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'Spider-Man 2' Scores $180M in Six Days

2 hours, 43 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES - "Spider-Man 2" pulled in a record $180 million in its first six days and obliterated other box-office highs over the long Fourth of July weekend.

The "Spider-Man 2" haul was well above the previous best six-day opening of $146.7 million set last year by "The Matrix Reloaded."

"I think our hope was to go into the heart of the summer and grab the biggest six days possible. That's pretty much what happened," Jeff Blake, vice chairman for "Spider-Man 2" distributor Sony, said Monday.

"Spider-Man 2" took in $115.8 million from Friday to Monday, according to Sony estimates. That put it far ahead of the previous best four-day holiday gross of $95.6 million set by "Shrek 2" over Memorial Day weekend this year.

With $152.6 million in its first five days, "Spider-Man 2" also shattered the $129 million record of "Shrek 2" for biggest Wednesday-Sunday debut.

From Friday to Sunday, "Spider-Man 2" took in $88.3 million, missing out on the best three-day weekend record of $114.8 million held by the first "Spider-Man."

The first movie opened on Friday, so its initial business all came on the weekend, while the sequel already had rung up about $64 million in ticket sales Wednesday and Thursday. "Spider-Man 2" also had a comparatively quiet Sunday on the Fourth of July, when many people focused on outdoor activities such as parades, picnics and fireworks.


Gold Member
evil ways said:
Doesn't the director and actor salary come right out of the budget? Which means Sam Raimi already got paid. The people who are now cashing in are Marvel, and Sony.

I wonder if Stan Lee will have to sue Sony again to get his money this time :D


being watched
evil ways said:
Which sadly enough, sucks according to preview screenings and will probably bomb hard.

By preview screenings you mean Harry Knowles?

Who masterbated so hard over Spidey 2 his cock nearly came off - despite it being a competent and nothng more flick that is almost an embrassment to Rami's classics stuff like the original Evil Dead? (Fuck ED2 and Army of Darkness - both shitfests compared to the original).


Hollywood Square
By preview screenings you mean Harry Knowles?

Who masterbated so hard over Spidey 2 his cock nearly came off - despite it being a competent and nothng more flick that is almost an embrassment to Rami's classics stuff like the original Evil Dead? (Fuck ED2 and Army of Darkness - both shitfests compared to the original).

Apparently 151 critics disagree with you. You can join the 9 ones who gave it a negative review in the retard corner where they're watching Matrix Revolutions.

EDIT: Also, Knowles hasn't reviewed AvP, yet. But test screening reports are available on both AICN and DarkHorizons.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
"Apparently 151 critics disagree with you. You can join the 9 ones who gave it a negative review in the retard corner where they're watching Matrix Revolutions."



'Who needs fireworks?' 'Spidey' breaks $180 million
By Scott Bowles, USA TODAY
How do you justify spending $200 million on a movie?

Make most of it back in your first week.

Spider-Man 2, which swung into theaters and broke records on its first day, continued to shatter them over the Fourth of July weekend.

The web-slinger took in $115.8 million over the four-day weekend, according to studio estimates from box office tracking firm Nielsen EDI. That brings the sequel's total to a staggering $180.1 million since its release on Wednesday.

That haul shatters virtually every record for a movie released over the a holiday weekend, including the largest four- and six-day totals for any film. Ticket sales also put the $200 million sequel on pace to oust the 2002 predecessor. Spider-Man raked in a total of $403.7 million.

"Who needs fireworks when you have Spider-Man?" says Sony chief Amy Pascal. "We knew we had a great film — even better than the original. But it's even more gratifying when you see that people in the theaters agree with you."

The movie, fans say, surpassed the original at the box office because it improved in a few key areas:

• Story line. Even director Sam Raimi says the story revolving around Peter Parker's struggles with girls and his job was an improvement over the first. "He's a Holden Caulfield for the masses," Pascal says. "Audiences relate to him in a way you don't see often."

• The villain. Alfred Molina's Doc Ock was a bad guy that audiences loved. "He looked just like the character out of the comic book, but he was even better," says David Gerson, 28, of Los Angeles, who saw the film Saturday. "This is what a villain should be. I'm just hoping they don't bring back Green Goblin," the villain from the first film who makes a cameo in the sequel.

