It looks like one of the animators snuck in "Time Warner Cable" onto the shirt of the cable guy sitting at the desk when their talking to the boys. You can see it in one scene, and then it disappears in another. That was awesome.
lol you really hate this showgoddamn that was awful. The cable guys were especially bad.
I enjoyed last nights episode but I'd rank it mid tier by South Park standards. I missed the season premier, is there any place I can still watch it?
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. Oh man the NSA episode is gold, way better than what we got last night.
i mean its gotta be a shutdown episode this week right?
Southern Fired Homicide is a real thing?
So this is talking about actual docu-drama shows and not just crime shows like CSI? I didn't realize there were many of those shows left.
Episode 3 is World War Zimmerman. Preview should be up some time tonight.
Episode 3 is World War Zimmerman. Preview should be up some time tonight.
EDIT: "Cartman is deeply disturbed by a single person who he sees as a threat to all humanity. He races around the country to put an end to Patient Zero, the ticking time bomb that is Token"
Perhaps I should finally watch WWZ so I can get the jokes in this episode.
Apparently. I had heard of the other shows, but I honestly thought Southern Fried Homicide was just made up for the episode. I'm honestly flabbergasted it actually exists.
Anyway, have to say this was better than last week's
Meh, another Cartman centered episode then?
Don't worry, next week will be a Butters or Randy episode.
Have we had a joint Butters/Randy episode yet?
Episode 3 is World War Zimmerman. Preview should be up some time tonight.
EDIT: "Cartman is deeply disturbed by a single person who he sees as a threat to all humanity. He races around the country to put an end to Patient Zero, the ticking time bomb that is Token"
I must be in the minority because I enjoy the Cartman themed episodes...