Host Samurai
I hope there is another good Randy episode this season. Dude is hilarious
Outside of the last 5-8 minutes this episode was a disaster. I love witty social commentary as much as the next guy but this felt a little too late.
Such a meh episode... I'm so tired of these Cartman episodes where he's on some random mission based on a motive that he's shoe-horned into. It's like when the writers want to make a point about society in recent years they use Cartman 90% of the time. He just feels so empty and overused at this point... I'm honestly tired of his now mono-tone voice. I feel like he used to have so much more range. The message of the episode was also kind of weak, as was the execution. Please for the love of god go back to original storylines. The last SP episode I was in love with was Super Fun Time and that was about 4 seasons ago now. I still love watching new South Park but most episodes are just so hit or miss..
Outside of the last 5-8 minutes this episode was a disaster. I love witty social commentary as much as the next guy but this felt a little too late.
as is traditionIt's not the first time an episode has been LTTP on an issue but with their original 5-6 month break there's not much you can expect from them, right? They just can't ignore an event they would like to discuss about because it's a few months after it has happened. It will probably happen more often considering the new yearly break we are gonna have between seasons now.
Great episode however, one of the best ones since Royal Pudding.
It's a beautiful day and i can't stop myself from smiling~
Cartman is my favourite kind of asshole.
yeah, all the negative societal implications of the trayvon martin case are solved at this point and everything is better.
meh? Cartman episodes best episodes.Meh, another Cartman centered episode then?
Can South Park go back to being about fuckery and not social commentary?
First episode was awful. Second episode was decent. Third episode was awful. Really not liking this season so far.
I didn't get the World War Z jokes because I never saw the movie. What were the obvious parallels?
PreeeachCan South Park go back to being about fuckery and not social commentary?
People actually think that World War Z episode was good? It was TERRRRRRRIBLE. Seriously guys?!?
It was kewlPeople actually think that World War Z episode was good? It was TERRRRRRRIBLE. Seriously guys?!?
Why would you want to buy it? You can watch all episodes for free on official website, uncensored.No one buys this on Amazon? It's been several days and it seems to be on iTunes but still not on Amazon.
Why would you want to buy it? You can watch all episodes for free on official website, uncensored.