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Sony is being sued for £5bn

I think it's idiotic that Playstation and Xbox also charge the top prices for digital games, it makes me question why anyone would get a digital only PS5 over a disk drive one, your completely trapped in purchasing games from the PS Store at these huge prices.

The real con is not the 30% commission, it's the artificially maintained high prices of games on the digital store when you can buy the same title in disc form at retail for 50% cheaper.

Horizon: Forbidden West -> PSN £70, JohnLewis|Argos|etc £35
Ratchet & Clank: Rifts Apart -> PSN £70, JohnLewis|Argos|etc £35

Selling direct & digital supposed to cut out the cost of intermediated distribution as well as cost of physical media manufacturing. There is no economic reason why the digital version should not be cheaper. It's purely predatory anti-consumer B2B cartel-like behavior.



The real con is not the 30% commission, it's the artificially maintained high prices of games on the digital store when you can buy the same title in disc form at retail for 50% cheaper.

Horizon: Forbidden West -> PSN £70, JohnLewis|Argos|etc £35
Ratchet & Clank: Rifts Apart -> PSN £70, JohnLewis|Argos|etc £35

Selling direct & digital supposed to cut out the cost of intermediated distribution as well as cost of physical media manufacturing. There is no economic reason why the digital version should not be cheaper. It's purely predatory anti-consumer B2B cartel-like behavior.

Agreed, but how does Banjo64 Banjo64 get these prices:
I have a digital PS5. My brother has a digital PS5. Horizon FW day one cost me £30. Elden Ring day one cost me £25.


Way back when publishers had to pay 14 or 15 bucks per disc made on the older consoles on 50 dollar titles. That was 30%. The console or device creator takes all of the risk. You take away their profits, no one will want to put out products. PC store fronts are a bit different, they can be cheaper as there are less costs involved.
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The 30% fee that's industry standard for decades?

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Whatever happens, the consumer still loses paying the same price for digital games so I can't say I really care for these battles.

how does the consumer lose?

ever year I buy Cod my mate buys the other bigger hitter what ever that is, we game share and we can play each other on the same game with game sharing so how do we loose? I spend 60 he spends 60 and we get 2 games for that , which we can each play at the same time
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Can’t Git Gud
I bet it is still cheaper to print the discs and make packaging rather than cost of servers and uphold.
physical all the way !


Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Apple, Steam, etc... if I'm not mistaken, all of them charge 30% commission. That is way too excessive. All of them deserved to be sued...
Publishers and developers deserve a bigger cut of the profits, since they are taking all the risks and are actually developing the game.
You don't think Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are taking a risk?


Gold Member
Whatever happens, the consumer still loses paying the same price for digital games so I can't say I really care for these battles.
Ms. Neill is coming for them all. First she’ll sue the platform holders, when there’s no change in consumer prices she’ll sue the publishers and then finally the developers. It’s time to clean house #proconsumer
Robin Williams Cleaning GIF by Hollywood Suite


Gold Member
About damn time.
It can’t be right that the only way I can purchase a digital game on my PlayStation is via the psn store.
Whereas on switch and Xbox, I can buy codes from legit vendors like Amazon, game collection etc.
I’ve never seen that before, got any links for digital Nintendo Games on Amazon?


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Why they have digital ps5 or how they can get it for that price?

The latter is because of game share.

You get two copies for the price of one.

Me and my Gf does the same. We have to only pay one copy for us both to play.



Same reason i buy everything digitally

Your arrangement isn't common and not an argument in defence of Sony's practices. The games still cost $10+ over physical and thats the point.

About time someone highlighted this type of practice when it comes to digital games, Xbox & Nintendo are just as bad.
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Fuck that. The market is obviously willing to pay for it so why lower prices? Isn't that the whole point of competition? I mean, nobody is stopping any other company to start their gaming business and improve pricing (lol).

I particularly disliked when the interviewee tried to paint vidyas as something basic for people. I mean, fuck off.
Yeah let Sony make more money and us the consumer pay more 😅 way to go Einstein 🙄


Yeah let Sony make more money and us the consumer pay more 😅 way to go Einstein 🙄

Does Sony have some sort of hold over the users of NeoGAF?!?! LOL :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I've never seen so much rushing to defend corporate greed.... has Sony become a God i didnt know about?

You can see why companies like Sony invest billions in consumer psychology marketing, they create armies of defenders to practices that are particularly shady lol
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If anything I feel lowering the revenue share would only hurt consumers.
Publishers won't actually lower prices of games, and Sony would try to make up that lost revenue through nickle and diming the consumer elsewhere.


Platform splits

Epic is 12% (caps to 18% if you are using UE)
Steam starts 30% and goes down to 20% if you hit 50m revenue (not sure if this is at a publisher or game level)
MS apps and PC games is 12%
PS, Switch and Xbox is 30%
iOS/Android one off purchases - 30%, 27% if you use a third-party payment processor*
iOS/Android subscription - first year 30%, after 12months, it gets dropped to 15%. Think the same 3% reduction applies if you use a third-party payment processor

* might be applicable in certain markets and/or certain categories of apps

Feel free to correct me.
itch.io charges 10% by default to add to this.


That article is a joke. Is not the consumers that get ripped off by the 30% tax, its the publishers that put the games on the store. And all stores charge a 30% tax, except Epic as far as i know.

I guess the idea is that Sony’s games should be sold for less money since they don’t have to pay themselves a 30% cut of each sale, the way third parties do.


Why they have digital ps5 or how they can get it for that price?

The latter is because of game share.

You get two copies for the price of one.

Me and my Gf does the same. We have to only pay one copy for us both to play.

Can you both play the game at the same time?


Why they have digital ps5 or how they can get it for that price?

The latter is because of game share.

You get two copies for the price of one.

