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Sony is reportedly looking to sell its PlayStation Vue streaming service

Bullet Club

Sony is reportedly looking to sell its PlayStation Vue streaming service

Sources claim the service is losing money, despite price increases

Sony is currently looking for a buyer of its PlayStation Vue TV streaming service, according to a new report published by The Information. The company has reportedly already approached one potential buyer, the sports-focused streaming service FuboTV, with a sale that would include the service’s approximately 500,000-strong subscriber base, alongside its underlying technology. That customer tally is substantially less than other subscription TV services, despite PlayStation Vue being one of the first such services to launch.

The Information’s report claims that Sony’s streaming service is continuing to lose money, despite several subscription price hikes, most recently a $5 increase in July of this year. Sony is struggling with the rising cost of programming, which is thought to be hitting the company harder than its competitors. Unlike, say, Hulu, Sony doesn’t have as big of a content library of its own, which leaves it with less leverage in its negotiations. The Information notes that it’s unclear whether Sony’s programming contracts would transfer to PlayStation Vue’s new owner after a sale.

From a technology standpoint, PlayStation Vue offers some unique features. If you’re using the service on an Apple TV, for example, you can currently watch as many as four streams simultaneously on a single screen. On a PlayStation 4, this limit drops to three, but the PlayStation Vue has the advantage of being the only internet TV service available. Sony has so far refused to allow competitors like Sling TV, YouTube TV, and Hulu’s live TV service onto the platform. Should Vue be sold to an outside company, that could potentially change.

Sony may have picked a good time to get out of the streaming business, as the market will soon become a lot more crowded with a host of new players. Disney+ and Apple TV Plus are both coming next month, AT&T’s HBO Max is due next year, and NBCUniversal is readying its Peacock service as well. With each of these companies investing heavily in exclusive content — and with Vue already trailing other internet TV providers — Sony’s challenges aren’t going anywhere.

Source: The Verge


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
It's a streaming tv service from playstation apparently.

Never knew they had one.

Yeah, i always see it in my Menu in PS4, But i never care it... i was think is like a "Garbage icon", like a PC promotion website, that nobody care about it .
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Of all the tv streaming services I have used Vue is the best in my opinion. I have used it for several years and it’s our main TV viewing service. Their DVR is excellent, they have lots of great channels, and it works everywhere I need it to.

The constant price hikes have been a pain but I thought the service was still worth it.

I have a few other services as well but I don’t think they offer as much content or are as easy to use.


I don’t think it was ever released in Canada but Sony doesn’t have the stomach for the poker match that will be the next several years.
They were able to make it through Streaming Wars: A Netflix hopes, but they will be destroyed in the next episode Streaming Wars: Cable Strikes Back


Torn on this one, I've had Vue for years and love it. Although the last few price hikes have made me question if I should keep it. I used to use Sling when it was still new, but it was rough and didn't have anywhere near the quality or DVR that Vue offers. I may need to reconsider Sling again, as there are a few things I like to watch on TV, but I keep losing channels I like to the higher packages and all they keep replacing these with are more shitty sports channels. I swear on my package 60% of the channels are 100% dedicated to sports.


All these damn streaming services and their exclusive content. Disney, Netflix, HBO, Hulu, Amazon, CBS, NBC, and so on and so forth; everybody has their own subscription. Each one has exclusive content. Some people may start wondering why they cut the cord in the first place. This is getting expensive. Shit adds up.

Boss Mog

Comparing Playstation Vue with on-demand streaming platforms like Hulu and Netflix isn't really fair; that's not what Vue is about. Vue aimed to be an alternative to cable by providing streams of live TV channels for cheaper than cable or satellite.


If Vue dies, I guess I'll switch over to YouTube TV. At least I'll stop getting the constant reminders from YouTube that it exists. But Vue is pretty great.


Gold Member
What's Vue? $50/mth? So $600/yr.

500,000 subs x $600/yr = $300,000,000 revenue

Sony can't make a buck off this and they want to dump it?
Damn that sucks - i actually know two friends that have it.

I think their biggest issue was marketing - didnt see it advertised anywhere but on playstation


Gold Member
All these damn streaming services and their exclusive content. Disney, Netflix, HBO, Hulu, Amazon, CBS, NBC, and so on and so forth; everybody has their own subscription. Each one has exclusive content. Some people may start wondering why they cut the cord in the first place. This is getting expensive. Shit adds up.
Give it a few years and we'll see everyone saying screw it to all the subscription services and go back to cable when the advertise "all your content in once place".


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I tried it for a few months back when it was $30/month. My wife wanted to watch Animal Planet.

Cancelled because we never watched it, due to it having way too many commercials.

