No Harm Intended. Just found this funny.
On topic: Its free, if u have the PS3/vita version
The Hungry Horde on PS Blog.
Indie for Vita.
The Hungry Horde on PS Blog.
Indie for Vita.
Reminds me a bit of the triangular UFOs from the belgian UFO wave.
The Hungry Horde on PS Blog.
Indie for Vita.
as development progressed it became clear that we were constantly working to exceed expectations and pushing PlayStation Mobile to its limits. The game no longer felt like the bite-sized mobile game it started out as and we were keen to allow as many folks to play it as possible. The guys at Sony felt the same and that brings us up to now, where our small team are now busy developing the game for PS Vita. Yay!
So I'm going to go far out on a risky limb and expect something to be shown of:
ohyou.jpgThat title is a little too on the nose for a "Vita exclusive".
Entire God of War saga (at least GoW:3 and Ascension)
That looked AWESOME
I had forgotten SOMA even existed. I'd love it to be shown but I think it's rather unlikely.
http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/08/07/gamescom-2014-coming/Youll be able to watch the stream through your PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet. Or, if youd rather, through the PS4 browser, PlayStation Home on PS3, on our Facebook page, via Twitch or through a single Tweet in our Twitter feed.
6:00PM EST time for Sony, correct?
6:00PM EST time for Sony, correct?
6:00PM EST time for Sony, correct?
6:00PM EST time for Sony, correct?
No, that's UK time.
I have a feeling that other then digital titles the only main exclusive retail game (which is not a port or remaster) being announced at this event is Until Dawn... which just really is a renounce if anything.
I don't expect anything from Sony WWS... If MM did show anything then I'd expect it to be that creative tool game that they showed at the PS meeting and not their other title
Which is fine since I will still definitely get some new stuff on the Order, LBP, DC, and especially Blooodborne.
If we get Bloodborne, RIME and at least one new AAA, I'll be happy. Of course the hope for TLG is there also.
I thought it was 7pm for UK?
So TLOU sold 1.5 million copies on PS4, and sounds like it pushed a lot of systems. Many places reporting that we might get a 10 million PS4 announcement at Gamescom.
Where are we hearing this?
So TLOU sold 1.5 million copies on PS4, and sounds like it pushed a lot of systems. Many places reporting that we might get a 10 million PS4 announcement at Gamescom.
TLOU: R sold 1,5 mln already? wowww
The source is derp, take it with a grain of salt.http://www.gamespot.com/forums/syst...-of-us-remastered-sells-1-5m-copies-31489566/
You can also search it on Twitter/Google, lots of sites have posted the story.
You can also search it on Twitter/Google, lots of sites have posted the story.
Don't think that's right. The "source" for that is this website (fake edit: can't even link it, it's banned). Sony hasn't actually officially announced anything regarding TLoU's PS4 sales.
So TLOU sold 1.5 million copies on PS4, and sounds like it pushed a lot of systems. Many places reporting that we might get a 10 million PS4 announcement at Gamescom.
In 24 hours is what I keep hearing. Ridiculously impressive if true.TLOU: R sold 1,5 mln already? wowww
The Kratos Collection.6 games for $60.
derp derp derpYeah I'm an idiot. That Gamespot link is a forum post >_<
Sorry guys. Move along.
Exclusive - E3 2014 leaks
E3 ,2014 is upon us and you would get to see lotsa games tomorrow but why not give you some tidbits on what to expect for tomorrow.
MEGATON 1 - 1 major Action game which was previously multiplatform could go PS4 exclusive.
MEGATON 2 - 1 major Japanese Rpg which was previously multiplatform is going PS4 exclusive.
MEGATON 3 - Fallout 4 is in the works and runs at 1080p on PS4. Microsoft is pushing for a timed exclusivity but the publishers are worried about Xbox One's future, as the console has already met its death within months of release in Europe..
MEGATON 4 - PGR5 in the works for Xbox One. The game will very likely be announced at e3,2014.
MEGATON 5 - Mass Effect 4 is destined for a showcase at e3,2014.
Sony would be showing atleast 4 new unannounced major games at e3,2014. Expect 1 major betrayalton.
Microsoft would be showing atleast 5 new unannounced major games at e3,2014.
Nah, that's at MS. If they even show itI'm going to keep my hype in check and go with
- Destiny
- #Driveclub
- Assassin's Creed
- Bloodborn
- Indie titles
But wait, there's more:
- Until Dawn