You've got it backwards. It's not trying to stop people who want to spoil the game, but trying to help those who don't want to be spoiled. If it works as described, it will track what you've seen (somehow) and then filters out any captured content that includes stuff you haven't seen.
Without the process described in the patent, you basically have to to choose between engaging with the community and going into the game blind. With it, you don't have to wait until you've finished the campaign to start checking out gameplay videos/gifs/memes/etc.
I don't care for watching other people play games and I'm not very social on consoles, so this does nothing for me. But, I know I'm in a minority. I can see how it might "drive player engagement" for a lot of folks.
Ah ok that makes more sense. But still ever since RE7, I never ever watch other people play, but I get randomly spoiled by stupid YTers that im not even subscribed to because they put in the thumbnail a huge ass spoiler boss photo and name. Its unavoidable.