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Speed Racer (2008, Wachowskis) - GO WATCH THIS NOW

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I absolutely love it. It's incredibly cartoonish and I think that works in its favor. Most of the people that don't like it probably can't get past the camp overload.


What a horrible movie.


Everyone? I haven't heard ANYONE outside of GAF like this movie. The word-of-mouth during the theatrical run said as much

That's because barely anyone has watched it. A friend of mine preemptively hated the thing without even watching it, just judging by the trailers(so retarded). I convinced him to show him the movie and he had to admit that it was "pretty cool".

close-minded haters gonna hate


The main problem with the movie was that it's adult stuff was too violent for kids, and it's kiddy stuff was too kiddy for adults, so the movie alienated the entire audience that wasn't into the production.

Other than that though, it's anime come to life. Also, classic Giacchino.
The Wachowskis should be given the film rights to Ghost in the Shell. That's where they got most of their ideas for the Matrix from anyway.


Junior Member
Man this movie would look utterly amazing on those new OLED TVs being shown at CES. I'm drooling just thinking about it.


The real shame is we don't even have the definitive blu-ray of the movie. The one out is only single-layered and has no HD audio. :|
This is the only heavily critically panned movie that GAF has ever recommended. Do not trust.

If you're looking for The Godfather or even Die Hard, yeah, you're not going to like it.

If you like the cartoon? Or even cheesy but fun cartoons in general? Absolutely a must-see.
I didn't even read the thread because I don't want to see what the Negative Nancy's have to say.

1) I've seen Speed Racer more times in the last 10 years than any other movie.

2) I consider it one of my favorite movies of all times. Pantheon level.

3) The interior editing style of the first race is the text book example of how you tell backstory in a movie.

4) The call backs and montage of the second part of the last race combined with Giacchino's music gives me chills EVERY time I see it.

This is one of those movies where if you are familiar with the source material, it is impossible to not love this movie. I am very familiar with the 1967 animated series. If you aren't familiar with it..it will hopefully win you over. If it doesn't, that's okay too. Speed Racer is an A+ example of how you translate a property from one medium to another. It is completely faithful to it's source and welcomes anyone who might not know a thing about it.

"When I watch you do some of the things you do, well you just take my breath away"
-Mom Racer

Mr. Sam

Got my copy in town today. Will watch it tomorrow night, after watching The Artist. Presumably two very different films.


I'm really hesistant to take this movie seriously as whenever anyone talks about it all they go on about is the visuals.

In fact, pretty much any movie that has visuals as its main selling point is probably safe to avoid.

The visuals and the cheesy comedy are most of the point of the movie. Best not go in expecting a GTA4-caliber plot or acting.


good credit (by proxy)
The last race, HOLY FUCK the last race. It's ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. It's one of the best scenes I've ever seen in any film ever.
While I think it's awesome that fans like this movie and consider it a good adaptation, I know next to nothing about the original cartoon, having never seen more than 30 second clips at most, and it works just fine that way. Love of and familiarity with the source material may help, but it is in no way a requirement for appreciation of the film unlike many adaptations. It is a standalone work.

In that case, you should give the old cartoon a try. It's great IMO.

way more

When people say they like the last race are they just saying they like the last 120 minutes of the movie replayed for them again?

That's because barely anyone has watched it. A friend of mine preemptively hated the thing without even watching it, just judging by the trailers(so retarded). I convinced him to show him the movie and he had to admit that it was "pretty cool".

close-minded haters gonna hate

You see Tintin yet, ma'jett?


You see Tintin yet, ma'jett?

Nah ma'sculli, only a spanish-dubbed version was released in theaters here(I live in latin america, this happens with animated movies sometimes) so I decided to wait for the blu-ray. Unless you tell me that the acting is not very important to enjoying the movie, i'll just wait for video.


I really liked the movie.. just not so much as half those quotes in the OP (maybe all of them). Thought some parts were kinda mediocre, but the last race ties everything together so perfectly I liked everything about it.
Thanks to this thread, I'll be breaking out the blu-ray tonight. Seeing this in IMAX was the most unexpected theater treat I've ever experienced.
Nah ma'sculli, only a spanish-dubbed version was released in theaters here(I live in latin america, this happens with animated movies sometimes) so I decided to wait for the blu-ray. Unless you tell me that the acting is not very important to enjoying the movie, i'll just wait for video.

Hmm. Its just a shame you'll miss out on seeing what Spielberg does in 3D. Unless you have a 3D-TV?
nope. I guess i'll see Spielbergo-3D-vision in another movie of his. :p Anyway I thought you said 3D was subtle in this movie.

Firstly, Spielberg has already said he'll never shoot another 3D movie whilst 35mm is still alive. He only did it for Tintin because it lent itself to the digital format. Secondly, it is subtle in the best sense of the word - in that there isn't any bullshit gimmick uses of it - as should be expected of the man. It works wonderfully with how he navigates through scenes.


Hmm I might have to catch Tin Tin, then.

Another thing I love about this movie as someone who's never watched the cartoon...I like how they didn't waste any time on exposition. They're just like, "yea, their last name is Racer. Deal with it." The only person I was confused by was Sparky, but you figure out that he's like a family helper/mechanic guy who lives with them.

Instead, they masterfully crafted that whole first race and in one swoop explains everything you need to know about everything. They gotta be using this to teach people in film school or something.

Also, Trixie is badass in this movie.
I love SR, but would happily remove everything with Spritle and Chim-Chim, minus the 'He's going to do it. Everybody else is fighting for second place.' moment.

Especially where they're in Royalton Motors and riding around on the segway or whatever the fuck it is. Man that was bad. Everything outside of those two is gravy.


The first 20 minutes is a truly flawless introduction to the world, characters, vibe and filmmaking style of the entire film.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The first 20 minutes is a truly flawless introduction to the world, characters, vibe and filmmaking style of the entire film.
I will watch this movie just for you. JUST FOR YOU
The style of the film is very, very good. The only scene where I think they got lazy with it is where Speed runs out of the school and Rex is there to pick him up. I have no problem with people who think that scene looks like shit, because it does compared to the rest of the film.


The style of the film is very, very good. The only scene where I think they got lazy with it is where Speed runs out of the school and Rex is there to pick him up. I have no problem with people who think that scene looks like shit, because it does compared to the rest of the film.

I thought that scene looked a little weird too, but if you look at it in the context of other "non-track, real world places" in the movie (such as The City and Royalton tower or whatever) it's not too bad. I think it's because it's at the very beginning of the movie where you're not used to the style yet that it's a little shocking.
I thought that scene looked a little weird too, but if you look at it in the context of other "non-track, real world places" in the movie (such as The City and Royalton tower or whatever) it's not too bad. I think it's because it's at the very beginning of the movie where you're not used to the style yet that it's a little shocking.

Nah, it sticks out to me every time I watch Speed. Compare to when Speed watches Trixie in the park as a kid. Looks beautiful.
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