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Sony Xperia Z5, Z5 Compact & Z5 Premium (First 4k Display on Phone) Announced

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Specifically this part: Die hitteontwikkeling zorgde er bij de Xperia Z3+ voor dat je de camera kon laten crashen, puur door hem langdurig te gebruiken. Dat probleem trad specifiek op bij de frontcam, in combinatie met een optie die verschillende maskers op het gezicht van de gebruiker projecteert. Extreem slordig natuurlijk en een high-end telefoon onwaardig. We hadden gehoopt dat Sony die fout niet nog een keer zou maken, maar ook bij de Z5-toestellen sloot de camera-app zich in dit scenario binnen een halve minuut af vanwege een te hoog oplopende temperatuur. Zoals we eerder al zeiden was de firmware die op de toestellen draaide verre van nieuw, de kernel-builddatum was 26 juni, dus Sony heeft nog tijd om zaken te optimaliseren. Het is te hopen dat het dan ook dit probleem oplost.

Translation of the bolded part: We had hoped that Sony would not have repeated that mistake, but the Z5-models also shut down within half a minute in this scenario due to a temprature that kept rising.

He also talks about it in the video in that article (somewhat to the end of the vid).



Specifically this part: Die hitteontwikkeling zorgde er bij de Xperia Z3+ voor dat je de camera kon laten crashen, puur door hem langdurig te gebruiken. Dat probleem trad specifiek op bij de frontcam, in combinatie met een optie die verschillende maskers op het gezicht van de gebruiker projecteert. Extreem slordig natuurlijk en een high-end telefoon onwaardig. We hadden gehoopt dat Sony die fout niet nog een keer zou maken, maar ook bij de Z5-toestellen sloot de camera-app zich in dit scenario binnen een halve minuut af vanwege een te hoog oplopende temperatuur. Zoals we eerder al zeiden was de firmware die op de toestellen draaide verre van nieuw, de kernel-builddatum was 26 juni, dus Sony heeft nog tijd om zaken te optimaliseren. Het is te hopen dat het dan ook dit probleem oplost.

Translation of the bolded part: We had hoped that Sony would not have repeated that mistake, but the Z5-models also shut down within half a minute in this scenario due to a too temprature that kept rising.

He also talks about it in the video in that article (somewhat to the end of the vid).

Cool, thanks.

As you mentioned those impressions are from July, I think we can chalk that up to it being a pre-production unit. We'll have to wait for more impressions, but based on the Btket video, it seems like overheating during 4k recording is not an issue.


Cool, thanks.

As you mentioned those impressions are from July, I think we can chalk that up to it being a pre-production unit. We'll have to wait for more impressions, but based on the Btket video, it seems like overheating during 4k recording is not an issue.

Yeah i hope everything gets sorted out.

I will wait a while for some good and extensive reviews to come out before deciding.

My Z1 wants to be followed up.

Edit: also it seems the firmware version was from the 26th of June and not July, so even older, chances are good that it gets sorted out.



Based on the Btekt video linked earlier, the Z5 can go at least 10 minutes in 4k recording and only get pretty warm at that point.

Also, on the subject of design, GSM arenas article had this interesting tidbit:

So it looks like the rumours of the new design coming in 2016 were true.


Man I really want to compact but am not going to be able to afford it for a while :(


They are beautiful.

I'm on a z3 for close to a year now, no glass issues. But the better half's Z2 shattered in the months - though this was her fault as she dropped it.

Not the phone to get if you are clumsy.



Man I really want to compact but am not going to be able to afford it for a while :(

No link, just rumours I'd heard on various other forums.

The comments GSM Arena got from Sony reps about newer designs is probably the most solid evidence we have to go by right now.
Maybe this line of Xperia phones doesn't shatter by itself while lying on a surface.

Would have loved to buy a Z3 compact if it hadn't been for that widespread issue.

The z5 and z5c arent glass, get one of those... unless you mean the front glass
matte looks nice, the mirror looks tacky.

this thing isn't going to launch on any us carriers, so really it'll only be t-mob customers and maybe att custmers if they finally kill subsidies already who will be buying this.

the icons look kind of dated as well.

putting the fingerprint sensor in the power key is really smart too.

i had a revelation the other day that i rely so heavily on the moto features of my moto x that if i went with any handset that isn't a moto handset i'd end up struggling very hard. shame more oems haven't done active display or automatic meeting settings or automatic driving settings or quick twist for camera/chop for flashlight.

true there are some alternatives for some of those (other shortcuts for camera/flashlight, third party apps for driving and meetings) but i still haven't seen any good alternative for active display. the one app in play store that does this isn't very good about it.


Hmmm might get the Z5 premium but my Z ultra is still going strong. Are there any rumors for a new Z ultra?


10 minutes really isn't that long...

Please review the video I linked to earlier in this thread. The reviewer stopped it at the 10 minute mark because he had limited time with the phone. The phone was perfectly capable of going longer. At the 10 minute mark the reviewer commented that the phone was "pretty warm", but not hot.


Hmmm might get the Z5 premium but my Z ultra is still going strong. Are there any rumors for a new Z ultra?

I'm in the same boat as you. Rumours I'm hearing on other forums are saying late next year for the next Ultra :(

As much as I want to upgrade to something newer, I just can't see myself shrinking down by an entire inch to the Premium model. Although I'm definitely going to look on in envy at the better camera and speakers.

At least by waiting until next year I can look forward to this supposed new design and the improvements that come with S820
Think I may have finally found my next phone after rocking an S3 for too long.

Would love if they did a carbon finish on the Z5P like their Vaio's used to have.


An article from GSM Arena explaining some details about how Sony are utilizing the main camera sensor.


Also, I found this posted on another forum. A users friend who is a tester uploaded a shot taken with the Z3C to show off how quickly the 0.03 second autofocus can react and the type of shots that are possible


Which one of these devices has an IR blaster?


I'm kinda hoping they bring that feature back at some point.
Waiting for the next Ultra. I've always regretted getting a Z3 over the Ultra.

Although in saying all of this I would probably find the Z5 Compact would be the most comfortable to use. iPhone 4S is still my favourite ever phone for the form factor.


The Z5C and Z5 look really nice - ditched the glass back, redesigned power, volume, camera buttons, new cover for ports.


OG Z's build is probably the weakest of all Xperia Z out there. Mines all banged up. It won't even boot now lol.

Seems like with all things, it kind of depends on your particular device/luck. My original Z suffered through a lot of drops (including on concrete), last of which was my niece throwing it from a meter or two right on the screen. Perfectly fine, you won't even notice anything on the outside.


lol, they all have glass backs. The Z5 and Z5c have frosted glass backs

Eh, well visually the matte back is way more attractive.

The only thing ever stopping me buying one of these if all sony products in my house have absolutely terrible wifi and this might be exactly the same case.
Sad to see glass backs. Unless they are ticker which I can't tell expect complaints about durability.

Also as I can testify... Got a hair line and I mean hair line creak to the front screen with a tiny drop on my Z3. The whole screen was out of action even though you could see everything. Enormous design flaw where it's bricked and inoperable if there is even the tiniest crack.

Also the gorilla glass on the front is super thin.

IF these issues have been addressed then perhaps the Z5 may be alright. Will wait and see.
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