• Special effects. The first film won praise for its acrobatics, but "these effects were even better," says Etta Heath, 42, who saw the film Friday in Houston. "I thought the first one had a few cheesy scenes, but not this one."

According to distributor Sony, about 52% of the audience was male, and 55% was 25 and younger. But the film "played across every demographic," says Marvel Studios chief Avi Arad, who also produced Spider-Man 2. "We're getting a lot of people who only saw the first movie on video but came out to the theaters for this one."

Spidey wasn't the only weekend winner. Fahrenheit9/11 scored an impressive$21 million, good for second place and a total of $60.1 million. "We absorbed the blows of Spider-Man pretty well," says Tom Ortenberg, head of Fahrenheit distributor Lion's Gate. "We're still swinging." Final numbers are due today.

Spider-Man 2 Earns Record $180.1 Million in 6 Days!
Source: Coming Soon!
Monday, July 5, 2004

The Coming Soon! Box Office Report has been updated with the studio estimates for the weekend. Be sure to stay tuned there for the final figures on Tuesday afternoon.

Columbia Pictures' Spider-Man 2 earned an estimated $180.1 million from 4,152 theaters in its first six days of release during the 4th of July holiday, setting a record for biggest first six days ever, surpassing The Matrix Reloaded which collected $146.9 million in the same amount of time last year. The first Spider-Man earned $144.2 million its first six days, but that opened on a Friday. For the three-day period from Friday to Sunday, the Spidey sequel made$88.3 million, which is the top 4th of July opening in history, passing the studio's own Men in Black II, which pulled in $52.1 million for the three days. For the four days, Friday to Monday, the sequel made $115.8 million. Spidey 2 also marks the biggest 5-day opening total for a film with $152.6 million, a record also previously held by "Reloaded" ($144.4 million). The $88.3 million is the biggest opening weekend ever for the month of July, dropping Austin Powers in Goldmember's $73.1 million to second place. While it didn't pass the first Spidey film's weekend record of $114.8 million, again the sequel opened on Wednesday which gave moviegoers a lot of time to see it before the weekend.

Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 dropped to the second spot adding another impressive $21 million over the four days from 1,725 theaters. The $6 million-budgeted film has already earned a big $60.1 million so far.

Columbia also took the third spot with White Chicks, which garnered $12 million in its second weekend for a total of $47.1 million. The $37 million Wayans brothers comedy has earned a healthy $47.1 million.

20th Century Fox's Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story made $10.5 million its third weekend. The $20 million Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn comedy has earned an impressive $86.7 million. New Line's The Notebook added $10.3 million for the four days to bring its total to $31.6 million in two weeks. DreamWorks' The Terminal collected $10.2 million for a $56.7 million in three weeks.

The 7th spot belonged to Warner Bros.' Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which earned $8.1 million in its fifth week. The second sequel in the franchise has collected $225.3 million domestically.

DreamWorks' Shrek 2 passed up Spider-Man ($403.7 million) to climb to the fifth spot on the all-time domestic blockbuster list with $410.2 million. The animated blockbuster earned $7.9 million in its 7th week in theaters and may have a chance to pass up Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace ($431.1 million) as well.

Click here for the full box office estimates of the top twelve films.


Hollywood Square
AssMan said:
Aren't they showing the Batman trailer in Catwoman?

Yeah, unfortunately. I don't think that trailer will get it a lot of tickets when you can just watch it on the Internet for free.


It's the July 4th weekend, people. Everyone is with family and friends enjoying a good barbeque.

Spidey will pick up next weekend for sure.


Hey hey...what!? A Batman Begins trailer so soon??

Anyway, I'm not surprised about Spidey's numbers, but I'll be damned if I don't think Shrek's are freaking unbelievable. How the shit is this movie making so much money?
evil ways said:
Doesn't the director and actor salary come right out of the budget? Which means Sam Raimi already got paid. The people who are now cashing in are Marvel, and Sony.

