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Speed Racer (2008, Wachowskis) - GO WATCH THIS NOW

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Fucking awesome movie. Never understood why people hated it, or why more people didn't see this on the big screen.


my big screen experience was no good. screen was dim. audio wasn't loud enough. walked out thinking "eh"

watched it on bluray+big screen. HOLYMOTHEROFGOD!

quintessentail bluray.


Fucking awesome movie. Never understood why people hated it, or why more people didn't see this on the big screen.

Not only is the movie awesome, but even it it did suck (which it doesn't), it flat out has the best racing scenes onscreen and also one of the more purer sports messages out there. The final race was just a pinnacle of all the races which were fabulous in their own right.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
This thread is dangerously close to getting me to watch this movie...


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Should I lower my expectations for what the visuals are going to be like for this movie so I'm not disappointed?

I'm setting myself up right now to watch this with the lights off and the volume up in anticipation of it being incredible. Need to know if I should dial my expectations from 11 down to 10 so I don't get disappointed.
I put this movie in the same aisle as Scott Pilgrim.

It's a great movie that I love, but I can understand why the general audience didn't receive it well.
Yeah. Despite loving the original cartoon show, I did not go to see this movie in theaters...at least, not right away. In fact, I was pretty down on it when I heard about it and the trailer didn't do anything for me either.

After all, I'd been burned on so many cartoon-to-live action movies over the course of time that Speed Racer couldn't have possibly been any good. Inspector Gadget, Rocky and Bullwinkle, George of the Jungle, Duddly Do-Right, Mr. Magoo, Transformers, Super Mario Brothers, and countless others that I've thankfully blocked from my memory for being piles of wreaking garbage.

However, it was GAF that got my ass into the theater to see it, despite my misgivings. And I'm glad I did. This is the one cartoon adaptation to rule them all. Well, that and Tintin(which seems to be sharing a similar fate, at least here in the States).


Should I lower my expectations for what the visuals are going to be like for this movie so I'm not disappointed?

I'm setting myself up right now to watch this with the lights off and the volume up in anticipation of it being incredible. Need to know if I should dial my expectations from 11 down to 10 so I don't get disappointed.
No, the visuals (& editing) are top notch but intentionally non-realistic. So tone it down only if you were expecting to not tell the difference between real and simulated. However, the two are blended together perfectly.
No, the visuals (& editing) are top notch but intentionally non-realistic. So tone it down only if you were expecting to not tell the difference between real and simulated. However, the two are blended together perfectly.

My first Blu-Ray purchase was Speed Racer. The visuals are excellent. But yes, they are intentionally over-the-top.


I think at the time, audiences and critics expected a gritty re-envisioning a la Batman because it was the Wachowskis. They brought us The Matrix, you know. Instead, the movie they made was very true to the cartoon including being over the top cheeseball (including the acting).

Completely amazing film. Happy to say I saw it in the theater (tho' my girlfriend—now wife—had no interest in seeing it so I had to go by myself).
]No it didn't, if that was what it was going for it failed miserably. Look at Sin City on how to do that shit properly. Or hell even Ang Lee's HULK.[/B] From a visual standpoint I really didn't like SP anyway, I don't understand the choice of bleak photography and the use of muted colors. Everything looks trashy, grungy, ugly, dirty, cheap, indie.

You misunderstand. Sin City ( to an extent, 300)and the Hulk did a great job of emulating "Living Panels" while SP incorporated comic elements into live scenes. These movies are different approaches entirely. I understand preferring on visual style to another but it isn't entirely accurate to say they did it better when they weren't even aiming for the same goal.

I never saw SP in theaters so on Blu ray the colors looked vibrant to me. Of course they weren't bludgeoning my face with an artist's palette like Speed racer did, but I wouldn't call it muted.


If there is one movie that I'd like to see a good 3D version of, it's this. I don't know if my brain could handle it.


I'm a huge fan of the Wachowskis...I'd even go so far as to say The Matrix sequels were underrated. I've never realized it until now..but I've actually never seen Speed Racer. Missed it in theaters because everyone I knew thought it looked horrible (plus the critical reception wasn't the greatest).

It seems to get a whole lot of GAF love.. I guess it's time to finally check it out.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I've never liked Speed Racer 2008. Love the old cartoon, but I find the movie boring. Sure, the visuals are cartonnish and crazy and outlandish, but they just fucking irritate me. And the races did not excite me at all, I felt no sense of tension or urgency or wonder in any of them. I just don't like the route the brothers took with this one. But it has been a few years, maybe I'll buy this on blu-ray and bring it home and watch it in hi def on my 61" with surround and see if time has allowed me to finally appreciate whatever it is all of you love about it...

You have to give the Washowski's one thing though: they sure did make a movie that was unique and polarizing. It never fails to stir debate and conversation not only here on GAF but also in real life too.
Should I lower my expectations for what the visuals are going to be like for this movie so I'm not disappointed?

I'm setting myself up right now to watch this with the lights off and the volume up in anticipation of it being incredible. Need to know if I should dial my expectations from 11 down to 10 so I don't get disappointed.

Do you have surround sound?
The sound mix of the final race is incredible. I don't know what came first the edit of the race or the music..but they sync perfectly. And when the Indian announcer gives her "Speed Racer Go!" at the very end you will, hopefully, get fucking chills.

There is nothing to be SAID about the visuals. You just have to see them.

