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Sony patents player-kicking systems using voting and MTX to remove poorly performing or toxic players from streams


Gold Member
Source: https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/player-kicking-microtransaction-patented-by-sony
Source: https://segmentnext.com/2021/07/16/sony-spectators-kick-streamers/

There's no guarantee that Sony will use this patent — lots of companies will invest the money to protect their invention and end up not using it all.

Sony has filed a new patent that describes several methods for allowing spectators to kick a player from a game — and one of the methods described involves paying a microtransaction.

this patent isn't just about the microtransaction — it also covers a number of other potential scenarios where spectators may wish to kick a player. These include a voting threshold system, a mode based on player skill levels, and an auction of all things. A good patent will cover as many scenarios as it can get away with — the microtransaction for kicking a player from a game is just one portion of a lengthy document that explores the patent in extreme detail. Ultimately, this patent is all about defining a bunch of systems that would allow a spectator or spectators to kick a player from a game.

As for the reason behind the kick, most of the patent describes different voting systems. There are a number of reasons why spectators might want to boot a player, too — it sure would be useful for spectators to be able to kick a cheater from a game. Either way, I'm sure that some people will use such a feature for less wholesome reasons, too.

Sony understands that increasing the involvement of spectators on streaming platforms such as Twitch can help make a game popular and in turn boost viewership.

One such way for increased involvement is to give spectators access to a voting interface from which they can vote in real time to remove players from the game for “bad behavior, poor sportsmanship, substandard performance” or simply because the spectator holds no interest in watching a particular player play.

The said removal can be both temporary and permanent with the option to remove players for either the current match/round or from the game entirely.

In an example, Sony explains that spectators might not be happy about watching players perform poorly in a team-based multiplayer game. The poor performance can be related to both gameplay or toxic behavior.

Spectators can hence decide to “bench” such players by voting with the option to bring them back later on through another round of votes.

[0012] In one embodiment, the interface to enable providing of feedback to the cloud gaming system enables spectators to pay to have a player removed from playing the video game. In one embodiment, the interface to enable providing of feedback to the cloud gaming system enables a spectator to pay in full a fixed price to have a player removed from playing the video game, and the removal of the player is performed by the cloud gaming system when payment in full of the fixed price is received from the spectator. In another embodiment, the interface to enable providing of feedback to the cloud gaming system enables a plurality of spectators to pay a part of a fixed price to have a player removed from the playing the video game, and the removal of the player is performed by the cloud gaming system when combined payment in full of the fixed price is received from the plurality of spectators each of whom paid a part of the fixed price to have the player removed from playing the video game.


Gold Member
What the f..

Ok So I get permabanned from a lobby I paid for because I have substandard performance in a video game ?

Did China also patented this.

I'm guessing it will tie into the other tournament/event patent: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/sony-patent-ps5-online-tournament-system-ahead-of-evo-2021.1613075/

I don't think it's going to be a case of you just happen to be in Ninjas Fortnite stream and you get booted. Maybe in like quads on Warzone, people think you're playing turd or being toxic then want you dropped. It raises some questions like but we need to see how/if it works.
I don't see how any of this could be beneficial to anyone except devs not having to enforce any cheating monitors for their games.

I'm not going to stream if players watching me can boot me from the game I'm playing. What kind of troll enabling patent is this?

If it's only applicable to my viewers booting people I'm playing with or against it's still BS. I don't want to be paired up with a rager or troll steamer egging on his viewers.

If it's to boot players participating in a e sport that's still ridiculous. Can James Lebron be ejected by the audience if they don't like him?
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"Blame the game, not the player". Well designed games never have such problems, whereas adding those kind of stuff to games that are faulty by their nature only makes the things even worse, I can already see people/parties abusing such system to actually troll others instead and kick them out of the lobby, or even just to make room for their buddy, basically:


Just mind your own business and focus on yourself, your own gameplay, if you're really that concerned about what others are doing create a private lobby with password protection, fill the team with your buddies, and so on, there are means to manipulate the experience to your liking.
I'm more offended by the fact that watching other people play videogames is actually a thing.

