Episode #4 Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers
Heh, I'm going to enjoy this episode....Episode #4 Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers
The Goth kids team up with their sworn enemies in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers," premiering Wednesday, October 16 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central.
One of the Goth kids has been sent to a camp for troubled children. When she returns, her friends find her changed in a disturbing way. With their very existence threatened, the Goths have to do something drastic. They are forced to ask the Vamp kids for help.
preview clip http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/yhk2y8/theres-my-sunshine
Heh, I'm going to enjoy this episode....
Heh, I'm going to enjoy this episode....
Being a fan of goth genre, I can also relate somewhat as well. I actually have friends (albeit a lot older than the kids in SP) that are a bit like them.I like pretty much every episode that has the goth kids in it. The Ungroundable and Raisins were hilarious, hopefully this one will be good.
See these are the kinda episodes they need to make.
Not shit about the NSA or tv cable companies etc...
On Tuesday night, South Park Studios lost power. From animation to rendering to editing and sound, all of our computers were down for hours and we were unable to finish episode 1704 "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers" in time for air tonight. Trey Parker said, "It sucks to miss an air date but after all these years of tempting fate by delivering the show last minute, I guess it was bound to happen."
GOTH KIDS 3: DAWN OF THE POSERS will air next Wednesday, October 23rd. Tonight there will be encore, Live-Tweeted presentation of Scott Tenorman Must Die at 10p EST.
They should have repeated the Nightmare on Facetime episode this week. Soooo good.
agreed, a true classic. One of those episodes that proves these guys are still capable of the best comedy on TV.
Edit: oh nm. I'm thinking of a different episode. Nightmare on FaceTime was pretty good.They should have repeated the Nightmare on Facetime episode this week. Soooo good.
Dat ending.Mighty Ducks was just on TV, and now I need to watch Stanley's Cup.
lol, I was so confused seeing an old episode on tonight and then I came here.
You're making me feel oldIt's hard to believe this episode is 12 years old.
That episode is still amazing 12 years later. It really shows how far the series has fallen from its peak.
I still don't like the retcon thatThat was the worst part of 200 and 201.Scott Tenorman's father is also Cartman's father.
wait he is? huh never watch the 201 episode consider I'm still waiting for a uncensored version
Meh episode so far, hope this picks up
This is very annoying. Every 5 minutes throughout this episode you expressed discontent. Now I can understand not enjoying current episodes, but you were posting during the episode itself, and sometimes not during commercial breaks, everyone is having fun and you shit on them without even paying much attention to the episode at hand. So instead of looking at your computer screen while the comedy is going, just fuck off until it is over. Then shit every needle of disrespect towards the who. You can wait 30 minutes, I know you can.
I'm sure it'll be readyHopefully Matt and Trey make their deadline this week. They have had 2 weeks to work on this episode so I would sure hope so