Me and my Gf does the same. We have to only pay one copy for us both to play.

You’re not getting two copies of the game.

Only one account “owns” the game.
If you and your girlfriend break up, only one of you will have the game.


Only if one of them is vindictive and goes out of there way to deactivate the other account.

I seriously doubt most people will keep an account going with an ex, for years. They’re going to move on with their lives, not concern themselves with a dead game sharing partnership.

I Master l

Sony "also Nintendo and MS" commission of physical price is less than 20% and they make the console and sell it at
loss sometimes, 30% commission of digital price is fair cut IMO, Valve on the other hand are charging too much for
what they offer
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Apparently charging 30% commission for sales on PlayStation store is a ripoff and an abuse of their position.
What about VAT? The state adds to the "ripoff" and "abuses" their position. I can't even import a console from Germany without increasing its cost since their vat differs from ours. In the free market EU where everything needs to be equal unless it doesn't!

air, water, food, housing, those are areas where capitalism should not have free reign, but luxury and overall still cheap electronnics and entertainment definitily no regulation needed.
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Gold Member


If Sony droped the tax to 12% like Epic, nothing would change to the consumers, we would still pay the same price for games and DLC. Its the publishers that would get more money from each sale.
Yep, we still had FFVII release at £70 on that store.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Can you both play the game at the same time?
Yes of course.
We wouldn't be able to do it with a physical copy.
You’re not getting two copies of the game.

Only one account “owns” the game.
If you and your girlfriend break up, only one of you will have the game.
If our 3 year old kid scratches my discs with her toys then neither of us are able to play it.


You don't think Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are taking a risk?

MS, Sony and Nintendo's risk is developing the systems these games can exist on that often run at a hardware cost loss and are made up for in royalties.

Surely developing actual hardware and an entire platform must be infinitely more risky than making a single game for said platforms?

Every single developer are free to create their own platform if they want to and think it’s feasible, yet we are stuck with MS, Sony and Nintendo.

... and yet Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft are making record profits, and more and more publishers and developers are closing or selling out.

Not even going to mention the profits of Apple or Steam...
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... and yet Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft are making record profits, and more and more publishers and developers are closing or selling out.
You say this like the console makers are the only ones racking in record profits from this setup. It's no different than the relationship between movie studios and theaters. You should be grateful the big three still have the relevance they do or we'd be stuck with lord knows how many subscriptions popping up constantly.


I bet it is still cheaper to print the discs and make packaging rather than cost of servers and uphold.
physical all the way !
Patches are sent to the customer on physical discs then? Sounds inconvenient and wasteful.


What exactly is here to be gained except for companies making more dollars?

Technically, it all stays the same but the distribution would be different. Remember how Epic said that the cut would benefit better quality games, payment/deals for developers and lower prices? I don't see any of this; first, quality is hard to quantify and second, what there is to quantify I can tell you it doesn't make the cut as of now. I don't see games on release cheaper on EGS than on other platforms. Same goes for the Windows Store that supposedly takes 10% IIRC., e.g. Outer Worlds cost regular 59,99 EUR still.

I mean, this happens all the time. Like a decade ago the kerosene taxes for air lines which then increased their ticket prices? Increasing tenure cost for stores and restaurants who then increases their prices? Money, if imagined on a scale, usually flows into one direction since the world's first inflation in the 16th century when the Spanish brought 300 tons of silver per year into Europe. Companies want (to keep) their cut and they will simply increase prices. What will perhaps never happen is that they lower them, especially long established and accepted prices. So taking the cut from one company will only give it to another. The end-consumer will always pay the same unless companies try to undersell for acceptance, usually to gain market entry (EGS does this sort of with giving away games for free or vouchers all the time to get people use that platform, which gives Epic more leverage in negotiations when they say how many users they have).
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Yet, the games on EPIC are the same price as everywhere else.
of course the consumer doesn't really get anything from this. But any digital storefront owner getting 30% is unfair.
Valve takes less the more successful your game is so it's not quite true that only epic takes less than 30%, also Epic don't let people use payment options with high transaction costs that valve do.
That's sensible at least.

I don't have an issue with them getting 30% out of GTA5 or something.
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Gold Member
and yet Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft are making record profits, and more and more publishers and developers are closing or selling out
I mean sure you can make bank, but it’s not like that’s always the case at all. Nintendo have had loads of failures over the years, Sony were in the red and bleeding money for the entire PS3 generation, people constantly complain MS isn’t profitable.. Prior savings or being able to inject cash from other business sectors have likely saved all three several times over.

If there were as many console manufacturers as there are developers/publishers currently I’m certain the default rates for console manufacturers would be a lot higher comparatively.


... and yet Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft are making record profits, and more and more publishers and developers are closing or selling out.

Not even going to mention the profits of Apple or Steam...
The profits are because of the 30% and subscription services, and you can't just base it on right now, all these companies have struggled at times, and the 30% is what kept them alive.


Gold Member
Out of curiosity I googled "what precent attorney keep class action." Here is an answer that popped up.

How much do lawyers get paid in class action lawsuits?
Generally, most class-action gcases pay out attorney fees out of the compensation award given to the class is what is called a “common fund.” Judges presiding over a common-law case usually approve the compensatory amount, and it’s usually around 25-33 percent of the total award.
Not sure if that is the same in Europe but I agree with this attorney, 30% is way too high.

edit -it can get much worse than that if this site is true....


Generally, most class-action gcases pay out attorney fees out of the compensation award given to the class is what is called a “common fund.” Judges presiding over a common-law case usually approve the compensatory amount, and it’s usually around 25-33 percent of the totoal award. However, the reason that class members don’t get to distribute 75 percent of the award is because that 25-percent fee applies to each attorney that represents the class. And not many class-action suits feature a single attorney.
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