OMEGALUL, check out this fucking pogchamp over here. Kekw

Look, there's a lot of fucking cringe with streaming videogames. And 99% of the people who do it are boring as fuck and just want to make money from people for doing nothing. The other 1% are actually making money from people by doing nothing but playing videogames. I'm offended they're called "content creators", because pointing a camera at yourself and playing videogames isn't CONTENT.

But just because you don't like it, and there's a lot of embarrassing shit about it, doesn't mean people can't enjoy it. Watching streams can be fun. Unless you're just watching huge megachannels with cucks like Asmongold and literally losing IQ points by reading the fucking idiots in chat, then yeah I can see how you'd be offended by that.

Let's get one thing straight though, you ain't no fuckin Boss Mog.


I'm more offended by the fact that watching other people play videogames is actually a thing.
It was a thing as a kid. Single-player games with friends always involved some sitting and watching, while you waited your turn. I just can't get into it on a stream though. I'm invested when I'm on the same couch as you, and I know you personally. We have bants and drinks. I don't care about some rando playing a game. There are many people who do enjoy it though, including many youngsters. So it's just not our thing.

Boss Mog

OMEGALUL, check out this fucking pogchamp over here. Kekw

Look, there's a lot of fucking cringe with streaming videogames. And 99% of the people who do it are boring as fuck and just want to make money from people for doing nothing. The other 1% are actually making money from people by doing nothing but playing videogames. I'm offended they're called "content creators", because pointing a camera at yourself and playing videogames isn't CONTENT.

But just because you don't like it, and there's a lot of embarrassing shit about it, doesn't mean people can't enjoy it. Watching streams can be fun. Unless you're just watching huge megachannels with cucks like Asmongold and literally losing IQ points by reading the fucking idiots in chat, then yeah I can see how you'd be offended by that.

Let's get one thing straight though, you ain't no fuckin Boss Mog.

No need to get so triggered buddy, it was meant lightheartedly. I watch Twitch from time to time to check out gameplay of certain games or watch a certain streamer to see their take on a new game. Oh and the occasional Korean hottie (since the algorithm is constantly suggesting them to me), you know for language learning purposes... but I would never pay any kind of money to watch or donate anything to streamers or ever watch any kind of tournaments or esports. That being said people are free to spend their free time and money however they want, I never said others couldn't like it.


This has to be one the stupidest patents ever, imagine getting kicked, because you picked up a power weapon or character that a streamer wants, so one of his viewers pays to get you kicked.

That being said, I'll never understand the appeal of watching other people play games when you can be playing and enjoying them yourselves.

But I guess I am just getting old.


The one watching the video game could easily play it for himself. The one watching professional sport probably couldn't ever.
how? he needs a ball and somewhere to run not that unlike the requirements of a gaming device and somewhere to plug it.

If anything, real sports broadcasts are even worst since the casters are almost never entertaining.
Why are half the posts ITT debating the validity of game streaming as a valid form of entertainment, and not a discussion of this comically bad idea?


Gold Member
This can be a big money maker for Sony. Lets say one streamer has 10,000 watching. The threshold to kick is 10%. 1000 people pay $1 each to kick someone. Thats $1000 right there.

Also, like all MTX which are one way streets, who says you get your $1 back if you dont even hit the threshold to kick someone? Its like paying for a loot crate and you get nothing good. 900 people pay $1 to try kicking someone and it doesn't go through. Sony might still keep the $1 per person.
I'm more offended by the fact that watching other people play videogames is actually a thing.
Lol. When someone tells me this.
The most popular WoW player arguably in the world? Kind of a stupid thing to do.

Blizzard employee’s can call him an asshole, and they can deal with the consequences. Why are you crying?
I just wanna “cry”. Dont call this player an asshole cause he streams your game! Wah wah.
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