Even if that were true, the director and actors oftentimes get new and better roles depending on how well the film does. If they can develop a sustained record of making profitable films, they can get better salaries, roles...etc. Also, they might get a cut of any additional ticket sales.


Shogmaster said:

Anchorman looks like one of those movies that just goes from gag to gag and meanders for 2 hours without a story or structure.

i dont know about anyone else but i dont see will ferrell movies for story or stucture. just make me laugh.

evil ways

By preview screenings you mean Harry Knowles?

Who masterbated so hard over Spidey 2 his cock nearly came off - despite it being a competent and nothng more flick that is almost an embrassment to Rami's classics stuff like the original Evil Dead? (Fuck ED2 and Army of Darkness - both shitfests compared to the original).

Nah, I know someone from another board, Uberforums 2 to be exact who went in to see a preview screening of AvsP, and posted his impressions and spoilers about the movie. From what he saw and spoke to the folks in the forum, the movie is shit. A few notes I remember were:

Extremely quick cuts and edits in order to hide possible gore or violence, Predators befriending/joining the humans, and a "dramatic" tear jerker wannabe scene between a Predator and a surviving human

I've lost all hope on it just based on that. But I'll see it anyway.


Willco said:
1 N Spider-Man 2 Sony $86,330,000
Darn that Peter Parker! The average prediction for the BOM Box Office Derby for Spiderman 2 was $112 million. I thought I was taking a risk and lowballed my prediction to $105 million. I guess I didn't lowball enough. :p ;)

Posted by Cockles:
By preview screenings you mean Harry Knowles?

Who masterbated so hard over Spidey 2 his cock nearly came off - despite it being a competent and nothng more flick that is almost an embrassment to Rami's classics stuff like the original Evil Dead? (Fuck ED2 and Army of Darkness - both shitfests compared to the original).

Posted by Willco:
Apparently 151 critics disagree with you. You can join the 9 ones who gave it a negative review in the retard corner where they're watching Matrix Revolutions.

Willco, you do realise he said the film was competent, not bad or terrible right? For some that might be considered good. At any rate, I doubt all or most of those 151 reviews said "OMG! Best movie ever!" nor did the 9 reviews say "OMG! Worst movie ever!" Surely there room for good, but not great and competent inbetween those two extremes. ;)

At any rate, we all knew Spiderman 2 was going to make big money, it was just a question of how much. Everyone is getting big checks out of this. Heck I bet even Stan Lee is getting some moola out of this. ;)


evil ways said:
" tear jerker wannabe scene between a Predator and a surviving human"

are these like the sensitive new age guys of the predator race or something?

Good lord, Glover you've been trumped.

evil ways

Not sure since I haven't seen it myself, but the Predator suits supposedly look more fake and rubbery, instead of the sleek look they had on Predator 1 and 2.


being watched
Willco said:
Apparently 151 critics disagree with you. You can join the 9 ones who gave it a negative review in the retard corner where they're watching Matrix Revolutions.

EDIT: Also, Knowles hasn't reviewed AvP, yet. But test screening reports are available on both AICN and DarkHorizons.

Well depends if you follow the heard or not really.

I enjoyed Spidey 2. But it's competant directing. Nothing as ground breaking as Rami's first Evil Dead 1 was. All the Evil 2 and Army of Darkness fans can suck my dick, their not worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as the first one is.


Hollywood Square
Well depends if you follow the heard or not really.

I enjoyed Spidey 2. But it's competant directing. Nothing as ground breaking as Rami's first Evil Dead 1 was. All the Evil 2 and Army of Darkness fans can suck my dick, their not worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as the first one is.

At the end of the day, you like Matrix Revolutions, so your opinion is worthless. And man, talk about following the herd, The Matrix was once cemented as the darling of pop-culture. It's not like an underground cult thing that only a few people get.
Milhouse31 said:


ROFL!!!! Holy crap, I totally lost it when I saw that. Funny!

