Even though I find Newt absolutely repugnant, I actually get hot and bothered by the fact that he's interested in putting a permanent space colony on the moon. Anyone else think its a good idea? Assuming you don't like him as well, would it be a good enough idea to ignore his other stances and policies to vote for someone that wants to make it happen? (even though realistically it would probably never pass the house/senate)
I love the idea of a moon base. However, Newt's promise of a moon base by 2020 under his Presidency was simply ludicrous. With the current state of both the economy and NASA such an endeavor from scratch is simply impossible. And most of Florida knows it. Newt took a gamble to promise something huge and local to Florida in a play to get votes, and it failed. To be honest I'm surprised he tried it, as it was a little too unrealistic.
The reality of it is that a moon base at this time is only practical for one reason: space tourism. There really isn't any other good reason to do it, other than to study the moon itself, but that won't pay the bills. Now a moon resort, with commercial space travel back and forth, during a good economy where people could afford it, that might just get us our moon base. Other than that though it is really just science fiction. Unless we discover something else valuable up there, something corporations can sell.
My only hope is that it happens in my lifetime. That I get the chance to go hiking up a moon mountain, see the Earth rise over the horizon from a sauna in a glass dome, play volleyball in near zero gravity. Stargaze from the dark side of the moon into a perfectly black yet star-filled universe. It's our future, our new frontier, if our species lives and survives long enough to actually see it happen...