What's Vue? $50/mth? So $600/yr.

500,000 subs x $600/yr = $300,000,000 revenue

Sony can't make a buck off this and they want to dump it?
They've gotta pay huge licensing costs to the television networks for them to be included. Try splitting 300m annually with these fuckers:



Shame for Sony if they sell it, I never got to try it, but it seemed like it had the potential to be the perfect service.
A bit of a shame as I've heard good things about the service. I guess the licensing costs are too expensive and the sub count are too low for Sony to keep it around.
I tried it for a few months back when it was $30/month. My wife wanted to watch Animal Planet.

Cancelled because we never watched it, due to it having way too many commercials.

They've gotta pay huge licensing costs to the television networks for them to be included. Try splitting 300m annually with these fuckers:


I remember when it was $30 which was a steal (even with commercials) for all of the channels that came with it. Now its $60 after tax which is pretty damn unreasonable. I don't blame Sony though, this is just the reality of the greedy TV networks and cable channels. Their constant demands for higher licensing costs will eventually drive everyone to stop watching TV altogether.
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PS Vue was amazing when it first released. Think it was one of the first. I think I paid $29.99 or less. then over time it went up, up and more up. HD attenna for me and sling when I need it.
It's funny as I did see promotions about this and I guess it delivered more than "TiiV" that Nintendo never launched properly.

If they do sell it, expect the Subs to go down substantially from the Sale.


This shouldn't even be in the gaming forum section. But, I guess its name makes it feel PlayStation related when it really isn't.
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Playstation Network, Playstation Now, Playsation Vue, why can't Sony consolidate all this for an overall decent price? No wonder Vue flopped, no one can differentiate all these services, and all these from one company no less.
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It’s too expensive. When you have competing services like Sling that are much less expensive and offer what ppl want for less of course it won’t succeed.

Plus there is just a lot of competition now too that has similar offerings.
I’ve been using Sling for a couple of years now. Thought about switching to Vue, but it was too expensive and it didn’t have AXS TV which has my NJPW and I NEED my NJPW.


Gold Member
not surprised.

how many people actually use it? for most people amazon/google is where they go. only weirdos would buy movies from sony/microsoft or any other places.
I considered getting Vue for a while and then eventually went with YoutubeTV, but as good as that service was, I cancelled that as well.

I just don't really have a need to watch much tv beyond a little Netflix, and I subscribe to NFL Gamepass and other sports services for sports I want to watch.

But with such a low sub count, it's understandable that Sony wants to pull the plug, I suppose.


Shame for Sony if they sell it, I never got to try it, but it seemed like it had the potential to be the perfect service.
One of the reasons they might be selling is not enough subscribers. What are you waiting for if it has so much potential?
Personally I don’t watch TV that much so no big deal, the few people that I know that did try it liked it.
Hopefully they can sell Vue. And focus on what they do best. Games.

Gotta have Sony not make money anywhere else, just games. No need for expanding the company so that it can be stable, right?

On topic, the Vue was poorly launched and poorly maintained, Sony had a chance to do more with it but just sat on it. It's arguably not too late to rebrand the service and push it, but it would be an uphill battle.


One of the reasons they might be selling is not enough subscribers. What are you waiting for if it has so much potential?
Personally I don’t watch TV that much so no big deal, the few people that I know that did try it liked it.
I don't watch a lot of TV personally. Don't even sub to Netflix anymore. Regardless, Vue isn't available in my country unfortunately. I would definitely check it out if it were.


Gold Member
Gotta have Sony not make money anywhere else, just games. No need for expanding the company so that it can be stable, right?

On topic, the Vue was poorly launched and poorly maintained, Sony had a chance to do more with it but just sat on it. It's arguably not too late to rebrand the service and push it, but it would be an uphill battle.

Fair point. I agree.


It’s definitely a branding thing in most cases. I have colleagues that complain about the prices they pay to att, spectrum, or dish and I suggest Vue and they look at me funny. The first question is what’s that and the second is isn’t it a gaming service? As a service, it’s much cheaper in my area than the competition so it makes sense. Maybe they need to brand it as Sony Vue instead and as others have said create bundles for there services. They’re also having to compete with cable companies creating their own streaming services that are truly a la cart because they have more leverage in contract negotiations.


not surprised.

how many people actually use it? for most people amazon/google is where they go. only weirdos would buy movies from sony/microsoft or any other places.

That's... not what Vue is. You're thinking of PlayStation Video. That's their movie/TV purchase, Google/Prime Video competitor. Vue is in competition with Sling/YouTube TV/Comcast/AT&T Uverse competitor. Think of it as a drop-in replacement for cable TV.
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