I do know this. I was just trying to illustrate how one political side is okay laughing at overreactions of the other side, but if the spotlight comes to their side it's mayhem. Stereotypically speaking the Conservative right, or Christian right if you're in America have been the pack leaders on moral busy body attitudes around sex, swearing, violence, humour, satire and so on within movies, shows, games, books and anywhere people seek enjoyment/laughs/fun/blowing off steam.
The irony is the left is indeed catching up in the race to be over the top when it comes to the things it was almost exclusively the Conservative/Christian right railing at. Hence why so many left leaning articles and blogs are lampooning South Park in the current era. So I know you're right, people on the left go after it all too, the above was just illustrative of a 90s and 00s that was mostly us railing on the right overreacting. It took a while for violent video games and metal music will do x to your children to die off. It was mostly people on the left fighting that, and I can still remember Jack Thompson being roasted alive on GAF as well as any other violent video games cause x articles.
Now we're almost facing watching South Park will make you alt-right. Or, watching it means you're endorsing the alt-right because they're laughing at the same jokes as you are. That's not a high end criticism of the show or you simply saying you don't find it funny, that's you trying to be a controlling moral busy body like groups of people we've satirised in the past who inferred dire consequences from video games, music and satirical/crude humour. Decent, well adjusted and moral human beings do not watch a 20 minute show called South Park and then wake up the next day "born again alt-right". We take life less seriously for that 20 minutes and try and laugh at some outrageous characters, before switching back on and going back to the real world/daily grind and our social/political duties.