But it's not just what you watch the movie for..this movie more than any I've seen in along time gives you a real sense of family. The Racer family is so wholesome and Speed, just like his cartoon self, is a good guy who always wants to do good. I like that stuff. I like a movie that's POSITIVE.

They way they talk about "racing" in the movie isn't meant literally. Substitute "racing" with anything you are passionate about in real life. When I saw this for the first time I said I wished I had a younger brother to show the movie to. It really is a message movie for kids. It promotes doing what you love because you love to do it. When you see the final race, they use a series of call backs that really drive that point home. It's incredibly done.

Finally..YES, Spritle is annoying. You have to be familiar with the cartoon to let that stuff not annoy you. To someone not versed in "Speed Racer" you might hate the kid. Deal with it. ; )

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
One thing I love about the setting is that despite racing being "serious business", they know about it and played with that thinking a lot.


I do have to wonder how many of the huge fans of this film also say "graphics aren't everything..." ;)

I wish I loved it but I just didn't. Even the way they would spin the cars and such strained my already-slack credulity.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The visuals were top notch, but we didn't love it solely for that.

Also the villain was awesome. That hamming - glorious british hamming!


The op seriously worries me. On the other hand, the desperately manic tone fits the movie perfectly.

I think this flick gave me diabetes. The boring kind.


Not enough love for the costume designs

I LOVE the look of the henchmen. Even the little details like them using revolvers n' greaseguns.

All the professionals involved with the movie should get love. The set designers, for example...the track designs are awesome, like the giant kanji letters on that one track, the zebras, and the cave (such a genius move to have a set piece like that..don't want to spoil it).
I do have to wonder how many of the huge fans of this film also say "graphics aren't everything..." ;)

I wish I loved it but I just didn't. Even the way they would spin the cars and such strained my already-slack credulity.


I love it for it's tongue-in-cheek nature and faithfulness to the source material. The sfx are just a nice plus.

Mr. Sam


I was genuinely expecting to come into this thread and have to describe how much of a vile film this was. Fortunately, it wasn't vile - it was gorgeous, exciting and, most surprisingly of all, dramatic. The plot wasn't just cartilage to join the races together; if anything, it was the other way round.

  • Everyone in every movie should explain their motivations in a brutally literal manner in an extended monologue.
  • Political intrigue? In a racing movie? Shit, alright. Makes sense, really.
  • Fuck Spritle.
  • Some of the greatest smack talk ever committed to film: "Let's pinch these turds off!"

I can see why it's a divisive movie, but I'm glad the Wachowskis so plainly refused to compromise.

The Matrix sequels are still turds that need to be pinched off.



I was genuinely expecting to come into this thread and have to describe how much of a vile film this was. Fortunately, it wasn't vile - it was gorgeous, exciting and, most surprisingly of all, dramatic. The plot wasn't just cartilage to join the races together; if anything, it was the other way round.

  • Everyone in every movie should explain their motivations in a brutally literal manner in an extended monologue.
  • Political intrigue? In a racing movie? Shit, alright. Makes sense, really.
  • Fuck Spritle.
  • Some of the greatest smack talk ever committed to film: "Let's pinch these turds off!"

I can see why it's a divisive movie, but I'm glad the Wachowskis so plainly refused to compromise.

The Matrix sequels are still turds that need to be pinched off.

Another success story. Come on skeptics, get on it!


Junior Member
This movie is like an orgasm of the eyeballs. The cinematography is like nothing I've ever seen. Everything's in focus at all times. The effects and colors just explode out tof the screen. I'd love for this to be in 3-D. Outside of Spritel (who acts exactly like he does in the anime so yea, He's annoying), they do a great job with the characters and I love the F-Zero style of racing going on here. It's a must-have on Blu-Ray.

Robot 492

I watched it today on blu-ray. Loved it. Remove some of the scenes with the monkey and the younger brother (not all of them, as I think the brother is an important character overall), especially that final scene with them that completely ruins what was otherwise a perfect ending, and you have a masterpiece. A fucking masterpiece.

Thank you for this thread.
Perhaps it was just a bunch of LOST nostalgia, but I totally teared up during
Racer X's reveal at the end. Doe-eyed Jack...gets me every time!


Incredibly overlooked. I watched it after reading a lot of positive impressions here and was just absolutely blown away. A visual feast is an understatement and the film itself is a blast.

Just bought the Blu-Ray thanks to the link in the OP.
Thanks to this thread (and Mario Kart 7 time trials for Neo Bowser City) I watched this flick to get into the spirit of racing. Holy moly it was so ridiculous and awesome at the same time. I loved it! Just completely mental fun.


I watched it today on blu-ray. Loved it. Remove some of the scenes with the monkey and the younger brother (not all of them, as I think the brother is an important character overall), especially that final scene with them that completely ruins what was otherwise a perfect ending, and you have a masterpiece. A fucking masterpiece.

Thank you for this thread.

Thanks to this thread (and Mario Kart 7 time trials for Neo Bowser City) I watched this flick to get into the spirit of racing. Holy moly it was so ridiculous and awesome at the same time. I loved it! Just completely mental fun.
Glad you enjoyed it!! Thanks for checking in with your reviews!


Thread got me in the mood to watch this again. I swear it's just as good no matter how many times I see it. I truly pity anyone who can't enjoy this even once.

Even the theme song at the end is toe-tappingly awesome as is Giaccano's orchestral version!


I watched it. I loved it. Bought the blu-ray. Thank you OP

I would double dip for a 3D version. That last race OMGGGGG
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