for it, they took one of its essential games and transformed it so it will be better on a different console.

Its a very dead system.
My Vita is essentially a portable PSX emulator at this point anyways.

Sony, If you're not gonna release new Wipeout games at least release XL/2097 and Wipeout 3 on PSN.

I have high hopes for wild, because I love Ancel
The stream is about to show Bloodborne gameplay demonstration.

Continuing Sony's tradition of post-conference content >>> the actual conference


Unconfirmed Member
Well, TGS has the chance to be the best show this year for me. Just show Persona 5, more Bloodborn and more MGSV and it's all good. Maybe throw in a little FFXV and The Last Guardian in there too......
Maybe if they switched out Wild with Bloodborne people wouldn't be so disappointed by the ending, but I think Wild looks great.

I've never been fascinated with the idea that gameplay premieres must be done properly on-stage.

I'd rather 10 minutes spent announcing a new game rather than 10 minutes demo-ing gameplay of previously announced titles. Gameplay footage debut can occur outside press conferences, but announcement of new games have the strongest impact at events.
That was one hell of a conference. The Tomorrow Children, Rime, Tearaway Unfolded, Driveclub, and Wild all look amazing, and with the camp factor toned down, even Until Dawn looks potentially interesting. Well, I better start saving up...
still want to know more about it, but it was cool finally seeing Rime again.

can't believe people are still pretty much pretending indie games (which is kind of turning into a meaningless phrase) aren't real games.
Shit show like Microsoft's. Nothing of interest announced unless you love indie splurges. I do not.

Yeah because every single Show should be AAA big time games.

Look at What Sony is doing..

across all of their conferences they have hit on EVERYTHING.

this show isn't everything they have.

its a combined effort worldwide to put together a library of of games that appeals to everyone.

Sony is on fucking FIRE right now.


What the fuck? People were disappointed? That was a fuckton of games announced. Kind of reminded me of Microsoft E3 2013.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Honestly? Meh.
Even without counting the total absence of Vita there was nothing really that great.
Lots of points for showing mostly gameplay though.

About Tearaway on PS4... I would like to complain but this time Vitabros totally deserved it because they let it bomb.

At a certain point my computer died, did i miss Shadow of the Beast or was not shown?
Here's my mini-summary, might be missing some details because of streams dying left and right:

The Order new trailer


Bloodborne new trailer / within 6 months?

10 million PS4's sold through to consumers worldwide

The Tomorrow Children - fully exclusive

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - timed exclusive

Volume (Thomas Was Alone developers)

Runemaster - timed exclusive

Hollowpoint - timed exclusive

DayZ (Cross-platform play)

Hellblade (Ninja Theory / Heavenly Sword) main character looks like Kai from HS - PS4 timed exclusive

Rime (fully exclusive to PS4)

Indies Montage

Destiny - according to Gamestop, most pre-ordered (PS4 leading) in history for new IP, Dark below expansion launching in December

Far Cry 4

Shadow of Mordor - exclusive content

Hideo Kojima - MGS V, new box abilities

P.T. - first interactive teaser? - live on Playstation store

PS4 System Software 2.0

- shared videos to youtube, shared play

- any PS+ subscriber, invite friend anyone, anywhere to play together in same session, friends do not need to own or download game


PS Now

PS TV - gaming console to most PSP, PSVita, PS1, 2, classics - 99 euros including 3 digital games

Until Dawn - built exclusively for PS4 - 8 friends try to survive night from hell, Ouija board, graphics look pretty good, survival horror

Drive Club - Weather - photo mode?!

Media Molecule - Tearaway Unfolded for PS4 (2015)

Alienation - Exclusive PS4 from Housemarque

Wild - Wild sheep studios, new PS4 exclusive

Excellent Summary.

Still annoyed MM and GG didn't show their new IPs.
Can we agree, there wasn't anything mindblowing in there? Was really hoping to see more Order and new GG IP. Also GTA 5 release date
Eh, in my mind the sheer volume of great looking titles is pretty mindblowing. I've really been impressed at how the so-called "indie" market has really moved to fill that gap below AAA titles. Many of these smaller titles look amazing and would have absolutely been retail releases in past generations. I think the variety of content is pretty mindblowing.

In fact, if you combine the games shown at MS/Sony today, the amount of great upcoming content is really overwhelming in a sense. I thought today as a whole really demonstrated that this gen has really got its footing and things are really starting to move.


Pretty good conference I should say. Lots of games, some new announcements, no bullshit talks, not too long

"One more thing..." at the end would have been cool but all in all it was worth watching
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