I plan on seeing it again.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>The thing that has always amused me is the importance now placed on "open weekend" box office returns... which are really the least important factor of any film.<<<

They're very important, to the studios at least. They get the lion's share of the receipts the first week.


well not really...yet
What I want to know is how come the first Spider Man was so painfully dull and mediocre and this one so good. Jesus. The first movie is a fucking abortion compared to part 2....

edit: maybe abortion is a bit harsh, but you know what I mean
DeadStar said:
What I want to know is how come the first Spider Man was so painfully dull and mediocre and this one so good. Jesus. The first movie is a fucking abortion compared to part 2....

I have to admit, though I loved the first movie when it came out, and even on DVD, when I think of it now, it makes me cringe compared to the second one.


DeadStar said:
What I want to know is how come the first Spider Man was so painfully dull and mediocre and this one so good. Jesus. The first movie is a fucking abortion compared to part 2....
I know what you mean. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first Spider-Man, but I loved Spider-Man 2.


I watched spiderman 1 again last night . Spidey 2 is definetly better, aside from the whole nuclear reactions can be dowsed with water thing it was far more serious and had much better pacing. The script is way better as well. Even with all this to consider , I still think spidey 1 is one of my all time favs.


Hollywood Square
OmniGamer said:
Can this thread please be spoiler free....it's about the money it made, not about the storyline.

Yeah, if you want to talk about the film, go to the official thread. Keep this for BO Weekend Chit Chat and such.


Junior Member
pestul said:
What Spidey is up against..

July 7
- King Arthur

July 9
- Anchorman
- Sleepover

July 16
- A Cinderella Story
- I, Robot

July 23
- The Bourne Supremacy
- Catwoman

July 30
- Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
- The Manchurian Candidate
- Thunderbirds
- The Village

I'd say 'I, Robot' will be the first to take it down..

Uh, only Bolded movies are worth viewing. And please, for the love of christ, DO NOT SEE THUNDERBIRDS. Or I, Robot.


well not really...yet
skinnyrattler said:
Uh, only Bolded movies are worth viewing. And please, for the love of christ, DO NOT SEE THUNDERBIRDS. Or I, Robot.


Willco said:
At the end of the day, you like Matrix Revolutions, so your opinion is worthless. And man, talk about following the herd, The Matrix was once cemented as the darling of pop-culture. It's not like an underground cult thing that only a few people get.

Well said, well said.


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
but I'll be damned if I don't think Shrek's are freaking unbelievable. How the shit is this movie making so much money?
Does anyone care to try to crack this riddle? Because, it pretty much baffles everyone I know. I mean, I liked it, and all... Sure it's not very memorable, but it's a good fun and certainly very pretty looking, but where does it's crazy pull come from?


Hang out with Steve.
Marconelly said:
Does anyone care to try to crack this riddle? Because, it pretty much baffles everyone I know. I mean, I liked it, and all... Sure it's not very memorable, but it's a good fun and certainly very pretty looking, but where does it's crazy pull come from?

Three reasons.

First, it's the only good family movie out right now. Wide appeal for all ages.
Second, it's actually a fun, enjoyable movie.
Third, it's in a TON of theaters and is only 85 minutes long. This means more showings per screen per day. In fact it was released in the most theaters ever, even more than Spider-Man.


I bet cockles would love Spider-Man 2 had it been under the helm of Ridley Scott, either Wachowski, or any other generic digitally-sterile-action-film-director.
acklame said:
• The villain. Alfred Molina's Doc Ock was a bad guy that audiences loved. "He looked just like the character out of the comic book, but he was even better," says David Gerson, 28, of Los Angeles, who saw the film Saturday. "This is what a villain should be. I'm just hoping they don't bring back Green Goblin," the villain from the first film who makes a cameo in the sequel.

See this Raimi? Hope you're fucking paying attention! Kiss repeat viewings of Spidey 3 goodbye if you go for GG and no Venom!


I have no problems with them bringing back the Green Goblin, just come up with a better suit or something for fucks sake. Jesus, it seems like whenever Marvel or DC redesign a costume to something thats totally believable in real life, movie studios ignore this shit. The suit the Green Goblin wears in the comics is near perfect for the movie. Shit, the costume Catwoman wears in the comics is perfect, but under the circumstances for that movie, the less association with the comic the better.


No one wants to see the GG in Spider-Man 3. Why can't Sami understand that. If he wants $$, bring in Venom!
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