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Sony UK 'ready and willing' to break sales record with PS4


More from Channel 4
DriveClub may end up being the best looking game of next year, hot competition from inFamous, The Order, and possibly Uncharted, though.
As an american, it's nice to know that the UK solved the problem of flagging newspaper sales.

Also pretty cool on those channel 4 ads. Really creative shit.


As a former fan, if I still bought that shitrag I'd be annoyed that PS4 took away my daily boobs. Sony's first marketing mis-step right here.

I'm kidding about the mis-step but not the annoyance.

It wasn't too annoying, "Rosie, 22 from Middlesex" did actually get to appear on page 5 today.


Holy shit. If they sacrifice the game looking like this for all the people whining about wanting 60fps then I'm going to be seriously mad. This is on a whole different level to everything else.

God forbid that people are more concerned about having a sense of speed in a RACING game. SMH.


I don't think we'll get any numbers before chart track publishes the latest charts (Monday morning). Even then it will probably just be a hint and no hard data.

We'll get hard numbers if they break the record (185k).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
God forbid that people are more concerned about having a sense of speed in a RACING game. SMH.
What does that have to do with the framerate? People have bitched since time immemorial about gt's lack of one and nobody in their right mind thinks the need for speed games feel slow.
God forbid that people are more concerned about having a sense of speed in a RACING game. SMH.

I'm going to approach this in the most diplomatic way possible. These posts that well up inside you and spill out on the keyboard need to stop until they make some kind of sense.


I'm pretty much guessing that the PS4 will beat the previous UK records by fucking miles. It's not like a Wii situation where it snowballed after the launch, this is like PS2-esque launch day madness
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