Lately South Korea has been going through a TON of false reporting's. They pretty much just started appearing out of nowhere since the mass stabbing at one of their train stations and has caused a mass panic in people.
Just today someone reported they had planted 7 bombs in department stores, baseball stadiums, train/terminal stations.
2 days ago foreign k-pop fans in Korea started screaming on a train due to their idol getting the number 7 tattoo on his shoulder, many thought a stabbing happened as there was a recent stabbing threat. This caused mass panic on the train and 7 people were injured.
Also, on the 6th someone said they had planned to commit murder and they planted a bomb. They deleted their post and then today the post appear again.
There is a lot more that a lot of people on Koreas Naver cafe made posts about it. Specifically woman as one of the threats was someone saying they wanted to murder a specific amount of women. That person was arrested thankfully.
It's insanity.
Just today someone reported they had planted 7 bombs in department stores, baseball stadiums, train/terminal stations.
[속보] 광주신세계·기아챔피언스필드·광주송정역 등 지목 '폭탄 7개 준비' 테러예고글에 경찰 대응 강화
광주기아챔피언스필드 전경. 기아타이거즈 홈페이지...
2 days ago foreign k-pop fans in Korea started screaming on a train due to their idol getting the number 7 tattoo on his shoulder, many thought a stabbing happened as there was a recent stabbing threat. This caused mass panic on the train and 7 people were injured.
Also, on the 6th someone said they had planned to commit murder and they planted a bomb. They deleted their post and then today the post appear again.
김해서도 살인 예고 글···경찰 수색
살인 예고 장소로 신세계백화점 김해점을 지목한 글이 8일 웹사이트에 게재돼 경찰이 수사에 나섰다. 이경민 기자 전국적으로 온라인...
There is a lot more that a lot of people on Koreas Naver cafe made posts about it. Specifically woman as one of the threats was someone saying they wanted to murder a specific amount of women. That person was arrested thankfully.
It's insanity.